Jean-Pierre Aumont

Jean-Pierre Aumont

Nacimiento : 1911-01-05, Paris, France

Muerte : 2001-01-30


Jean-Pierre Aumont (January 5, 1911 – January 30, 2001) was a French actor.


Jean-Pierre Aumont


Grace Kelly: el destino de una princesa
Self - Actor (archive footage)
En 1956, la actriz y estrella de Hollywood Grace Kelly (1929-82), entonces en la cumbre de su carrera cinematográfica, lo dejó todo de forma inesperada para casarse con el príncipe Rainiero III de Mónaco. Jinx, una periodista estadounidense, amiga de la futura princesa, la acompañó en su viaje hacia el matrimonio y cubrió el sensacional acontecimiento.
The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Passion for Life
Edgar Degas
In the second film in the series, in 1908, ten-year-old Indiana Jones is on safari in British East Africa. Here, he befriends a Massai boy named Meto who helps him in his search for the little seen Fringe-Eared Oryx for former US President Teddy Roosevelt. Later, he and his family and tutor travel to Paris, France where Indy meets a young Norman Rockwell and gets involved in a quarrel between the painters Edgar Degas and Pablo Picasso. The young American boys get a fascinating insight into modern art as Picasso schemes to one up the old master Degas.
The Proprietor
Franz Legendre
An expatriated French novelist returns to Paris when she learns that her childhood home is being placed on the auction block.
Jefferson en París (Los amores de un presidente)
Biografía de Thomas Jefferson (Nick Nolte), redactor de la Declaración de Independencia Americana (1776) y tercer presidente de los EE.UU. (1801-1809). En 1789, fue nombrado embajador de los EE.UU. en París para asesorar al primer gobierno revolucionario. Su vida amorosa lo colocó ante un difícil dilema: su amor por una cortesana francesa y su secreta pasión por su ama de llaves.
Carné, You Said Carné?
A primer on French film director Marcel Carne's career through interviews with critics and close creative collaborators.
October 1918: After returning to the civil life, the young Doctor Giorgino Volli searches for a group of children, which he had been the care-taker of before the first world war began. However, soon the searching becomes a part of hide-and-seek with death. Giorgino finds a village bordered with a treacherous marsh and rumours of wolves. There he also meets the mysterious Catherine....
Les enfants du diable
The priest
In 1940, a young teacher who dreams of the Mediterranean is appointed to a remote village in Lozère. Despite the war and the savagery of the world, he awakens in his pupils a spirit of peace and humanism. But he will have to leave the refuge of childhood and books to become involved in the obligatory violence of the resistance.
Los mares del sur
Hace mucho tiempo, el arquitecto Stuart Pedrell le dijo a su familia que iba a los Mares del Sur. Sin embargo, su hija Yes recientemente ha recibido una postal de su padre que viene de un lugar mucho menos exótico: L'Hospitalet. Carvalho va a Bellvitge con el fin de encontrar al padre de Yes y para descubrir por qué le mintió a su familia. Pedrell nunca se fue a los Mares del Sur. Se refugió en Bellvitge donde fue asesinado. Adaptación de la novela de Manuel Vázquez Montalbán.
Crimes et jardins
Suzanne is a former singer but also a seductress in her sixties. During a reunion meal with the former musicians of the orchestra that accompanied her on her tours, the young men in love with the lady all hope to seduce her. All except one, who mysteriously finds death in the elevator, hanging by his tie. A hecatomb among the suitors begins. An employee of the morgue decides to launch a personal investigation.
Becoming Colette
French writer recalls her start as the country wife of a Paris publisher who called her erotic work his own.
A Star for Two
Dos antiguos amantes se encuentran después de cuarenta años y deciden reiniciar su relación de antaño. (FILMAFFINITY)
À notre regrettable époux
Alexandre Mouton-Sabrat
When her husband Alexander dies, Hermione, a squire, discovers that he was a bigamist on the one hand and a swindler on the other. In the company of Alexander's second wife, she sets out to find the loot hidden in his vast estate.
Sweet Country
Mr. Araya
An American couple in Chile is drawn into the turmoil that followed President Salvador Allende's 1973 overthrow.
