Colm Hill


Deadly Midwife
Assistant Production Coordinator
Lauren and Anthony hire a new midwife after their last one mysteriously vanishes, but things may not be as they seem.
5G: The Reckoning
Eight students are in lockdown at their college dorm following a global pandemic, unable to connect to the outside world. They soon realize they are victims of a far more sinister and unexpected entity.
5G: The Reckoning
Eight students are in lockdown at their college dorm following a global pandemic, unable to connect to the outside world. They soon realize they are victims of a far more sinister and unexpected entity.
Amber's Descent
First Assistant Director
After surviving a violent encounter, renowned pianist, Amber Waltz, relocates to a rural farmhouse to complete her latest symphony. When the music mysteriously begins writing itself, Amber slowly discovers that this piece could be her last.
Amber's Descent
Dr. Pearl
After surviving a violent encounter, renowned pianist, Amber Waltz, relocates to a rural farmhouse to complete her latest symphony. When the music mysteriously begins writing itself, Amber slowly discovers that this piece could be her last.
La vecina de la ventana
Third Assistant Director
Una esposa suburbana que se encuentra a sí misma y a la seguridad de su familia amenazadas por otra madre del vecindario aparentemente amigable.
Sarcastic British Reporter
Narra la historia de Mija, una joven coreana de viaje en Estados Unidos que debe arriesgarlo todo para detener a una poderosa multinacional que pretende secuestrar a su mejor amigo: un animal gigantesco llamado ‘Okja’