Masao Tamai
Nacimiento : 1908-10-03, Matsuyama, Japan
Muerte : 1997-05-26
Masao Tamai was a Japanese cinematographer know for his work on the films of Mikio Naruse and the original Godzilla.
Director of Photography
Cuando el periodista estadounidense Steve Martin investiga una serie de misteriosos desastres en la costa de Japón, se encuentra cara a cara con una criatura antigua tan poderosa y tan aterradora que puede reducir Tokio a cenizas. La película es una re-edición, versión doblada en italiano de Godzilla con 80 minutos de metraje de la original "Japón Bajo el terror del monstruo"; además de varios minutos más de la versión editada en Estados Unidos. También incluye más de 25 minutos de imagenes de la segunda guerra mundial y clips de noticieros sobre otros monstruos de las peliculas de 1950. La película fue reeditada y luego coloreada a través de un proceso llamado Spectorama 70 que consiste en la aplicación de diferentes geles de colores a las imágenes en blanco y negro. La película también cuenta con una partitura nueva, compuesta por el músico Vince Témpera.
Director of Photography
The life of a toilet-seller during the Japanese Economic Miracle.
Director of Photography
The story is of two people. One is deaf, the other deaf and mute. They marry after meeting at a school reunion, and the film follows their trials and tribulations ... and joys.
Director of Photography
In this Japanese drama, a village girl goes to Tokyo and becomes a hooker to support her ailing mother. While there she meets an unmarried teacher (at least he says he's unmarried) and falls in love. When she learns that he lied and is married to a woman whose child was fathered by another man, she is crushed. He returns to his wife. The woman becomes more distraught when she learns her uncle has misused the money she has sent. As the final straw, her mother dies, and the girl becomes sick.
Director of Photography
Keiko acaba de ver morir a su esposo y tiene que valerse por sí misma. Se convierte en patrona del bar Lilac en Tokio. Además de pagar su apartamento, se siente obligada a ayudar económicamente a su hermano, en paro y enfermo de polio. Yuri, una joven señorita de compañía que trabajaba con Keiko, se marcha tras seducir a Minobe, uno de los más ricos clientes de esta última. Sin embargo, Keiko se opone rotundamente a relacionarse con ricos patronos e insultar la memoria de su esposo, a diferencia de numerosas geishas.
Director of Photography
The story is about the social problems faced by Japan's indigenous Ainu, mostly centered on the reactions of the characters to their oppressed state.
Fifth entry in the Company President Series.
Director of Photography
A war widow with a young boy manages a farm with her bossy mother-in-law. When a reporter comes to interview her, the two begin an affair. He turns out to be married and won't leave his wife. Her older brother tries to marry off his children and hang on to/ extend his farm through an advantageous marriage in the face of threatened land confiscation and the desire of his children to get comfortable urban jobs instead of the backbreaking work in the paddy fields under parental control.
Director of Photography
Anzukko (Little Peach) is the daughter of a successful writer. She turns down each one of her suitors, until she marries a beginning writer named Ryokichi. Their life quickly sinks into despair.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
A woman marries, gives birth to a stillborn child, and divorces, falls in love with a hotel-keeper, only to find herself subordinated to his drive for success, takes up with a tailor who cannot console himself with her strong personality.
Director of Photography
Rika acaba de enviudar y está buscando trabajo. Su agencia de empleo la envía a una casa de geishas en la que necesitan a alguien que se ocupe de la limpieza y de la cocina. Conoce a Tsutayako, la patrona, quien acepta contratarla, pero se entera que la casa de geishas está retrasándose en el pago de sus facturas y que podría ponerse a la venta. (FILMAFFINITY)
Director of Photography
Kiyoko (Takamine Hideko) and her husband want to open a coffee shop. She becomes increasingly close to the bank clerk (Mifune Toshiro) she's asked for a loan.
Director of Photography
Ed Goldman vio el filme Gojira en un cine asiático de Los Ángeles y la compró inmediatamente para volver a vender a Jewell Enterprises, pruductora y distribuidora de explotations. Era un buen momento para las monster movies, pero las referencias a la bomba atómica y que fuera una película 100% japonesa (los estadounidenses todavía recordaban Pearl Harbor), los hizo dudar. Finalmente decidieron eliminar toda referencia antinuclear del film y añadir nuevos ajustes con el actor Raymond Burr (Perry Mason) haciendo de periodista, testigo occidental de todos los hechos. La película pierde todo el trasfondo social y crítico para convertirse en un mero entretenimiento; haciendo que la crítica destrozara el film pero que se convirtiera en un éxito de público. (FILMAFFINITY)
Director of Photography
A husband and wife's pet peeves and minor irritations escalate into major rifts and animosity.
Director of Photography
1955 Toho adaptation of Natsume's novel.
Director of Photography
Coach Shimamura of the hapless Sparrows baseball team is pleased to obtain a hot new pitcher named Onishi. But when Onishi begins a romantic relationship with the coach's daughter Michiko, Shimamura becomes angry with the young man, lashing out at him when he disobeys instructions during a game. In turn, Michiko becomes angry with her father, who becomes increasingly depressed. When a tragedy strikes the family, Coach Shimamura begins losing control of his life, just when his family and his team need him most.
