Johnny Bolton

Johnny Bolton


Johnny Bolton


Cristiano Ronaldo: World at His Feet
Cristiano Ronaldo: The World at His Feet follows the footballer from his beginnings in Portugal, breakthrough start with Manchester United and current career at Real Madrid.
Siete psicópatas
Un guionista (Colin Farrell) busca inspiración para su próximo trabajo, en el que dos excéntricos amigos (Sam Rockwell y Christopher Walken) planean secuestrar a un perro. El asunto se complica cuando el animal de compañía de un mafioso desaparece.
Gone but Not Forgotten
Eavesdropping Man (uncredited)
An Oregon woman vanishes. In her wake remains a single black rose & a note reading gone but not forgotten. Now a man stands accused: a private eye has gone missing: a detective knows more than she lets on: & a tough female attorney has entered a web of duplicity revenge & multiple murder.
Un retriever y seis más
La familia Lowry decide adptar a una perrita retriver que aparece en su jardín, sin saber que está preñada. (FILMAFFINITY)