František Sadílek


A Matter of Days
Un verano caprichoso
Tres personajes ociosos pasan los días a la orilla de un lago, sin más ocupación que charlar o bañarse. Pero el día en que llega al pueblo un funambulista con su guapa ayudante, su vida se verá alterada.
The Nun's Night
A dark fable set in an early 1950s Czech village, a time of Soviet-style socialism which saw the implementation of collectivized agriculture and the mass closure of monasteries and convents.
The Flight
The kids were smoking secretly in a barn, set fire and fled. Feeling that the investigation closely, "sits on his tail" and soon will be declared to her parents, the protagonist escapes from home. The charred ruins of the barn, he meets a young man who is also why some carefully avoids meeting people, and tied him. According to the book Hoffmann Ota (Ota Hofman).
Transit Carlsbad
Even in the "enlightened" 60. years filmmakers like to play spies. In the grand-world environment, Luxury hotel in Karlovy Vary the sophisticated charade unfolds, in which several foreign agents interested in the famous Austrian scientist, the discoverer of the artificial protein. Endangered man fortunately never notice danger around him. His protection was entrusted to the mysterious madame Elizabeth, amongst agents famed as the ' 006, in fact, working for the State security... As a parody, perhaps the movie succeeded, but hardly convincing anyone - and this is despite scriptwriting participation of the renowned Jan Procházka.
The Angel of Blissful Death
Czechoslovak counter-espionage intercepts a coded message from the West German secret service ordering death for an unknown person on Czech territory.
La película se centra en la planificación y la ejecución del atentado contra el general de las SS Reinhard Heydrich, máximo representante del Tercer Reich en el Protectorado de Bohemia y Moravia durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
…And the Fifth Horseman Is Fear
A Jewish doctor helps a political fugitive during the Nazi occupation of Czechoslovakia.
The Cry
While a woman is in the hospital preparing to deliver her child, her husband has all day to reflect upon his wife and their relationship. As he tends to his job as a television repairman, Slavek fondly remembers how he first met Ivana and the days they spent getting to know one another. Slavek also grows increasingly aware of the environment that surrounds him and questions the society his new child will be entering. Loaded with a repeated plea for social change, this is the first feature from Czech writer/director Jaromil Jires.
Fortress on the Rhine
During the Second World War, an old fortress is transformed into a detention camp for arrested allied generals who the Germans provide with every possible comfort. In the nearby garrison camp, however, hundreds of captured private soldiers try to survive hunger and cold.
Bílá oblaka
Jarní povětří
A young Czech boy is freed from a concentration camp and now is working for the army against the Germans.
Sny na neděli
Tenkrát o vánocích
September Nights
Vina Vladimíra Olmera
Po noci den
Brigada de tanques
Costume Design
La 1ª brigada blindada de carros checoslovaca, lucha junto a las fuerzas soviéticas, combatiendo cerca de la frontera checoslovaca, y participando en la batalla del paso de Dukla. La película representa la lucha por Eslovaquia y la exitosa liberación de Ostrava en el norte de Moravia. Representa la batalla para el puente de Miloše Sýkory en la ciudad de Ostrava, donde se ve el puente real.