Michel Etcheverry

Michel Etcheverry

Nacimiento : 1919-12-16, Saint-Jean-de-Luz, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France

Muerte : 1999-03-30


Michel Etcheverry
Michel Etcheverry


Los amores de una mujer francesa
Fin de la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). Cuando Louis, un oficial francés, vuelve del frente, descubre que su mujer no lo ha esperado y ha estado viviendo con otros hombres. Aun así, Louis la acepta de nuevo, pero su familia no está de acuerdo.
The Last Writer
Le professeur
Jacques asks a public writer to compose love letters for a beautiful stranger that he pretends he has just met.
I... como Ícaro
Frédéric Heiniger
Un fiscal investiga la clave del funcionamiento de una organización secreta que ha acabado con la vida de un jefe de Estado. Un film basado en el asesinato de John Fitzgerald Kennedy y la posterior investigación del magnicidio. (FILMAFFINITY)
Perceval el galo
Fisher King
Inspirada en la novela de Chrétien de Troyes, "Perceval, el cuento del grial" (siglo XII), narra las andanzas de Perceval desde que fue armado caballero por el rey Arturo y se adiestró con los Caballeros de la Mesa Redonda. A diferencia de otras adaptaciones de la leyenda, Rohmer sitúa a los personajes en un artificial y teatral reino. Un coro participa en la historia y, a menudo, los personajes narran sus hazañas a partir de versos tomados del texto original.
On ne badine pas avec l'amour
The reciter
While Camille refuses Perdican's advances, she takes offense when he courts Rosette. Then begins a confrontation of pride, where each seeks to establish his ascendancy over the other in the name of love.
La poudre aux yeux
Created in 1861, this comedy by Eugène Labiche depicts two bourgeois families obsessed with appearances who intend to marry off their children. Labiche exposes the social rivalry between the two families through tyrannical female characters and submissive husbands, whose only concern is to create illusions in society.
Le maître de Santiago
Action Director
It has been years since Don Alvaro Dabo, the Grand Master of the Order of Santiago, has given up the profession of arms. Now retired in Avila, Castile he lives there in an austere and unadorned residence. Devoting all his time to prayer, he has become contemptuous of the vanity of all earthly goods. Mariana, his daughter, accompanies this proud man's life with admiration and fear. At a gathering of his Order, the knights tell him of a prestigious position in the New World offered by the King. Nothing easier than to make a fortune in such an Eldorado. With this money, he could endow his daughter and marry her to Don Jacinto, her beloved. But will the sainted man agree to, just for the sake of Mariana, stoop to the level of those he disdains?
Le maître de Santiago
Don Alvaro Dabo
It has been years since Don Alvaro Dabo, the Grand Master of the Order of Santiago, has given up the profession of arms. Now retired in Avila, Castile he lives there in an austere and unadorned residence. Devoting all his time to prayer, he has become contemptuous of the vanity of all earthly goods. Mariana, his daughter, accompanies this proud man's life with admiration and fear. At a gathering of his Order, the knights tell him of a prestigious position in the New World offered by the King. Nothing easier than to make a fortune in such an Eldorado. With this money, he could endow his daughter and marry her to Don Jacinto, her beloved. But will the sainted man agree to, just for the sake of Mariana, stoop to the level of those he disdains?
George Dandin
Mr. de Sottenville
La vía láctea
The Inquisitor
Dos trotamundos franceses que, desde las afueras de París, deciden ir de peregrinaje a Santiago de Compostela, conocen numerosos personajes y viven situaciones estrechamente vinculadas a las creencias religiosas
Emma Zunz
La prisionera
Una mujer celosa se arroja en brazos de un fotógrafo maniático del control, cuya biblioteca privada está llena de fotografías sadomasoquistas que, a la vez, le repelen y la atraen.
La volupté de l'honneur
L'affaire Lourdes
Bishop Laurence
In Lourdes, in the 1860s, the young Bernadette disturbs despite herself the peaceful life of the small town. She is the only one to see the apparition of The Lady, every day. The villagers take sides, the notables try to stifle the affair. But crowds come from all over the country. Inspired by the true story of the Lourdes affair.
The Golem
French TV adaptation of the Golem myth
¿Arde París?
Préfet Luizet
En agosto de 1944, las tropas americanas están a punto de liberar París. Mientras tanto, Hitler ha ordenado a uno de sus generales que mantenga el control sobre la ciudad o que la destruya. Fresco histórico sobre la liberación de París por las fuerzas aliadas. Impresionante reparto con guión de Coppola.
Dom Juan
Voix du Commandeur
This telefilm in black and white is diffused on the first French chain the November 6th 1965. It undoubtedly remains the most known adaptation of the Dom Juan of Molière.
Le Tigre se parfume à la dynamite
