Jessica Fostekew


Jessica Fostekew


Jessica Fostekew - Hench
Absolute powershed and regular host of The Guilty Feminist, Jessica Fostekew explores her big strong strength. Have you ever watched a feminist try and take ‘hench’ as a compliment? It’s like watching a snake eat, but funny.
Shared Document
A brother and sister try to remotely complete a eulogy for their Dad's funeral unaware that an anonymous user is about to crash the document.
A retail billionaire's 60th birthday party is celebrated in an exclusive hotel on the Greek island of Mykonos.
Courtroom Guard
Laura Lexx: Trying
Laura spent 2017 trying to get through therapy, trying the patience of everyone and trying unsuccessfully for a baby. She's done trying now; it's time to laugh. With her winsome charm and effervescent likability Lexx, who describes her condition as "post-natal depression but without the ‘natal’ bit" talks candidly about her mental health - so concerned for the future of the planet she was bringing her hypothetical child into that she became a virtual lock-in. Expect strength and poignancy, with some killer quips about a certain cosmetic retailer and a gripping tale about a pregnant tropical fish named Mary Berry thrown in for good measure.
Jessica Fostekew: The Silence Of The Nans
(Read in film-trailer voice): “Last summer Jessica did two reasonably significant things. One, a story of pure joy. The other, a tale of entrapment, torment and gelato. This show tells the latter - "the horrid one”. Co-host of hit podcast The Guilty Feminist, Jessica Fostekew’s epic comedy-horror-story is the perfect antidote to finding yourself all at sea. Or up s**t creek without a paddle.