Anton Kouzemin

Anton Kouzemin


Anton Kouzemin
Anton Kouzemin


El horizonte
Yves Leroux
Verano del 76. Una ola de calor está provocando que el campo suizo se seque a toda velocidad. En un ambiente sofocante, Gus, que tiene trece años y es hijo de un granjero, ve cómo su entorno familiar y su inocencia se resquebrajan: está viviendo el fin de un mundo.
Raïssa and Alio have shared the same room in a foster home since their childhood. One evening, as she returns home, Raïssa discovers that Alio has left the place without telling her.
The Lobster's Cry
A Russian soldier returns from war service in Chechnya. Though greeted warmly by his family, he seems unable to adjust.