Jamie Rice


She's Killing It
A comedian struggling to compete with her peers becomes possessed after stealing jokes from a haunted joke book.
She's Killing It
A comedian struggling to compete with her peers becomes possessed after stealing jokes from a haunted joke book.
Чёрный клановец
Production Secretary
Внедриться в Ку-Клукс-Клан – задача не из легких, особенно если ты чернокожий. Но целеустремленного полицейского из Колорадо такие мелочи не смущают. Вместе с напарником-евреем он вступает в неравный бой с опаснейшими противниками.
Emma Inspired
Emma is a 23-year-old college grad with few ambitions and even less motivation. She's trying to get it together, even if no one can tell.
Emma Inspired
Emma is a 23-year-old college grad with few ambitions and even less motivation. She's trying to get it together, even if no one can tell.
I Love My Upstairs Neighbor
After overhearing her upstairs neighbor screaming at her husband, Chelsea spirals into obsession as she attempts to figure out what went down, hopeful for a romantic outcome in her own favor.