Wed just as war breaks out, Jeanne hardly gets to know her military husband, Louis, before the debacle of 1940. While waiting for his return from a POW camp, Jeanne journeys through countless affairs with Louis' comrades- in-arms. Hoping to forget these wartime betrayls, Louis takes his wife and the infant twins he didn't father to Berlin, where she falls for Matthais, a sensitive German industrialist. When the Indochinese war sends Louis to Vietnam, Matthais follows Jeanne back to France. A subsequent move to Damascus where Louis is posted as military attache, fails to break their bond.
Le professeur
Jacques asks a public writer to compose love letters for a beautiful stranger that he pretends he has just met.
Frédéric Heiniger
이번에 새로 선출된 대통령이 취임과 함께 시가 행진 행사를 개최한다. 인파에 둘러싸여 시민들의 환호를 받던 대통령은 갑작스러운 총성과 함께 쓰러지고 만다. 현장은 아수라장이 되고, 사람들은 비명을 지르며 흩어진다. 잠시 후, 인근 건물의 엘리베이터에서 권총으로 스스로 목숨을 끊은 듯한 청년의 시체가 발견된다. 얼마 후, 이 전대미문의 사건에 대한 조사가 마무리되어 결과 발표를 앞둔다. 그런데 지방검사 앙리가 조사위원회의 결과에 동의하지 않고, 결국 사건 조사는 원점으로 되돌아간다. 재조사를 맡게 된 앙리는 저격수의 단독범행 가설에 의문을 제기한다. 미국 대통령 존 F. 케네디 암살과 그 사건의 조사 과정을 모티브로 한 대담한 작품으로, 가상의 도시에서 벌어진 대통령 암살사건을 둘러싼 의혹과 음모, 사건의 진실을 파헤치려는 한 검사의 끈질긴 노력을 그린다. 진실에 다가가려는 검사 앙리 역에 이브 몽탕이 열연했다.
Fisher King
홀어머니를 모시는 젊은 페르스발은 기사들의 장엄한 모습에 강렬한 인상을 받고 기사가 되기로 결심한다. 어머니를 떠난 페르스발은 아더 왕을 찾아가고, 기사가 되기 위한 수업을 받게 된다. 한편 페르스발의 호기심은 그를 또 다른 모험으로 이끈다.
The reciter
While Camille refuses Perdican's advances, she takes offense when he courts Rosette. Then begins a confrontation of pride, where each seeks to establish his ascendancy over the other in the name of love.
Created in 1861, this comedy by Eugène Labiche depicts two bourgeois families obsessed with appearances who intend to marry off their children. Labiche exposes the social rivalry between the two families through tyrannical female characters and submissive husbands, whose only concern is to create illusions in society.
Action Director
It has been years since Don Alvaro Dabo, the Grand Master of the Order of Santiago, has given up the profession of arms. Now retired in Avila, Castile he lives there in an austere and unadorned residence. Devoting all his time to prayer, he has become contemptuous of the vanity of all earthly goods. Mariana, his daughter, accompanies this proud man's life with admiration and fear. At a gathering of his Order, the knights tell him of a prestigious position in the New World offered by the King. Nothing easier than to make a fortune in such an Eldorado. With this money, he could endow his daughter and marry her to Don Jacinto, her beloved. But will the sainted man agree to, just for the sake of Mariana, stoop to the level of those he disdains?
Don Alvaro Dabo
It has been years since Don Alvaro Dabo, the Grand Master of the Order of Santiago, has given up the profession of arms. Now retired in Avila, Castile he lives there in an austere and unadorned residence. Devoting all his time to prayer, he has become contemptuous of the vanity of all earthly goods. Mariana, his daughter, accompanies this proud man's life with admiration and fear. At a gathering of his Order, the knights tell him of a prestigious position in the New World offered by the King. Nothing easier than to make a fortune in such an Eldorado. With this money, he could endow his daughter and marry her to Don Jacinto, her beloved. But will the sainted man agree to, just for the sake of Mariana, stoop to the level of those he disdains?
