Bruno Boselli


Hasta agotar el espacio
From contact to distance, how do bodily perceptions vary? The body and space feel blurred. The sensation remains, almost ghostly of our bodies moving. Dancing or just being together seems like a distant memory.
Hasta agotar el espacio
Sound Designer
From contact to distance, how do bodily perceptions vary? The body and space feel blurred. The sensation remains, almost ghostly of our bodies moving. Dancing or just being together seems like a distant memory.
Hasta agotar el espacio
Sound Recordist
From contact to distance, how do bodily perceptions vary? The body and space feel blurred. The sensation remains, almost ghostly of our bodies moving. Dancing or just being together seems like a distant memory.
In a city besieged by the wind and the cold, Irma, an old dressmaker living in a flat where the heating is broken, will take the initiative to do something for all her neighbours.
Sound Designer
In a city besieged by the wind and the cold, Irma, an old dressmaker living in a flat where the heating is broken, will take the initiative to do something for all her neighbours.
In a city besieged by the wind and the cold, Irma, an old dressmaker living in a flat where the heating is broken, will take the initiative to do something for all her neighbours.
Los Modernos
Tres parejas se enfrentan a la disyuntiva de elegir entre la paternidad, la realización profesional y su libertad sexual. El estilo de vida, las decisiones, la libertad, el sexo, el amor, siguen siendo los temas que nos movilizan y desvelan por la noche. “Los modernos” trata esos temas desde una perspectiva crítica, poniendo en tela de juicio los parámetros por los que se rigen los valores del mundo contemporáneo.
Original Music Composer
Una película de animación que relata las aventuras de una niña que debe resistir las burlas de sus compañeros de colegio por la particularidad de su nombre y apellidos: Anina Yatay Salas, ya que los tres se leen igual en ambos sentidos. Incluida en el apartado Generación del Festival de Cine de Berlín del 2013.
Una noche sin luna
Durante la noche de fin de año, tres personajes solitarios llegan a un pequeño pueblo perdido en el campo uruguayo donde tendrán una oportunidad para cambiar su destino.
El hombre muerto
A rural worker suffers an accident and understands that in a few minutes he is going to die. In absolute solitude and surrounded by a natural environment indifferent to his tragedy, he will face, without drama, the fact that these are his last minutes of life and nothing he can do to modify that destiny. Based on a story by Horacio Quiroga.