A comedian struggling to compete with her peers becomes possessed after stealing jokes from a haunted joke book.
A comedian struggling to compete with her peers becomes possessed after stealing jokes from a haunted joke book.
Production Secretary
A principios de los años setenta, una época de gran agitación social con la encarnizada lucha por los derechos civiles como telón de fondo, Ron Stallworth se convierte en el primer detective negro del departamento de policía de Colorado Springs, pero es recibido con escepticismo y hostilidad por los mandos y los agentes. Sin amedrentarse, decide seguir adelante y hacer algo por su comunidad llevando a cabo una misión muy peligrosa: infiltrarse en el Ku Klux Klan y exponerlo ante la ciudad.
Emma is a 23-year-old college grad with few ambitions and even less motivation. She's trying to get it together, even if no one can tell.
Emma is a 23-year-old college grad with few ambitions and even less motivation. She's trying to get it together, even if no one can tell.
After overhearing her upstairs neighbor screaming at her husband, Chelsea spirals into obsession as she attempts to figure out what went down, hopeful for a romantic outcome in her own favor.