Mr. de Sottenville
The Inquisitor
영화 는 전적으로 종교의 문제에 매달린 예외적이고도 전형적인 브뉘엘의 작품이다. 스페인의 성지 산티아고 데 콤포스텔라로 순례를 떠난 두 주인공의 여행기를 실험적인 피카레스크 구성으로 묘사하는 작품이다. 은하수란 별들의 길을 일컫기도 하지만, 파리에서 산티아고까지의 지난한 순례행로를 의미하는 말이기도 하다. 두 순례자는 6세기의 프리실리안을 비롯해, 17세기의 예수회, 18세기의 사드 후작에 이르기까지 서구 기독교의 온갖 교파와 윤리를 길 위에서 목도한다. 68년을 목도하며 이천년간 서구를 지배해 온 기독교를 헤집는 브뉘엘의 시선은 사드와 니체를 닮아 있다. 역시 장 끌로드 까리에르와 협력한 시나리오를 바탕으로 한 영화이다.
Gallery director Stanislas bolsters the development of modern art with his collection of surprising works. His newest acquisition is a sculpture by Gilbert, whose wife Josée is captivated by Stanislas. But unbeknownst to her, Stanislas is amassing photographs of a very perverse, disturbed nature.
Bishop Laurence
In Lourdes, in the 1860s, the young Bernadette disturbs despite herself the peaceful life of the small town. She is the only one to see the apparition of The Lady, every day. The villagers take sides, the notables try to stifle the affair. But crowds come from all over the country. Inspired by the true story of the Lourdes affair.
French TV adaptation of the Golem myth
Préfet Luizet
노르망디에 상륙한 연합군을 저지하는 데에 실패한 나치로서, 이제 파리의 함락은 시간문제일 뿐이다. 이에 히틀러는 파리를 불태워 잿더미로 만들어버리라는 명령을 내린다. 이 명령을 받은 파리 점령군 사령관은 고민한다. 그 자신 예술을 사랑하는 사람이었던 그는 군인으로서 명령에 복종할 것인가, 아니면 예술의 도시 파리를 보호함으로써 역사의 죄인이 되지는 말아야 할 것인가를 두고 진퇴양난에 빠진다. 연합군의 입성을 앞두고 치열한 활동을 벌이던 레지스탕스들도 이 소식을 듣고는 파리를 지키기위한 숨막히는 사투를 시작한다. 사령관이 파리의 소각 명령을 차마 내리지 못하고 망설이는 사이에 연합군 선봉이 파리에 입성하고, 점령군 사령부는 레지스탕스들의 공격을 받는다. 사령관은 히틀러의 전화를 미처 받지못하고 항복한다. 이때 놓여진 수화기에서 히틀러의 절규하는 목소리가 들린다. "파리는 불타고 있는가?"
Voix du Commandeur
This telefilm in black and white is diffused on the first French chain the November 6th 1965. It undoubtedly remains the most known adaptation of the Dom Juan of Molière.
The Tiger is sent to oversee the excavation of a sunken ship. While busy to retrieve the gold tresure in it, he is constantly thwarted by international enemies. Among them is an old Nazi named Hans von Wunchendorf who dreams of world domination. He hides behind the codename "The Orchid" and needs the treasure to sustain a worldwide network of exiled former comrades. Once sanified by the gold his organisation plans to realise the endsieg after all.
Le Roi Lear
An aging King invites disaster when he abdicates to his corrupt, toadying daughters and rejects his one loving, but honest one.
M. Maillet
Gaspard Bernauer, barbier, le père d'Agnès
Anthology of four love stories that have some historical basis.
Commissioner Bertrand
Three Faces of Sin (French: Le Puits aux trois vérités) is a 1961 French language motion picture comedy directed by François Villiers, based on novel by Jean-Jaques Gauthier. The music score is by Maurice Jarre. The film stars Michèle Morgan, Jean-Claude Brialy, Catherine Spaak and Scilla Gabel. It tells the story of a painter who parts from his mistress and marries her daughter.
Political ambitions sometimes lead to the downfall of those who formulate them. For Ptolemy, assassinating Pompey was an opportunity to get into Caesar's good graces. Once the crime is committed, Ptolemy impatiently awaits recognition from Caesar. But a completely different fate awaits Cleopatra's brother.
