Tatsuya Yoshimura


Life Back Then
Assistant Director
Kyohei Nagashima (Masaki Okada) has shut away the world. During his high school days he was the target of bullying and experienced horrifying moments. Now as a young adult Kyohei takes a new job. He works for a company that specializes in cleaning out the homes of recently deceased individuals. With his new job Kyohei meets co-worker Yuki (Nana Eikura). Yuki has also experienced a traumatizing event as a teen and has also shut herself away from the world. These two young people form a bond as they go through the homes of the recently departed people. They gradually open up to each other and in the process to the world. Yet, their fragile psyches may or may not be ready for such changes ...
Assistant Director
A mysterious street-painter, Jouji, wanders aimlessly, homeless. Together with his homeless pals, he makes his living by selling his paintings on the street. His paintings, dynamically exploding on pieces of cardboard, catch the eyes of Kyoko, an art dealer. He can feel alive only if he keeps painting, but unable to find something to fill his void inside, he tries to drown himself in alcohol. Drawn to Jouji, Kyoko commissions him to paint for her. The two travel to a secluded mountain-side, and there Jouji becomes inspired both by the natural surroundings and Kyoko herself.
A Blue Automobile
Assistant Director
Un DJ a tiempo parcial y empleado de una tienda de discos llamado Richio (Arata). Con su cabello amarillo puntiagudo, gafas de sol envolventes y una máscara pálida de rostro, Richio parecería ser una luna helada que circunda el planeta distante de su propia mirada. Pero como nos muestra Okuhara desde la primera escena, Richio ha sido traumatizado por un horror de la infancia, y todavía tiene las cicatrices físicas en un ojo, las cicatrices emocionales en sueños y visiones de las que no puede escapar ni explicar. Las gafas de sol y la máscara están ahí por una razón, el dolor.
License to Live
First Assistant Director
Yutaka was fourteen years old when he was run over by a car and fell into a coma. Now, ten years later, he wakes up and realizes that his family is not intact anymore: father, mother and sister live at different places. Yutaka decides to re-open the pony farm that his family once ran.
Eyes of the Spider
Assistant Director
Nijima, a white-collar worker, finds the man responsible for his young daughter’s murder. He tortures and interrogates the man, who maintains his innocence, before killing and burying him. He returns to his ordinary life feeling listless and hollow, until he meets an old friend who introduces him to his hapless band of hired killers.
Suit Yourself or Shoot Yourself: The Hero
Assistant Director
Yuji and Kosaku become involved with a brother and sister who want to drive a local yakuza gang member out of their neighborhood.