Rana Eid

Nacimiento : , Beirut, Lebanon


Sound Designer
Stranded amid Riyadh's desert dunes, Sarah, a local Saudi girl, escapes heartaches and the vengeance of a vigorous camel after discreetly sneaking out of her parent's home for a romantic date that landed her astray.
Posesión infernal: El despertar
Sound Effects Editor
Historia de dos hermanas separadas cuyo reencuentro se ve interrumpido por el surgimiento de demonios poseedores de carne, empujándolos a una batalla por la supervivencia mientras se enfrentan a la versión de familia más aterradora que se pueda imaginar. Secuela de la trilgía original de 'Evil Dead'.
The Burdened
Sound Designer
When Isra’a discovers she is expecting another baby amid the civil war in Yemen, she and her husband decide she should have an abortion. But this creates enormous difficulties – in their relationship and elsewhere. A moving story from an all-too-often forgotten crisis region.
Mariupolis 2
Sound Mixer
In 2022, Mantas Kvedaravičius went back to Ukraine, Mariupol, at the heart of the war, to be with the people he had met and filmed in 2015. Following his death, his producers and collaborators have put all their strength into continuing transmitting his work, his vision and his films. Also a PhD in anthropology, Mantas Kvedaravičius wished to testify as a filmmaker as far as possible from the agitation of the media and the politicians. With huge force and sensitivity, Mariupolis 2 depicts life as it continues amidst the bombing and reveals images that convey both tragedy and hope.
Mariupolis 2
Sound Editor
In 2022, Mantas Kvedaravičius went back to Ukraine, Mariupol, at the heart of the war, to be with the people he had met and filmed in 2015. Following his death, his producers and collaborators have put all their strength into continuing transmitting his work, his vision and his films. Also a PhD in anthropology, Mantas Kvedaravičius wished to testify as a filmmaker as far as possible from the agitation of the media and the politicians. With huge force and sensitivity, Mariupolis 2 depicts life as it continues amidst the bombing and reveals images that convey both tragedy and hope.
Sound Designer
Palestina, 1948. Tras la retirada de los ocupantes británicos, aumentan las tensiones entre árabes y judíos. Mientras tanto, Farha, la inteligente hija del alcalde de un pequeño pueblo, ajena a la tragedia que se avecina, sueña con ir a estudiar a la gran ciudad.
Caja de memorias
Sound Designer
Montreal, el día de Navidad, Maia y su hija, Alex, reciben una misteriosa caja enviada desde Beirut con cuadernos, cassettes y fotos que Maia, entre los 13 y los 18 años, fue enviando a su mejor amiga que huyó de la guerra civil. Maia se niega a enfrentar su pasado, pero su hija descubre a escondidas, la adolescencia tumultuosa de su madre y la historia de su país de origen.
All This Victory
Lebanon, July 2006. War is raging between Hezbollah and Israel. During a 24h ceasefire, Marwan heads out in search of his father who refused to leave his Southern village. As the ceasefire is quickly broken, Marwan finds himself under the rain of bombs and takes shelter in a house with a group of elders. Suddenly, a group of Israeli soldiers enter the first floor. Trapped in the house and hostages of their own fears, the next three days will see the situation spiral out of control.
1982: El año que cambió el Líbano
Sound Designer
Durante la invasión de Líbano de 1982, un niño de 11 años que estudia en un colegio privado a las afueras de la ciudad de Beirut trata de contarle a una compañera de clase que está enamorado de ella. Mientras tanto, distintos profesores exponen su punto de vista en relación a la situación política que están viviendo, tratando de enmascarar su miedo.
Sound Editor
Documental sobre la última mujer recolectora de abejas de Europa. Hatidze es una mujer cerca de la cincuentena de un pequeño pueblo en Macedonia que cría colonias de abejas en unos cestos hechos a mano que deja escondidos entre las rocas. Sin protección ni ayuda, es capaz de amansarlas para poder extraer la miel y venderla en la capital. Todo es idílico hasta que, de repente, nuevos vecinos se instalan cerca de las colmenas, estorbando su paz y la de sus abejas. Así como las abejas obreras pasan toda su vida cuidando de la abeja reina, Hatidze ha comprometido su propia vida al cuidado de su madre, con la que vive en una cabaña. La intrusión de los recién llegados, una familia con siete niños ruidosos acompañados de 150 vacas, provocará un conflicto que podría destruir la forma de vida de Hatidze para siempre.
What Happens to a Displaced Ant
A nurse who has just fallen in love sets off to the Mediterranean to help rescue refugees. Her thoughts drift from her new love to the people she wants to save...
Sound Designer
Panoptic explores Lebanon's schizophrenia. Depicting a nation thriving for modernity while ignoring the vices preventing it from achieving its goal, director Rana Eid examines this paradox through sound, iconic monuments and secret hideouts.
Panoptic explores Lebanon's schizophrenia. Depicting a nation thriving for modernity while ignoring the vices preventing it from achieving its goal, director Rana Eid examines this paradox through sound, iconic monuments and secret hideouts.
Panoptic explores Lebanon's schizophrenia. Depicting a nation thriving for modernity while ignoring the vices preventing it from achieving its goal, director Rana Eid examines this paradox through sound, iconic monuments and secret hideouts.
Falling Is Not Collapsing, Falling Is Extending
Sound Designer
Marwa Arsanios’ video Falling Is Not Collapsing, Falling Is Extending is an investigation into the changing landscape of Beirut, the city where she lives and works. After the closure of a major municipal landfill site in 2015, thousands of tons of rubbish clogged the streets of Beirut. This led to public outcry, protests and accusations of government corruption. Since the 1990s, in the years following the end of the Lebanese Civil War, Beirut has been rapidly reshaped by property developers. Using strategically placed rubbish dumps, the surrounding land is devalued and left open for redevelopment. The aftermath of this process is the subject of the film, a portrait of a contested urban environment that connects the crisis with the city’s property boom.
La route du Nord
Sound Editor
Sound Designer
He is a refugee. She is a city girl.
Here and Perhaps Elsewhere
During the Lebanese civil war, thousands of people disappeared. In most cases, the bodies were not found and the circumstances of their disappearance never known. Today, I travel through Beirut, asking the inhabitants I encounter, one same question: Do you know anyone who was kidnapped here during the war? My investigation carries me through the many districts around the "Green line", which used to divide Beirut between East and West, and where militias set up their checkpoints, the scenes of many kidnappings, and crimes. I thereby attempt to trigger the process of memory and to reveal the multiplicity of existing discourses on the war and the immensity of the drama. As I cross town and discover places laden with history, I draw a personal map of this city.