On a volé Charlie Spencer!
Le héros, séq. Hôtel du Nord
Students of film history will appreciate the many tributes to famous films of yore which appear in this first-time feature directed and written by former drama teacher Francis Huster. In the story, a mild-mannered bank clerk has heroic dreams of being a real he-man. Given his diffident, shy nature, it comes as a bit of a surprise that not only does he actually have a girlfriend, but he has managed to get her pregnant. However, she doesn't fit his image of himself, and he can't bring himself to marry her. When the bank he works in is robbed by a daring group which includes a magnetically attractive woman, the clerk throws his lot in with them and becomes an outlaw.
Vivement Truffaut
Self / Alexandre (archive footage)
A tribute to the late, great French director Francois Truffaut, this documentary was undoubtedly named after his last movie, Vivement Dimanche!, released in 1983. Included in this overview of Truffaut's contribution to filmmaking are clips from 14 of his movies arranged according to the themes he favored. These include childhood, literature, the cinema itself, romance, marriage, and death.
Con la sangre de otros
M. Blomart
Durante la II Guerra Mundial, en el París ocupado por las tropas alemanas, Helene duda entre el amor a su novio Jean, que trabaja para la resistencia, y el administrador alemán Bergmann, que intenta ganarse su afecto.
Shadow Dance
Monsieur Jean
The French intelligence agency plants Xavier, a former militant leftist, into a fascist organisation called Janus, against whom Xavier bears an old grudge.
Count Muffat
En el París de Zola, un ingenuo llega a un burdel tony: ella es Nana, sin culpa, pero aprendiendo rápidamente a usar su inocencia erótica para obtener lo que quiere. Ella es una actriz para una cineasta de soft-core y pronto es la cortesana más popular de París, haciendo de esto una casa, comprada para ella por un banquero adinerado. Ella lo tira y se lleva a su vecino, un recuento de rectitud impecable, y con el hijo impresionable del conde. El conde pronto está recogiendo palos como un perro e hipotecando sus tierras para satisfacer sus caprichos.
Les beaux quartiers
Coup de soleil
Valentine Matignon is a renowned perfumer, "nose". She has had a relationship for 15 years with Gérard, and is about to break up because she is bored. Patrick appears, a lively florist, who gives him the bouquet that Gérard ordered to be forgiven for being late. Patrick makes him a dishonest proposition which she ends up accepting. She takes a funny "sunburn".
La casa de las almas malditas
Ugo Ressia
Dos hermanos y su prima heredan una mansión en Turín, junto a una gran fortuna. Pero al parecer, en dicha mansión se han producido misteriosos asesinatos y por lo tanto se comenta que está maldita.
The Boy Soldier
Commandant Félix
In the 1930s a young fellow, Simon Chalumet, is sent to a military school by his overbearing father, an ex-soldier who has little sympathy for his son's more gentle temperament, or for his interest in films.
Tiempo de Milagros
Father DuBois
Elizabeth Bayley Seton es una mujer episcopaliana de alta sociedad felizmente casada y madre de cinco. Pero todo cambia abruptamente cuando su esposo, William Seton fallece en Italia después de que su negocio de barcos quebrara. Fallecen también dos de sus hijas. Como viuda con cinco hijos abre un pequeño colegio para financiar a su familia. Decide convertirse al catolicismo, a pesar de las protestas de sus familiares y amigos. La exilian socialmente, se queda sin nada, así que ella y sus hijas se refugian en Baltimore. Bajo el alero de John Carroll, el primer Obispo Católico estadounidense, abre un colegio, establece una rutina religiosa y toma votos religiosos, convirtiéndose en la `Madre Seton.' Fundará un convento y luego a las Hermanas de la Caridad. Fue la fundadora del primer colegio católico de Estados Unidos. Canonizada en 1975. Fuente: peliculasdesantoscatolicos
The Memory of Eva Ryker
Inspector Laurier
A young woman has spent her life tormented by the death of her mother, who was on a ship torpedoed during World War II. When her father hires an investigator to look into the circumstances of the mother's death 30 years prior, it triggers a new rash of emotional turmoil for the young woman and uncovers a heinous crime.
