Jessica Fostekew


Jessica Fostekew


Jessica Fostekew - Hench
Absolute powershed and regular host of The Guilty Feminist, Jessica Fostekew explores her big strong strength. Have you ever watched a feminist try and take ‘hench’ as a compliment? It’s like watching a snake eat, but funny.
Shared Document
A brother and sister try to remotely complete a eulogy for their Dad's funeral unaware that an anonymous user is about to crash the document.
La fiesta de cumpleaños número 60 de un multimillonario se celebra en un hotel exclusivo en la isla griega de Mykonos.
Secretos de Estado
Courtroom Guard
Katharine Gun (Knightley) es una denunciante del Servicio de Inteligencia Británica que, justo después de que se anunciase la invasión de Iraq en 2003, filtró un documento secreto de la NSA. En él se especificaba una misión de espionaje cooperativa entre Estados Unidos y Reino Unido para investigar a los miembros del Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas.
Laura Lexx: Trying
Laura spent 2017 trying to get through therapy, trying the patience of everyone and trying unsuccessfully for a baby. She's done trying now; it's time to laugh. With her winsome charm and effervescent likability Lexx, who describes her condition as "post-natal depression but without the ‘natal’ bit" talks candidly about her mental health - so concerned for the future of the planet she was bringing her hypothetical child into that she became a virtual lock-in. Expect strength and poignancy, with some killer quips about a certain cosmetic retailer and a gripping tale about a pregnant tropical fish named Mary Berry thrown in for good measure.
Jessica Fostekew: The Silence Of The Nans
(Read in film-trailer voice): “Last summer Jessica did two reasonably significant things. One, a story of pure joy. The other, a tale of entrapment, torment and gelato. This show tells the latter - "the horrid one”. Co-host of hit podcast The Guilty Feminist, Jessica Fostekew’s epic comedy-horror-story is the perfect antidote to finding yourself all at sea. Or up s**t creek without a paddle.