Director of Photography
Yukiko y Tomioka fueron amantes durante la II Guerra Mundial, que pasaron en el sudeste asiático. Terminado el conflicto, Yukiko vuelve a Tokio en busca de Tomioka, al que cree divorciado, pero él sigue casado. A partir de ese momento su relación alterna separaciones y reencuentros, mientras otros hombres y mujeres pasan por sus vidas. (FILMAFFINITY)
Director of Photography
Las misteriosas destrucciones de barcos en el Pacífico provocan el pánico. Los nativos de una isla afirman que el culpable es una criatura legendaria, Godzilla, un lagarto mutante convertido en un gigantesco monstruo a causa de unas radiaciones atómicas. Godzilla se dispone a atacar las principales ciudades del Japón.
Set at the end of World War II and after Japan's defeat, it is a melodrama about a man and a woman at the mercy of war. Wataru is entrusted by his best friend who has gone off to war with his sister Reiko to marry her, but he is not ready to abandon his love for Kumiko, a nurse at his mother's hospital.
Director of Photography
¿Cómo es la vida de una Geisha una vez su belleza se ha desvanecido y se ha retirado? Kin ha ahorrado dinero y se ha convertido en una rica prestamista, pasando sus días cobrando deudas. Incluso sus mejores amigas, Tomi, Nobu y Tamae, que eran sus compañeras Geishas, están ahora en deuda con ella. Para todas ellas, el glamour de sus jóvenes vidas ha pasado; Tomi y Tamae tienen hijos, pero sus hijos las han decepcionado. Kin tiene dos antiguos amantes que aún la persiguen; a uno lo quiere ver, y al otro no. Pero incluso el que recuerda con cariño, cuando aparece, resulta ser una decepción.
Director of Photography
Shuichi, hijo de Shingo, un próspero hombre de negocios de Tokio, vive con sus padres y su esposa Kikuki en una confortable casa. Por las tardes, se queda a menudo en la capital, bebiendo y divirtiéndose con su querida. Kikuko aguarda pacientemente su regreso a altas horas de la noche. Shingo, hombre sabio y de talante moderno, es consciente de los desenfrenos de su hijo y compadece a la solitaria Kikuko. (FILMAFFINITY)
Director of Photography
Comedy about a 50-something movie director, his new bride, a classical dancer, and his adult son and daughter and their loves.
Director of Photography
Ten years into a marriage, the wife is disappointed by the husband's lack of financial success, meaning she has to work and can't treat herself and the husband finds the wife slovenly and mean-spirited: she neither cooks not cleans particularly well and is generally disagreeable. In turn, he alternately ignores her and treats her as a servant. Neither is particularly happy, not helped by their unsatisfactory lodgers. The husband is easily seduced by an ex-colleague, a widow with a small child who needs some security, and considers leaving his wife.
Director of Photography
1950s Japanese comedy.
Director of Photography
Situada poco después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, El almuerzo cuenta las dificultades matrimoniales entre el salaryman Hatsunosuke y su mujer Michiyo. Se centra en la crisis emocional de una ama de casa aburrida. El tedio de su vida doméstica -consumida por la repetición de labores como cocinar y limpiar- aumenta con la visita de la sobrina de su marido, Satoko. Su llegada y la excesiva atención que le presta su marido, provocan el aumento de la infelicidad de Michiyo, forzada a enfrentarse con su futuro
A young lord joins gang of Robin-esque robbers.
Director of Photography
The critical establishment was clearly not prepared to accept a woman's prison film featuring former prostitutes recovering from venereal diseases, unwanted pregnancies, and estranged lovers. With its cat fights, hysterical tantrums, film noir lighting, and dramatic music, White Beast is indicative of the new influences of the Hollywood psychological thriller on Naruse. Caged (John Cromwell, 1950) initiated a cycle of women's prison movies in the United States that may or may not have been shown in Japan, but the stylistics of White Beast draw on the same paranoid woman's films and film noir conventions that preceded the American cycle.
Director of Photography
The Angry Street includes a great deal of location shooting in the rebuilt city, including downtown streets, residential neighborhoods, the campus of the University of Tokyo, and the high life of jazzy dance halls. Sudo (Hara Yasumi) and Mori (Uno Jukichi) are two university students who make money by picking up rich girls in dance clubs and conning them into giving them cash. Mori is the brains of the operation, and Sudo is the suave dancer who picks up the girls. Over the course of the film, Sudo becomes involved with three different girls and is drawn into the gangster milieu, which he seems unable to resist even though he is responsible for his mother, grandmother, and sister, Masako (Wakayama Setsuko). In this world of bad boys and girls, Masako is the pillar of strength and moral virtue who finally enables Mori to straighten out.
Director of Photography
"Delinquent Girl" - A melodramatic love story, a would-be apprenticeship between the titular “bad girl” and the optimistic scholar returning from the big city.
Japanese war movie
Director of Photography
Japanese film.