Beggarman, Thief
Jean-Paul Delacroix
In this sequel to "Rich Man, Poor Man," moviemaker Gretchen Jordache, the until-now unseen sister, strives to pull the family together after the murder of brother Tom and the disappearance of brother Rudy by first reestablishing contact with her soldier son, and then patching things up with her sister-in-law, Kate, Tom's widow.
Cerca del paraíso
Jean-Fidel Mileau
Durante una gira por los Estados Unidos, y en representación de la compañía de películas Continental, Jean Fidel Mileau se detiene en una pequeña población donde se encuentra el mánager de teatro Harris Sloan. Estos dos hombres sólo tienen una cosa en común: sus problemas con las mujeres. Jean Fidel los tendrá con su mujer cuando regrese a Francia. Harris con su novia, la periodista Madeleine Ross. Harris quiere casarse, pero Madeleine no quiere, ya que se está recuperando de una larga y dolorosa relación anterior a Harris... (FILMAFFINITY)
Two Solitudes
Jean-Claude Tallard
The story of the problems caused by what became known as the Conscripton Crisis in 1917 Canada, which threatened to divide the country.
Apagón en Nueva York
13 de Julio de 1977, Nueva York. Sin saber cómo ni por qué, se corta el suministro eléctrico de la ciudad y se produce un apagón durante la noche. Aprovechando el caos, se suceden las violaciones, los ataques y los robos. La policía trata de controlar la situación con gran coraje.
Entire Days in the Trees
Le fils
An old lady returns from Africa where she made a fortune to find her son in Paris, whom she has not seen in five years, with the intention of bringing him back with her. But this project fails.
Catherine & Co.
Marquis de Puisargue
Catherine, una joven prostituta que vive en París, decide hacer una empresa de sí misma después de aprender los conceptos básicos de las grandes empresas con sus clientes. Encontrará interés y reveses en su búsqueda de inversores.
Mahogany, piel caoba
Christian Rosetti
Narra el ascenso a la cumbre de una ambiciosa diseñadora de moda, después de superar múltiples dificultades y decepciones.
El gato, el ratón, el amor y el miedo
Monsieur Richard
El Señor Richard, un rico industrial, es brutalmente asesinado en su apartamento de París. Una investigación se inicia para averiguar los detalles del suceso y desentrañar dicho misterio. El inspector Lechat, famoso por sus métodos, nada tradicionales, se hace responsable del caso y, nada más entrar, pone en tela de juicio hasta los hechos más seguros, como la coartada de la señora Richard, que aparentemente es invulnerable. Otros sospechosos se unen a su lista, tales como la maestra de la víctima y un agente de seguros.
The Happy Hooker
Yves St. Jacques
Having emigrated to New York and immediately got the kiss-off from her mother-besotted fiance, a Dutch lass takes a well-paid office job and starts liberally sampling the local male talent. After a while she decides to make her pleasure her business too, and as her reputation grows she graduates to a high-class bordello. Soon she realises she has the right talents to make a real success of a place of her own.
Dos misioneros
Monsignor Delgado
Bud Spencer y Terence Hill dan vida a dos particulares "misioneros" que viven en una paradisíaca isla, y se ponen del lado de los nativos de la misma cuando un poco escrupuloso gobernador pretende desalojarla para utilizarla en beneficio de sus oscuros intereses.
La noche americana
El rodaje de una película tropieza con una serie de dificultades que afectan tanto a los miembros del equipo como a la propia película.
Man with the Transplanted Brain
Le professeur Jean Marcilly
Professor Marcilly is a famed brain specialist who, following in-depth and extended research work, is now able to perform brain transplant surgery. One day, he finds himself in the presence of a young car accident victim for whom the only hope of survival would be a brain transplant. Marcilly, who has a heart condition and is terminally ill, decides to become the "donor". The operation is a success. But who is actually the patient discharged from the hospital: a young fellow with the brain of a young man or an old man in the body of a young one?