The Tiger is sent to oversee the excavation of a sunken ship. While busy to retrieve the gold tresure in it, he is constantly thwarted by international enemies. Among them is an old Nazi named Hans von Wunchendorf who dreams of world domination. He hides behind the codename "The Orchid" and needs the treasure to sustain a worldwide network of exiled former comrades. Once sanified by the gold his organisation plans to realise the endsieg after all.
Le roi Lear
Le Roi Lear
An aging King invites disaster when he abdicates to his corrupt, toadying daughters and rejects his one loving, but honest one.
Mathias Sandorf
Cansados del abuso de poder del gobierno y de la absoluta negación de las libertades básicas, el Conde Mathias Sandorf prepara una conspiración que permita derrocar el poder establecido. Sin embargo, mientras la revolución va cogiendo forma surge un pequeño problema, Isabel, la única hija de Sandorf, planea casarse con el Conde Federico de Rotemburg, el gobernador general de la región. Todo se complica aún más cuando Sandorf es traicionado por uno de sus amigos y es enviado a prisión.
The Little Boy from the Lift
M. Maillet
Amores célebres
Gaspard Bernauer, barbier, le père d'Agnès
Diversas historias de amor protagonizadas por personajes célebres de la Historia. Los episodios son "Lauzun", "Les comédiennes", "Agnès Bernauer" y "Jenny de Lacour".
El pozo de las tres verdades
Commissioner Bertrand
Lénaud Laurent, un joven pintor, tiene un violento altercado con su esposa Daniela ...
La mort de Pompée
Political ambitions sometimes lead to the downfall of those who formulate them. For Ptolemy, assassinating Pompey was an opportunity to get into Caesar's good graces. Once the crime is committed, Ptolemy impatiently awaits recognition from Caesar. But a completely different fate awaits Cleopatra's brother.
El paso del Rhin
Following the defeat of France by Germany during WWII, two french soldiers are taken to a german farm as forced laborers.
Vers l'extase
Father Bruno
Recourse in Grace
Chief Inspector Pardelles
Mario di Donati, a deserter from the Italian army, lives in Paris under a false name with Germaine, his French lover. When the latter learns about his hidden past, she feels hurt by Mario's lack of trust in her and she distances herself from him. In despair, Mario surrenders to the law but, at the time of trial, he runs away to join the woman he loves.
Los ojos sin rostro
Dr. Lherminier
En París, un brillante y desquiciado cirujano rapta chicas con el fin de utilizar su piel para reconstruir la belleza de su hija, destrozada por un trágico accidente del que él se siente culpable.
Double Agents
L'officier allemand
Robert Hossein, Marina Vlady, Robert Le Beal. A brilliant "little" spy film. Hossein and Vlady play mysterious characters who meet up one night in a lonely cabin in the wilds of Normandy. They are both spies, but whom do they work for-the Allies or the Nazis.
Night Dance Hall
Martine is a young woman plagued both by poverty and by uncaring, problem parents who in no way can provide the kind of nurturing that Martine needs during her adolescent years. As a result of her family situation, Martine runs away from home and gets involved with a group of teens and young adults from the wrong side of the moral tracks.
Sólo un testigo
Le juge d'instruction
Un hombre traumatizado por el asesinato de su esposa, se aboca a la búsqueda del asesino, que resulta ser un amante de su mujer. En su pesquisa, encuentra y mata al sujeto, siendo su crimen presenciado por un taxista. En su afán de quedar impune, el protagonista se pone tras la pista de este eventual testigo.
Le Désert de Pigalle
Le Radiologue
A young priest works as a barman in a Pigalle cafe in Paris. He tries to prevent the women there to prostitute themselves....
In Six Easy Lessons
Adam de Casaubon
A bossy count has trouble marrying off any of his six sons. When one of them, Adam, finally makes wedding arrangements, something happens to his bride to be: she develops amnesia after an accident.
Miguel Strogoff
Général Krisloff
Cuando los tártaros, mandados por Ogareff, asesinan a su mujer e hijo, Miguel, un intrépido oficial del Ejército Imperial Ruso, pierde la alegría de vivir. Cuando el Zar le encarga la peligrosa misión de atravesar la zona de Siberia controlada por Ogareff, para restablecer las comunicaciones con el ejército, Miguel no dudará un instante.
Honoré de Marseille
Bob Patrick, le reporter photographe
It Happened in Aden
Pastor Sanderman
The Blonde Witch
Engineer Camoin
Brulard, a French civil engineer on assignment in a remote Swedish village, meets Ina, who has been raised in forested isolation by her haggish mother and believes herself to be a witch. He falls in love with her and tries to convert her to civilization; but in the meantime, his female boss, Kristina, has fallen in love with him, while the villagers turn against him for consorting with someone they believe is cursed by the Devil.
The Whole Town Accuses
The leader of the gangsters
François is the benefactor of the town; but later on, all the inhabitants turn against him.
