Assistant Production Coordinator
Lauren and Anthony hire a new midwife after their last one mysteriously vanishes, but things may not be as they seem.
Eight students are in lockdown at their college dorm following a global pandemic, unable to connect to the outside world. They soon realize they are victims of a far more sinister and unexpected entity.
Eight students are in lockdown at their college dorm following a global pandemic, unable to connect to the outside world. They soon realize they are victims of a far more sinister and unexpected entity.
First Assistant Director
After surviving a violent encounter, renowned pianist, Amber Waltz, relocates to a rural farmhouse to complete her latest symphony. When the music mysteriously begins writing itself, Amber slowly discovers that this piece could be her last.
Dr. Pearl
After surviving a violent encounter, renowned pianist, Amber Waltz, relocates to a rural farmhouse to complete her latest symphony. When the music mysteriously begins writing itself, Amber slowly discovers that this piece could be her last.
Third Assistant Director
A suburban wife who finds herself and the security of her family threatened by another seemingly friendly neighborhood mom.
Sarcastic British Reporter
Корпорация «Мирандо» создала необычных поросят и раздала их фермерам по всему миру. На протяжении десяти лет экспериментальная свинья Окча была лучшим другом девочки Ми-джа, они мирно жили в южнокорейских горах и заботились друг о друге. Но в один ужасный день идиллическая жизнь друзей прервалась — корпорация забрала свою собственнсть. У стервозной генеральной директрисы Люси Мирандо свои, не самые гуманные, планы на необычного зверя. Конечно же, храбрая девочка не бросит друга в беде, и Ми-джа отправляется спасать Окчу, но мир оказывается намного безумней, чем она могла себе представить.