Thérèse Roussel

Thérèse Roussel


Thérèse Roussel
Thérèse Roussel


Algo celosa
Monique Mougins
Nathalie Pêcheux (Karim Viard) es una maestra que acaba de divorciase y que experimentará una enorme transformación. De ser una mujer equilibrada y una madre cuidadosa, se convertirá en una persona locamente celosa y maniática. Su hija Mathilde de 18 años acaba de comenzar una relación amorosa, y será la primera en padecer las consecuencias del cambio repentino de su madre. La nueva y disparatada Nathalie pondrá patas arriba la vida de sus amigos, de su ex marido y hasta incluso del vecindario.
En el nombre de mi hija
Mother of André
Un día de julio de 1982, André Bamberski se entera de la muerte de su hija Kalinka. Ella tenía 14 años y pasaba sus vacaciones en Alemania con su madre y su padrastro, el Dr. Krombach. Las extrañas circunstancias de su muerte hacen que Bamberski luche durante años para intentar descubrir la verdad, convirtiendo su lucha en el único objetivo de su vida. (FILMAFFINITY)
Entre deuils
A Ford Mustang. A brother and a sister. Their grandmother. And a funerary urn.
Public Friends
In order to make his little sick brother's dream come true, Leo and his best mates organize a fake score...but on the d day, they make a mistake and the fake score becomes a real hold up.Here starts the extraordinary adventure of PUBLIC Amis.
Chaque jour est une petite vie
Le Tableau
In the twilight of their life, Odile and Marcel still love each other. Affected by an incurable disease, Odile must be hospitalized. Feeling the end of Odile so close, the couple decided to commit suicide, so not to be separated. The time of a last Sunday.
The Speed of the Past
Margot (75 ans)
Margot and Joseph leave move awy from the city, far from everything, and renovate an old house in which they hardly settle down. One day, the earth begins trembling and time stops, congealing Joseph in his fall from the roof of the house. He remains congealed in space and time, but continues nevertheless to fall slowly towards the ground. Margot,she, does not seem to undergo this experience and continues to live, hoping that Joseph starts moving again at a normal speed.
Old Lady in Bed
Cuando Bazil era niño, su padre murió en el Sáhara a causa de una mina antipersonas. Ahora de adulto, el pobre Bazil recibe un bala perdida que se aloja en su cabeza, y para salvarle la vida, aunque sin saber cuándo se puede morir, los médicos no se la extraen. Vagabundeando por las calles, Bazil hace amistades con artistas callejeros que le aceptan como uno más de la familia. Con su ayuda, tratará de vengarse de las compañías armamentísticas, que se lucran a costa de las desgracias ajenas, como las que ha sufrido Bazil.
À vot' bon cœur
Woman with shopping bag
French independent director Paul Vecchiali playfully bites the hand that periodically feeds him (and many of the nation's other creative filmmakers) in this dark comedy. Writer and director Vecchiali stars as a moviemaker named Paul Vecchiali, who is trying to complete his latest project, a dramatic love story about a young couple whose relationship is complicated by the man's addiction to drugs. Short on funds, Vecchiali approaches the National Cinema Center, who offer loans and grants to independent filmmakers whom they believe are deserving. The NCC is less than impressed with Vecchiali's latest script, and they turn him down, just as they have done a number of times in the past. Angry and determined that the NCC will never break the spirit of another director, Vecchiali and his crew block out a plan to assassinate the nine members of the funding board, though the press and public seem more bemused than outraged by the sudden rash of killings.