Valerio Esposito

Valerio Esposito


Valerio Esposito


Double Soul
Twins, identical in appearance but different in soul. A double female point of view, narrated between Italy and the Middle East, between the affirmation of identity and the risks that people are willing to take to get what they want.
La mia banda suona il pop
Second Unit Director
The Russian magnate Ivanov dreams about having The Popcorn, his favorite Italian musical band from the 80s in Saint Petersburg.
Calico Skies
Self condemned to the immense and boundless prison of the Mojave desert, Phoenix leads a life of forced isolation, living by himself in a house as far away as possible from the rest of the world. Phoenix does one thing and one thing only: he digs holes. Every month he digs a hole in the middle of nowhere and buries something. The last stronghold of society stands with the man that frequently delivers his mail. When one day the delivery doesn't happen by the hand of his trustworthy mailman, but by that of the beautiful and quizzical Ariel, Phoenix's life derails in an escalation that leads him to dangerous consequences which will be impossible to escape.
Calico Skies
Self condemned to the immense and boundless prison of the Mojave desert, Phoenix leads a life of forced isolation, living by himself in a house as far away as possible from the rest of the world. Phoenix does one thing and one thing only: he digs holes. Every month he digs a hole in the middle of nowhere and buries something. The last stronghold of society stands with the man that frequently delivers his mail. When one day the delivery doesn't happen by the hand of his trustworthy mailman, but by that of the beautiful and quizzical Ariel, Phoenix's life derails in an escalation that leads him to dangerous consequences which will be impossible to escape.
Otra clase de justicia
Still Photographer
Después de regresar a casa tras un traumático servicio en la guerra de Irak, John se encuentra luchando contra un trastorno de estrés postraumático. La poca paz que había logrado construir se rompe el fatídico día que rescata a una chica de un grupo de proxenetas violentos conocidos como los “Aryan Brotherhood”. Después de haber matado a varios miembros de la hermandad durante el rescate, John y su familia son ahora los principales objetivos de Hollis, el despiadado líder del grupo.
La pasión de Cristo
Año 33 de nuestra era. En la provincia romana de Judea, un misterioso carpintero llamado Jesús de Nazareth comienza a anunciar la llegada del "reino de Dios" y se rodea de un grupo de humildes pescadores: los Apóstoles. Durante siglos, el pueblo judío había esperado la llegada del Mesías - personaje providencial que liberaría su sagrada patria e instauraría un nuevo orden basado en la justicia-. Las enseñanzas de Jesús atraen a una gran multitud de seguidores que lo reconocen como el Mesías. Alarmado por la situación, el Sanedrín, con la ayuda de Judas Iscariote, uno de los doce Apóstoles, arresta a Jesús. Acusado de traición a Roma, Cristo es entregado a Poncio Pilato, quien, para evitar un motín, lo condena a a morir en la cruz como un vulgar criminal.