신무사 기자인 쟝과 제과점에서 일하는 로제는 독일 침공에 대항하여 참전했다가 포로가 된다. 독일에서 강제노역을 하게 된 두 사람. 타산적이고 냉정한 쟝은 로제가 일하는 농장의 주인집 처녀 헬가를 유혹하여 탈출하는 데 이용한다. 한편 은근히 헬가를 좋아했던 로제는 그런 쟝의 태도에 분노하여 탈출을 거부한다. 빠리로 돌아와 지하 언론에서 활동하며 탄탄한 기반을 구축해 가던 쟝은 프랑스가 해방되자 영웅으로 추앙받게 된다. 패전의 기운이 감도는 독일에서 사람들을 도우며 사는 데 익숙해진 쟝은 해방을 맞아 프랑스로 돌아오게 되지만, 독일에 남겨둔 헬가를 잊지 못한다. 성공적인 인생을 구가하던 쟝은 자신이 사랑하는 플로랑스가 독일 점령시대에 나치스 친위대 수장의 정부였다는 사실을 알고 괴로워한다. 시랑과 사회적 성공사이에서 갈등하는 쟝, 로제역시 돈밖에 모르는 아내와 매일 반복되는 생활에 재대로 적응하지 못한다. 로제는 쟝에게 독일로 돌아갈 수 있도록 서류를 만들어 달라고 부탁한다. 가벼운 발걸음으로 돌아서는 로제를 바라보던 쟝은 사랑을 택하기로 결심하고 전화를 걸지만, 플로랑스는 쟝의 미래를 위해 떠나버린 후였다.
Father Bruno
Chief Inspector Pardelles
Mario di Donati, a deserter from the Italian army, lives in Paris under a false name with Germaine, his French lover. When the latter learns about his hidden past, she feels hurt by Mario's lack of trust in her and she distances herself from him. In despair, Mario surrenders to the law but, at the time of trial, he runs away to join the woman he loves.
Dr. Lherminier
파리 근교, 똑똑하고 유명한 외과의사 제네시에는 차사고로 사랑하는 딸 크리스티안의 얼굴을 망가트리게 된다. 딸의 망가진 얼굴을 보고 죄책감을 느끼던 제네시에는 비서인 루이스를 이용해 젊은 여자들을 납치하고 그들의 얼굴을 크리스티안의 얼굴로 이식시키려고 하는데...프랑스 공포소설의 전통에 기반한 "얼굴 없는 눈"은 얼굴을 바꾼다는 엽기적인 설정을 시적 감수성으로 담아내는 독특한 작품이다.
L'officier allemand
Robert Hossein, Marina Vlady, Robert Le Beal. A brilliant "little" spy film. Hossein and Vlady play mysterious characters who meet up one night in a lonely cabin in the wilds of Normandy. They are both spies, but whom do they work for-the Allies or the Nazis.
Martine is a young woman plagued both by poverty and by uncaring, problem parents who in no way can provide the kind of nurturing that Martine needs during her adolescent years. As a result of her family situation, Martine runs away from home and gets involved with a group of teens and young adults from the wrong side of the moral tracks.
Le juge d'instruction
Industrialist Pierre Verdier kills his mistress Jeanne Ancelin by throwing her off a train. Her husband, Ancelin, decides to take revenge on his wife's murderer, who has been acquitted by justice.
Le Radiologue
A young priest works as a barman in a Pigalle cafe in Paris. He tries to prevent the women there to prostitute themselves....
Adam de Casaubon
A bossy count has trouble marrying off any of his six sons. When one of them, Adam, finally makes wedding arrangements, something happens to his bride to be: she develops amnesia after an accident.
Général Krisloff
After the death of his wife and his son, Michael, an intrepid Russian imperial army officer, lost the joy of living. His family has been the victim of an attack by the commander Ogareff Tartar troops, operating in the eastern DRC. When Tsar commissioned him to cross the dangerous mission across Siberia to restore communications troops sabotaged by Ogareff, the young officer does not hesitate to accept.
Bob Patrick, le reporter photographe
Pastor Sanderman
Engineer Camoin
Brulard, a French civil engineer on assignment in a remote Swedish village, meets Ina, who has been raised in forested isolation by her haggish mother and believes herself to be a witch. He falls in love with her and tries to convert her to civilization; but in the meantime, his female boss, Kristina, has fallen in love with him, while the villagers turn against him for consorting with someone they believe is cursed by the Devil.
