Yûji Ohshige


Lovers on Borders
Double revenge in two separate stories. Set in both a near future and the historical past, revenge is served not by violence, but by love.
Ryuichi Sakamoto: Coda
La cinta dirigida por Stephen Nomura Schible se centra en la vida del compositor de renombre Ryuichi Sakamoto. Por tanto, este documental revive la prolífica carrera de este artista, quien lleva trabajando más de cuatro décadas. De esa forma asistimos a la evolución de Sakamoto, desde sus inicios con el techno-pop hasta que se convirtió en un ganador de la Academia, consiguiendo el Oscar por ?El último emperador?. Pero además de su dedicación al mundo de la música, Sakamoto ha demostrado ser también una figura muy importante en el movimiento social contra las nucleares del lugar. Eric Nyari y Yoshiko Hashimoto son los productores de la película, mientras que Neo Sora y Tom Richmond son los directores de fotografía que acompañan a Stephen Nomura Schible en este viaje. (ECartelera)
Hand in the Glove
Wish freedom and feel responsibility. 3days road movie of prince and a girl. It's a romantic story between prince and Levelle Kingdom on an escape journey and a girl living freely in Japanese city, with a stylish Asian taste of colorful and vivid images. The story is set in a city of beautiful mother nature, fashion, artistic architectures, and history
Majutsu wa Sasayaku
A woman named Kazuko (Kimura) who was guilty of a “serious crime” in the past, along with three of her friends. Those friends suddenly begin to die one by one. Kazuko learns that one of those deaths is somehow connected to Mamoru (Nakamura Aoi), her younger brother from whom she has been separated ever since their father disappeared 15 years earlier. Although Mamoru knows nothing of his sister, Kazuko is determined to find the killer in order to protect Mamoru and herself.
An exploration of the act of eating, both as an interaction among people and between people and nature.
Then Summer Came
A humorous wedding story fueled by a rather no-good father and son, disguised as the old and new “good guys.” The father Nobuo, and his son Tamio, are unable to mature, unable to break the parent-child roles, have no sense of responsibility, and keep holding on to the past. The pair is overwhelmed by all the colorful characters around them telling them what to do. They go to strenuous and humorous efforts to make Tamio’s wedding an event to remember.
Sad Vacation
Kenji, abandonado por su madre, vive entregado a una pobre existencia realizando insignificantes trabajos, como hacer de taxista para bailarinas de bares y sus clientes. Al mismo tiempo, cuida de la hermana de un antiguo amigo que está en la cárcel y de un inmigrante ilegal. Pero su vida da un giro cuando se encuentra con Chiyoko, su madre.
El bosque del luto
Shigeki vive en una pequeña residencia de ancianos. Allí se siente a gusto y feliz con los demás residentes y con el personal que les atiende. Machiko, una trabajadora social que pertenece a dicho equipo, le presta especial atención, aunque en su interior le atormenta la pérdida de un hijo. Para celebrar el cumpleaños de Shigeki, Machiko decide llevarle a dar un paseo en coche por el campo. Pero el coche se queda parado en la cuneta. El anciano se interna con decisión en el bosque, y Machiko no tiene más remedio que acompañarle...
During a suicide attack on an airport, the hand grenade of 'M', one of three terrorists, malfunctions, leaving him captured. Exposed to maltreatment in prison, he slowly loses his grip on reality as he is forced to confront his ideological convictions.
Kaoru, una mujer pudiente que esta perdiendo su juventud, ha abandonado el ajetreo de la ciudad para llevar una vida tranquila en una casa de la costa. Ahí se ocupa de un hombre viejo, ciego y mudo como si se tratara de un insecto, un niño o un animal de compañía. Él no puede hacer nada, así que ella le alimenta y le acompaña en sus paseos. Esta fuerte dependencia mutua ofrece a Kaoru un escape de la sociedad y le permite liberarse de las restricciones impuestas por el sentido común. La realidad es que él no parece necesitarla tanto como cree y ese pensamiento va a malograr la singular relación que mantienen, difuminando la barrera entre realidad e ilusión.
The Pavillion Salamandre
Four beautiful sisters are entrusted with taking care of Kinjiro, a giant salamander and national treasure. Rumors spread that Kinjiro is an impostor, so a genius x-ray technician is sent to run some tests.
Sayonara Midori-chan
Naive office girl Yuko supports her blithe big city lifestyle with a part-time job at a neighborhood cafe. Attracted to her manager there, the shallow but charming Yutaka, she willingly succumbs to his lascivious advances only to discover afterward that he already has a girlfriend by the name of Midori. Even so, Yuko's feelings for Yutaka continue to grow regardless of his aloofness. Before long she finds herself reluctantly cajoled into working as a hostess in a small karaoke bar. Fatalistically accepting his dalliances with flames old and new, she perseveres not so much in hope of a more substantial relationship, but rather out of fear of losing him. There are other men out there waiting for her -- kinder, more considerate and eagerly available. But for Yuko, there is only the non-committal, yet torridly magnetic Yutaka. Why him? Not even Yuko seems to know the answer.