Benedetta Porcaroli

Benedetta Porcaroli

Nacimiento : 1998-06-11, Rome, Italy


Italian model and actress who is known for appearing in films such as «Tutte le mie notti» and «Una vita spericolata» She played the role of Federica in the TV series «Tutto può succedere» which ran from 2015 to 2018. Subsequently, she began playing Chiara on the Italian Netflix series «Baby».


Benedetta Porcaroli
Benedetta Porcaroli
Benedetta Porcaroli
Benedetta Porcaroli
Benedetta Porcaroli
Benedetta Porcaroli


Cecilia, a woman of devout faith, is offered a fulfilling new role at an illustrious Italian convent. Her warm welcome to the picture-perfect Italian countryside is soon interrupted as it becomes clearer to Cecilia that her new home harbors some dark and horrifying secrets.
Vangelo secondo Maria
The story of Mary is reinvented, no longer a spectator but a courageous architect of her own existence.
The Hummingbird
Adele Carrera
Everyone in Marco's life seems constantly restless, from his brilliant but unhappily married parents to his own wife Marina, or even Luisa, the real love of his life, a girl he met during a fateful summer in the '70s and always stayed in touch with. Tragedy and fate seem to haunt him, yet he somehow manages never to get ensnared in the chaos—like his namesake, “the hummingbird”, he focuses all his energy at standing still.
Amanda, 24, lives mostly isolated and has never had any friends, even if it's the thing she wants the most. Amanda chooses her new mission as to convince her childhood friend to believe that they are still best friends.
The Shadow of the Day
Anna Costanzi
Italy, after the promulgation of the racial laws (1938). Luciano, a Fascist-abiding restaurateur, nonetheless believes he can still live by his own rules inside his business. However, everything changes when Anna, a girl with a dangerous secret, starts to work at his restaurant.
7 mujeres y un misterio
Es Nochebuena. y las mujeres de una familia numerosa se reúnen para celebrar pero descubren que el hombre de la casa, Marcello, ha sido asesinado. No solo eso: afuera hay un temporal de nieve, los cables telefónicos han sido cortados y la puerta cerrada. Entre ellas está la asesina y tendrán que descubrirla. Remake italiano de la película "8 mujeres" de François Ozon.
La escuela católica
Donatella Colasanti
En un barrio residencial de Roma hay una conocida escuela católica donde se educa a los hijos de la clase media alta. Las familias sienten que en ese entorno sus hijos podrán crecer protegidos de la agitación que impregna la sociedad y que una educación estricta les abrirá las puertas de un futuro brillante. En la noche del 29 al 30 de septiembre de 1975 esa fortaleza de valores irreprochables se derrumbó bajo el peso de uno de los crímenes más atroces de la época: la masacre del Circeo.
All Star - Ritorno al cinema
A short movie about coming back to the cinema after lockdowns.
18 regalos
Una madre embarazada que sufre un cáncer terminal deja 18 regalos sentimentales para que su hija no nata reciba cada cumpleaños hasta la mayoría de edad.
Tutte le mie notti
La giovane Star
A broke mechanic turns a bank loan denial into an impromptu robbery that puts him on the run with his best friend and a starlet they hold hostage.
¿Cuánto es suficiente?
Se asigna a un chef de 40 años de edad, mundialmente famoso y con problemas de manejo de la ira , para dirigir una clase de cocina en un centro para jóvenes con autismo.
Well-known writer Ettore takes his family on a mountain chalet getaway for his birthday, in an effort to create a bond between his two sons, Claudio and Giulio, and his second wife, Margherita. The group is also joined by Margherita's brother, Claudio's girlfriend, a Ukraininan cook and her daughter. When an internet outage strikes, a series of exciting adventures ensues.
Perfectos desconocidos
Siete amigos que lo son desde hace años (tres parejas y un soltero) se reencuentran en una cena en la que deciden jugar a un juego extraño y arriesgado: ponen sus smartphone sobre la mesa y al grito de “no tenemos nada que ocultar”, deciden compartir los mensajes y las llamadas que cada uno de ellos reciba durante la noche, en una especie de ruleta rusa a golpe de SMS y tonos de llamada.