Marianne Roussy


Comme une louve
When Lili, 26 years old, poor, single mother of three, is wrongly accused of abuse and the social services take away her children, she collapses. But this is without counting on the luminous meeting of other women. With them, Lili fights to rebuild her family.
A Love Story
Justine has never dated a woman, and Katia knows her life is hanging by a thread. But when they meet, it's love at first sight. Katia and Justine decide to confront life living a love story, and giving birth to a baby girl, Jeanne. Twelve years later, Justine come to an orderly life and Katia, who kept the child, learn she is doomed. She has to find urgently a guardian for her daughter. Her only option : her brother William, a cynical and desillusioned writer...
Summer Frost
It’s summer and France is hit by a polar cold. Ten lone and lost souls find each other, a profound meeting as a last chance to hope and fear, to love and dream. Ten tales as tribute to Monet’s Water Lilies, ten tales portraying an impressionist painting of today’s France.
Eternal Sky
How did time begin? Humanity has asked this question since the dawn of time. Six years in the making, Eternal Sky spans three continents following one of our time's most ambitious scientific endeavors. Did the Big Bang happen, or did something else occur? This feature documentary follows in the footsteps of Jim Simons and some of the world's leading astrophysicists as they seek to unravel the origins of time. Set against the remote Andes in the Chilean Atacama desert, the film tells an intimate story behind one of science's most competitive races: the hunt for the origins of time. In a unique, lyrical parallel, the film follows the lives of several Atacameno elders who bring an original vision of the cosmos, which offers viewers a mysterious, magical, and philosophical perspective. The coexistence between scientists and the local Atacameno culture is a confrontation between the mystical and the existential.
A Little Lesson in Love
Julie and Mathieu, soon after meeting for the first time, embark in a quest across Paris to stop one of Mathieu’s pupil at school from doing anything stupid after finding a disturbing love note. Inside Mathieu’s old little car, the two characters mix like oil and water, with the math teacher’s carelessness for others not going so well with Julie’s larger than life personality. The more Mathieu discovers some fragility under Julie’s exuberance, the more the two become inseparable.
Our Lucky Hours
45,000 patients died in French psychiatric hospitals between 1939 and 1945. A single site escaped this carnage: the asylum in Saint-Alban, an isolated village in Lozère. What happened there for it to be an exception? Retracing several decades in the history of this important site of psychiatry, using precious archival films and the accounts of those who worked there, Martine Deyres answers this question and, in doing so, shows how the political courage and poetic audacity that were practised there contributed to changing medicine and society’s perception on madness. Intersecting in the crucible of this movement called “institutional psychotherapy” were members of the Resistance, artists, doctors and philosophers—including Paul Eluard, Tristan Tzara and Georges Canguilhem.
Comportarse como adultos
Una tragedia tiene lugar a puerta cerrada. El tema es universal: una historia de personas atrapadas en una red de poder inhumana. Se suceden las reuniones del Eurogrupo, que imponen a Grecia la dictadura de la austeridad y que ignoran cualquier signo de humanidad y compasión. Una trampa claustrofóbica que no tiene salida y que ejerce presiones en los protagonistas y, finalmente, los divide. Una tragedia en el sentido de la Grecia clásica: los personajes no son buenos ni malos, pero que se ven arrastrados por las consecuencias de lo que ellos perciben que es lo correcto. Esta es una tragedia de plena actualidad.
On nous appelait Beurettes
Leyenda dorada
Sound Mixer
Un día de verano en la piscina municipal del pueblo: calor, adolescentes, familias, parejas, chapuzones, cañas y bocadillos en el bar.
I Still Hide to Smoke
Sound Engineer
En el corazón del hamam, lejos de la mirada acusadora de los hombres, madres, amantes, vírgenes o exaltadas islamistas, confrontan sus risas, llantos, cóleras, Biblias y Coranes antes del silbido de un puñal y del silencio de Dios.
Le paradis de Sandra
Boom Operator
La noche del 2 de noviembre de 1975, Pier Paolo Pasolini es asesinado en Roma. El director era el símbolo del arte revolucionario que lucha contra el poder. Sus escritos eran escandalosos; sus películas, perseguidas por los censores. Era tan amado como odiado. Ese día, Pasolini había pasado sus últimas horas con su madre y con sus amigos; por la noche se lanzó a la calle en busca de aventuras. Al amanecer, su cadáver fue hallado en una playa de Ostia, en las afueras de la ciudad. (FILMAFFINITY)
Viva Riva!
Sound Engineer
Riva is a small time operator who has just returned to his hometown of Kinshasa, Congo after a decade away with a major score: a fortune in hijacked gasoline. Wads of cash in hand and out for a good time, Riva is soon entranced by beautiful night club denizen Nora, the kept woman of a local gangster.