Infantryman Jean Froissard is sentenced to two years in Biribi Military Prison in North Africa. He seems to get along, but as incompetence, corruption and sadism of his superiors (which include sexual abuse of the prison inmates) force him and others into rebellion. Court martial ensues ...
La pomme de son oeil
Roland de Mailly
The musical adventures of Béatrice, only (and spoiled) child of a French diplomat. (IMDb)
El coleccionista de cadáveres
Claude Marchand
Con la ayuda de su esposa, un escultor ciego comete asesinatos para utilizar los cadáveres como moldes para sus esculturas. Un periodista será el encargado de investigar el caso.
La fortaleza
The Count of Maldorais
A punto de acabar la Segunda Guerra Mundial, el comandante americano Falconer (Burt Lancaster) dirige un escuadrón de ocho hombres completamente agotados hasta un castillo medieval. El propietario los acoge con la esperanza de que lo defiendan de las tropas alemanas. Pero los soldados tienen otros planes: apoderarse de la fortaleza.
El caballo sin cabeza
Inspector Sinet
Un chatarrero amablemente le da a un grupo de niños pobres de Francia un regalo de un caballo de juguete, sin darse cuenta de que es el escondite de la llave de una fábrica abandonada, donde hay ocultos 10 millones de francos robados. El dinero robado pertenece a una banda de delincuentes desesperados. Episodio 2 de la décima temporada de la serie de televisión "El mágico mundo de Disney", que empezó a emitirse en 1954. Este capítulo fue transmitido en dos partes el 29 de septiembre de 1963 y 6 de octubre 1963.
Portuguese Vacation
Françoise and her husband Jean-Pierre invite some friend couples to spend a weekend in their large villa on the Portuguese coast. What follows is a romantic intrigue, with each character discovering a little more about themselves.
Un abismo entre los dos
Alan Stewart
Historia policiaca en la cual un hombre convence a su mujer de intentar hacerse con el dinero del seguro de vida de ella. (FILMAFFINITY)
Socia de alcoba
Mike Voray
Mike, an architect, is married to Lin, a beautiful and unfaithful woman. Returning from a trip, he finds she's disappeared. When he tries to locate her, he also learns about her many affairs, and he gets closer to Marina, his efficient assistant, who helps him solve the mystery.
A woman leaves her lover to return to her husband who cheats on her, something that his pride can not admit.
Los siete pecados capitales
Jean Lartigue - le mari (segment "L'orgueuil")
Película dividida en siete cortos, cada uno de ellos protagonizado por un pecado capital.
El diablo a las cuatro
Una avioneta pilotada por Jacques aterriza en Taula, una isla minúscula del Pacífico, para dejar a tres criminales y al padre Perrau, que se ha trasladado para relevar al padre Doonan. Un terremoto y una erupción volcánica se producen en la isla y Doonan convence a los recién llegados para saltar en paracaídas y rescatar al personal sanitario y a los niños del hospital de la montaña.
Una americana en Buenos Aires
The Enemy General
Lionel Durand
OSS agent, working with the French underground, ambushes Nazi convoy with high-ranking general, who escapes. Later they take him from a Nazi prison and smuggle him to England.
El capitán Jones
King Louis XVI
Guerra de Independencia de los Estados Unidos (1775-1783). Relato sobre la épica historia de John Paul Jones, el primer gran héroe de la marina americana. Tras pasar su juventud en Escocia, consiguió impresionantes victorias frente a la marina británica. Fue un marino que destacó por su valentía, sus extraordinarias cualidades de estratega y su capacidad de liderazgo para conducir América hacia la libertad. Sin embargo, sus enfrentamientos con el Congreso lo convirtieron en un hombre problemático y acabó siendo destinado a Rusia para dirigir la armada de la zarina Catalina la Grande.
The Seventh Sin
Paul Duvelle
Drama romántico en medio de un paraje exótico, un pueblo desconocido y una guerra sangrienta. La historia trata de los amores y desamores de una joven llamada Carol, quien de buenas a primeras y empujada por su familia, decide casarse con un joven doctor. la prueba para ambos, al principio muy enamorados, será dura cuando ella engañe a su marido. la solución será marcharse ambos a una zona recóndita China, donde se ha destado una epidemia de cólera.