Maid in Paris
Le commissaire des mineurs
Jenny es una chica pizpireta que, cuando viaja a París, se escapa y conoce a un chico al que toma por un gangster, aunque no lo es. Sus aventuras terminarán bien.
Agente federal en Roma
Nuestro viejo amigo Lemmy Caution viaja a Roma para rescatar a un agente federal que ha sido secuestrado cuando se hacía pasar por un científico codiciado por una banda de espías...
Papa, Mama, My Wife and Me
L'explorateur (as Etcheverry)
Robert Langlois is now married to Catherine, the former housemaid. And they would live happily ever after if the housing crisis did not force them to live together with Gabrielle and Fernand, Robert's parents. For, despite the good will on either side, tension soon arises. What else to expect when there is too little space in their Montmartre apartment for four people (then for six then eight, the couple having... two pairs of twins!) ; the continued presence there of Fernand (who loves peace and quiet) after he is driven to retirement ; the difficult beginnings of Robert as a lawyer in a room of the apartment, etc... Other troubles follow and the harried family is on the verge of implosion...
The Aristocrats
Le notaire Crouelles
A novel by Michel De Saint Pierre was the source for Les Aristocrates. Pierre Fresnay stars an aging Marquis, who tries his best to uphold the traditions of nobility in an ever-changing world. The Marquis' children prefer the trappings of modern society and pop culture and regard their father as a relic. This cultural clash nearly results in tragedy when two of the Marquis' offspring substitute recklessness for common sense.
Tower of Lust
Enguerrand de Marigny
Durante el reinado de Luis X, el Capitán Buridan llega a París por la época en que todos los días se descubrían cadáveres flotando en el Sena en las proximidades de la Torre de Nesle. Los asesinatos se cometían después de las orgías que allí tenían lugar. El Capitán Burídan así como Phílippe d'Aulnay, hermano del favorito de la Reina, Gaultier d'Aulnay, son conducidos a una de esas orgías y a la emboscada que le sucedía. Phílippe es asesinado no sin antes identificar a la Reina Margarita de Borgoña...
La condesa de Castiglione
La condesa de Castiglione fue considerada la mujer más bella del mundo. Una de las más célebres amantes de Napoleón III. Llegó a París con 19 años, pues su primo Cavour, primer ministro del rey Víctor Manuel II de Cerdeña y Piamonte, la induce para conquistar a Luis Napoleón III, con el propósito de conseguir el apoyo del soberano francés a la causa piamontesa.
Pourlchkevitch (as Etcheverry)
Gregory Iefommovich Raspoutine is a monk with healing powers and a liking for debauchery who manages to insinuate himself into the court of the Romanoffs thanks to Princess Dikvona. Being the only person able to heal he son of Czar Nicolas II and Czarina Alexandra from his hemophilia, he becomes a very powerful man, which infuriates many.A group of nobles, determined to save the monarchy, start conspiring to murder him.
The Drunkard
General Counsel
Unfairly accused of her husband's murder, a woman is imprisoned.
Crimson Curtain
An actor
Bertal, a despotic and hated theater director, is assassinated before a performance of Macbeth in which he was to play with Aurélia Nobli, his companion and Ludovic Arn, her lover. The police arrive on the scene and the investigation begins. Suspicion first falls on Sigurd, an old actor who had threatened Bertal. But parallels appear between the characters in the play and the actors who play them.
Desperate Decision
The priest
Ireland, 1922. In the midst of a national uprising, Catherine, a young orphan employed in household chores, goes in search of her brother whom she has heard in a dream calling for help.
The Case Against X
A wealthy financier is murdered in his desirable mansion.Two lieutenants, a tough guy and a rookie, investigate.
Matrimonial Agency
Marcel Sarlet, Viviane's fiancé
Noël is a bachelor who inherits a matrimonial agency. After contemplating selling it, he chooses to manage it.
Nariz de cuero
A gentleman
Tras ser herido en la cara en combate, el conde Roger de Tinchebraye se ve obligado a esconder su cara desfigurada tras una máscara de cuero y decide convertirse en un Casanova. Cuando encuentra el verdadero amor, el cínico Roger lo ignora y permite que la pura e inocente Judith se case con un viejo marqués; tras la muerte de su esposo, Judith se vuelve a encontrar con Roger, quien le muestra su cara desfigurada, lo cual no la desalienta en absoluto.
The Solitary Conquerors
After inheriting a forest in Africa where she decides to go, Thérèse tries to sell her property to Pascal, a gold digger who owns the land neighboring this forest. He refuses the transaction and multiplies the obstacles against the forest exploitation project to which Thérèse resigns herself given Pascal's attitude.
Without Leaving an Address
Langlois - un futur papa
A woman in Paris hires a taxi driver to locate her ex-lover, father to her newborn child, who left her without leaving an address.