The leader of the gangsters
François is the benefactor of the town; but later on, all the inhabitants turn against him.
Le commissaire des mineurs
A young boarder meets a captain.
A group of bandits conspire to kidnap a scientist who can help them manufacture diamonds.Unbeknownst to them , the FBI is already on their case.
L'explorateur (as Etcheverry)
Robert Langlois is now married to Catherine, the former housemaid. And they would live happily ever after if the housing crisis did not force them to live together with Gabrielle and Fernand, Robert's parents. For, despite the good will on either side, tension soon arises. What else to expect when there is too little space in their Montmartre apartment for four people (then for six then eight, the couple having... two pairs of twins!) ; the continued presence there of Fernand (who loves peace and quiet) after he is driven to retirement ; the difficult beginnings of Robert as a lawyer in a room of the apartment, etc... Other troubles follow and the harried family is on the verge of implosion...
Le notaire Crouelles
A novel by Michel De Saint Pierre was the source for Les Aristocrates. Pierre Fresnay stars an aging Marquis, who tries his best to uphold the traditions of nobility in an ever-changing world. The Marquis' children prefer the trappings of modern society and pop culture and regard their father as a relic. This cultural clash nearly results in tragedy when two of the Marquis' offspring substitute recklessness for common sense.
Enguerrand de Marigny
France, the beginning of the XIV century. Every night, Queen Margaret of Burgundy and her two sisters arrange orgies, to which beautiful nobles are invited. The young men were brought blindfolded, and after a night of love they were killed and their corpses thrown into the river, because the queen was afraid that her husband would learn about her adventures. One of her lovers managed to escape death. He knows the secrets of the queen, knows that she once gave birth to a son from him, claims that he has evidence that Margarita wanted to kill her father and blackmails her.
The lover of an Italian revolutionary offers herself to Napoleon in exchange for her sweetheart's life.
Pourlchkevitch (as Etcheverry)
Gregory Iefommovich Raspoutine is a monk with healing powers and a liking for debauchery who manages to insinuate himself into the court of the Romanoffs thanks to Princess Dikvona. Being the only person able to heal he son of Czar Nicolas II and Czarina Alexandra from his hemophilia, he becomes a very powerful man, which infuriates many.A group of nobles, determined to save the monarchy, start conspiring to murder him.
General Counsel
Unfairly accused of her husband's murder, a woman is imprisoned.
An actor
Bertal, a despotic and hated theater director, is assassinated before a performance of Macbeth in which he was to play with Aurélia Nobli, his companion and Ludovic Arn, her lover. The police arrive on the scene and the investigation begins. Suspicion first falls on Sigurd, an old actor who had threatened Bertal. But parallels appear between the characters in the play and the actors who play them.
The priest
Ireland, 1922. In the midst of a national uprising, Catherine, a young orphan employed in household chores, goes in search of her brother whom she has heard in a dream calling for help.
A wealthy financier is murdered in his desirable mansion.Two lieutenants, a tough guy and a rookie, investigate.
Marcel Sarlet, Viviane's fiancé
Noël is a bachelor who inherits a matrimonial agency. After contemplating selling it, he chooses to manage it.
A gentleman
After being hurt in the face, Count de Roger Tinchebraye is forced to hide his disfigured face behind a leather mask. Dispirited for a while, he decides to become a Casanova-like seductor. When he meets true love, cynical Roger does not believe in it and lets pure Judith marry an old marquis. But once Judith's husband dies, he sees Judith again, shows her his disfigured face, which does not discourage the young woman from loving him. Nevertheless, he distances himself from her forever
After inheriting a forest in Africa where she decides to go, Thérèse tries to sell her property to Pascal, a gold digger who owns the land neighboring this forest. He refuses the transaction and multiplies the obstacles against the forest exploitation project to which Thérèse resigns herself given Pascal's attitude.
Langlois - un futur papa
A woman in Paris hires a taxi driver to locate her ex-lover, father to her newborn child, who left her without leaving an address.