Hilda Crane
Prof. Jacques De Lisle
After two failed marriages, a disillusioned woman returns to her hometown to start life anew.
Mademoiselle from Paris
Maurice Darnal
Dix-huit heures d'escale
Robert Vitrac
Regnault de St-Jean d'Angely
Talleyrand, el gran político francés de finales del siglo XVIII y primer cuarto del XIX, rememora en una reunión de amigos, la vida del Emperador de los franceses, desde su nacimiento en Córcega, pasando por sus gestas militares, hasta su muerte en el destierro. La cinta es una pequeña lección de la historia de Francia.
Si Versalles pudiera hablar
Le cardinal de Rohan
Durante un paseo, Luis XIII descubre un lugar encantador y decide construir en él una casa de campo que se convertirá en el Palacio de Versalles. Éste será el escenario en el que se sucederán, desde el reinado de Luis XIV (1661-1715) hasta la Revolución de 1789, una serie de intrigas amorosas y políticas protagonizadas por importantes personajes de la corte francesa.
Charge of the Lancers
Capt. Eric Evoir
Un soldado se disfraza de gitano para rescatar a su mejor amigo del enemigo.
The Sparrows of Paris
Césarin, hussard de la garde de Napoléon Ier
An American manager and his daughter want to hire "the little singers with the wooden cross" for a tour of the United States,but Jeannot,a young member of the choir recognize his grandma's locket round the girl's neck .
Los crímenes del castillo
Le précepteur Raoul Vignerte
Un historiador llega al ducado de Koenigsmark para efectuar ciertas investigaciones. No obstante, se dedica a seducir a la duquesa, a la que salva de las diabólicas intrigas de su ex marido, el duque Federico.
Lilí es una joven francesa huérfana e ingenua, sin hogar ni recursos, que se enamora de un prestidigitador al que conoce en una función circense. Se queda a vivir en el circo, donde trabaja con un ventrílocuo lisiado que se enamora de ella. Los mejores amigos de Lilí son los títeres, a los que confía sus apasionados sentimientos hacia el mago, aunque su amor no es correspondido.
Wolves Hunt at Night
Cyril Dormoy
A secret agent is summoned by the head of a counter espionage organization, to Trieste where he is to unmask a potential enemy operating in Venice.
Last Meeting
Michele Bonesi
The wife of a mechanic and tester of Alfa Romeo cars becomes the lover of a pilot. The two decide to flee together in Argentina.
Revenge of the Pirates
Il conte Enrico di Roccabruna
A pirate tries to lead his followers in vengeance against a corrupt governor.
The Straw Lover
Stanislas Michodier
The wife of gunsmith Gaston Sarazin cheats on him with his salesman. The husband, informed, wants revenge. The culprits try to divert suspicion on the dashing Stanislas. The husband forces the straw lover to live with him. Stanislas then brings the spouses together and makes the business of the gunsmith prosper.
L'homme de joie
Henri Perlis
A boudoir adventure during which the seductive Madame Jolivet, shocked by the behavior of her husband who appears with an actress, calls on the services of a young man, known as "the man of joy".
Life Begins Tomorrow
The Man of Today
Documentary filmmaker Nicole Vedre's first semi-fictional feature was released in France in 1949 as La Vie Commence Demain. The film made it to the U.S. in 1952 as Life Begins Tomorrow. Made in cooperation with UNESCO, the film speculates on the future of mankind after the advent of Atomic Energy. Many prominent French artists and intellects contribute to the narration: Jean-Pierre Aumont plays The Man of Today, Andre Labarthe is the Man of Tomorrow, and Jean-Paul Sartre, Daniel Agache, Jean Rostand, Le Corbusier, Pablo Picasso and Andre Gide are respectively seen as "The Existentialist," "The Psychiatrist,' "The Biologist," "The Architect," "The Artist" and "The Author" (talk about typecasting!) Film clips of hospitals, schoolrooms, scientific laboratories, and even nightclubs are woven into Vedre's fascinating tapestry.
