Vladimir Nikiforov

Vladimir Nikiforov

Nacimiento : 1970-04-22, Moscow, RSFSR, USSR


Vladimir Nikiforov


Terrible Dad
Costume Design
Having quarreled with his son, Tsar Ivan the Terrible accidentally wounds him - as in the famous painting by Repin. The life of the prince is in the balance. To fix everything, Grozny wants to go back in time with the help of a magical grimoire. However, something went wrong, and Grozny finds himself in our time, where he meets the Osipov family. Nikita Osipov is an unsuccessful archaeologist and an equally unsuccessful father. He had long lost contact with the children - Romka and Polya. But now they are on a journey together to help Grozny find the grimoire and save the prince.
Costume Design
The love story of the son of Imam Shamil Jamalutdin and Lisa Olenina against the backdrop of the dramatic events of the military history of Russia in the first half of the 19th century. Jamalutdin went down in history as a "great hostage", and the film is an attempt to answer the question: a hostage of big politics or big love. The historical context of the decline of the Nikolaev era, against which the story of love and betrayal, honor and duty, service to the motherland and loyalty to this word unfolds, will become the key to the film.
The Sun Will Rise Tomorrow
Costume Design
The story of how a son gets a second chance to find a mother. About how war generates only human grief and creates unhealed wounds. The hero of the picture, 40-year-old Walter, left his native land for several years and works as a foreman at one of the Moscow construction projects. He builds not only houses in Russia, but also tries to build his new life. However, one day a phone call from his homeland breaks all his plans. Walter learns that the hostilities have reached the village in the mountains where his mother lives.
Heavenly Team
Costume Design
As long as the fans live, hope won't die. They are fans of the hockey Lokomotiv from Yaroslavl. People forever loyal to the club. Hockey players' wives, stadium staff, young athletes and fan movement veterans who have been singing in the stands for several decades. In honor of the opening of the new season of the Kontinental Hockey League, the army of Lokomotiv fans is sent to Minsk for the first match of the tournament to support the team. None of them knows that this trip will change everyone's life forever, and the tragedy that will happen to Lokomotiv will divide the sports world into “before” and “after”.
Costume Design
A los veinte años, Eduard Streltsov tiene todo lo que uno puede soñar: talento, fama y amor. Es la estrella en ascenso del fútbol soviético. Todo el país, con la respiración contenida, espera la victoria de la selección nacional en el próximo Mundial donde Streltsov se enfrentará al gran futbolista brasileño Pelé. Sin embargo, dos días antes de la salida del equipo, los enemigos del deportista logran destrozar su carrera. Cuando la puerta al gran deporte parece estar cerrada para siempre, Streltsov tiene que volver a entrar en el campo y demostrar que es un verdadero campeón que merece el amor de todos.
Lev Yashin The Dream Goalkeeper
Costume Design
Un niño de la clase trabajadora, como todos sus compañeros, jugaba al fútbol día y noche, y soñaba con ser un delantero. Pero sin importar para qué equipo jugó, en el patio, en la fábrica o en el ejército, inevitablemente se le puso en la portería en el futbol soviético. Se llamaba Lev Yashin (1929 - 1990), conocido en el ambiente futbolistico como "la araña negra Yashin", uno de los mejores porteros, de la historia del futbol.
La conquista de Siberia
Costume Assistant
Cuando en 1708, las relaciones comerciales entre Rusia y China están prohibidas. Es entonces cuando Pedro el Grande de Rusia decide mandar un grupo de soldados expedicionarios para buscar oro en la salvaje Siberia y compensar todo el dinero que están perdiendo.
The Bottomless Bag
Costume Design
Based on Ryunosuke Akutagawa's In a Grove, story takes place during the times of Tsar Alexander II. A lady-in-waiting tells the Emperor in his bedroom a metaphysical story about a 13th century prince who is killed in the woods under mysterious circumstances. Fairy tale characters who have witnessed the terrible death, all share their version of the events, gradually shedding light on what really happened.
Anna Karenina. La venganza es el perdón
Costume Design
Año 1904. Han pasado treinta años desde la muerte de Anna Karenina (Elizaveta Boyarskaya), mujer que en su juventud tomó la difícil decisión de abandonar a su marido y a su hijo para entregarse a su amante, el Conde Vronsky (Maksim Matveev). Ahora, el Conde y Serguei Karenin (Kirill Grebenshchikov), el hijo de Anna ya adulto convertido en doctor militar, son oficiales del ejército al mando de una pequeña posición rusa en Manchuria, a punto de ser derrotada por las fuerzas japonesas. En los pocos días que comparten, y pese a la mutua desconfianza, Serguei y Vronsky tendrán la oportunidad de revisitar su pasado para, finalmente, encontrar las respuestas que ambos han buscado durante tanto tiempo.
Costume Design
Sigue los pasos de tres personas cuyos caminos se cruzan en los terribles tiempos de la II Guerra Mundial. Olga es una aristócrata rusa miembro de la Resistencia Francesa que es arrestada por la policía nazi por ocultar a dos niños judíos durante una redada. Arrestada y enviada a la cárcel en espera de una decisión final, en prisión conoce a Jules, un funcionario francés colaboracionista que debe investigar su caso. Allí también se encontrará con Helmut, un alto oficial de las SS, que hace muchos años fuera su amante y que todavía parece mantener sentimientos por ella.
Production Design
Yuli Ivanovich Blok is a music lover and enthusiast of early sound recording, who in 1889 was the first to bring Edison's phonograph to Russia, came up with the idea to record the great pianist Anton Rubinstein's playing on a phonograph. But the pianist flatly refused to sign up. Then those present, among whom was Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, just started messing around with the device, recording everything that comes to mind. The film is based on a famous case that occurred in January 1890.
Costume Design
A story about a friendship between talented famous musician and eleven years old girl.
Costume Design
Sex, Coffee, Cigarettes
Costume Design
Eleven comedic vignettes featuring conversations – some important, some less so – held in restaurants over coffee and cigarettes (how quickly time flies – cigarettes are banned in Russia’s restaurants now). The conversations are candid, and even veer into the territory of murder. In the final credits, the director apologizes to Jim Jarmusch, whose work (in the anthology Coffee and Cigarettes, which Jarmusch shot in pieces over many years) Oldenburg-Svintsov is clearly indebted to. Sex, Coffee, Cigarettes’s kinship with Jarmusch’s film extends to the fact that superstars play tiny roles in almost all of the vignettes.
Fort Ross: In Search of Adventure
Costume Design
A group of journalists are traveling through the different places and different times trying to solve historical mystery.
The Translator
Costume Design
WWII mini-series
White Tiger
Costume Design
La Gran Guerra Patriota durante la década de 1940. Después de sobrevivir milagrosamente a una batalla contra un tanque fantasma, el Sargento del Ejército Rojo, Ivan Naydenov, se obsesiona con su destrucción.
Гамлет XXI век
Costume Design