Golden Arrow
Andre Marchand
On a journey from Paris to London, a Briton, a Frenchman and an American bond with each other and indulge in a romantic fantasy about a girl they see.
Wicked City
A Canadian sailor becomes a fugitive for love after a night with a woman in Marseille.
Wicked City
Eric Martin, alias Hans Norben
A Canadian sailor becomes a fugitive for love after a night with a woman in Marseille.
La Atlántida
Andre St. Avit
Un par de exploradores se encuentran con una ciudad perdida en medio de la selva gobernada por una reina misteriosa.
The First Gentleman
Prince Leopold of Saxe-Coburg
The story of a romance between the daughter of the Prince Regent and Prince Leopold of Saxe-Coburg.
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov
En busca de un piano, Nicky, cantante y médico del buque Klin, conoce a una familia de colonos españoles y a su hija Cara que secretamente baila en un cabaret. Pero Nicky parece más interesado en Cara que en la inspiración para sus obras maestras en el futuro.
Latido (Heartbeat)
Pierre de Roche
Arlette Lafron, una joven delincuente que se escapa de un reformatorio, entra a formar parte de una banda de carteristas de París, cuyo jefe, un famoso ladrón, la convierte en la mejor de su promoción. Inexplicablemente, es sorprendida in fraganti en su primer hurto por un aristócrata que, a cambio de no denunciarla, le exige que ejecute un robo para él.
La cruz de Lorena
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, un grupo de soldados franceses se entregan a las tropas nazis con la promesa de que desertarán y podrán marcharse a su hogar. Sin embargo, los alemanes no cumplen su palabra y les internan en un campo de prisioneros.
Assignment in Brittany
Bertrand Corlay / Capt. Pierre Metard
A French Resistance fighter discovers he's a dead ringer for a Nazi official.
The Deserter
Paul Marchand
During WW1, a train is stopped by a bombing, a young soldier takes advantage of the opportunity to go to his native village to see his parents.
Hotel del Norte
En un modesto hotel de un barrio popular de París, Renée (Annabella) y Pierre (Jean-Pierre Aumont), una joven pareja de enamorados, alquilan una habitación para una sola noche. Ambos jóvenes tiene intención de suicidarse: Pierre matará a Renée de un tiro, y luego disparará contra sí mismo. Pero el plan no sale como tenían planeado...
Beautiful Star
Meg decides to commit suicide to escape the marriage to which her father intends her. She is saved by Jean-Pierre, another candidate for suicide, and Léon, a tramp who was just trying to reason with him. The trio then becomes inseparable and organizes a new life based on friendship and freedom.
Satan's Paradise
Jean Larcher
Driven by necessity, Jean Larcher, a young agricultural engineer, accepts the degrading mission of leading to ruin, under cover of administering it, a huge cocoa plantation on the island of São Tomé. His employers, a financial coalition, indeed plan to dispossess its owner, an inexperienced young woman who has just inherited it, of her property. But when Jean comes into contact with her, he recognizes Francesca, a girl he had fond feelings for when he was a student.
S.O.S. Sahara
At a North Africa desert outpost threatened by Arabs, the French commander has added trouble when his wife visits and is captivated by a younger officer.
An innocent young man, burglar Cheri-Bibi, and his gangsters are sent to a penal colony.
The Woman at the End of the World
Lieutenant Robert Jacquet
A sailor falls in love with an innkeeper on a lost island.
Mama Hummingbird
Georges de Chambry
A middle aged baroness thinks she is still young enough to have an affair with a military man the age of her son.She deserts her family and follows the youth to Algeria.
Bizarre, Bizarre
Billy - le laitier amoureux d'Eva
A French farce set in Victorian London where a botanist and his wife get into trouble when they pretend to go missing in order to hide from their sanctimonious cousin - an Anglican bishop who is leading a campaign against such writing.
The Messenger
Nick, a Parisian businessman, divorces his rich American wife, marries his new secretary Marie, but is prevented from success in France so travels without his wife to an African outpost. He tells his young assistant Gilbert about his wife. When Gilbert takes sick and returns to Paris, he begins to fall in love with Marie.
French White Cargo
Henri Voisin
Two journalists from different papers are looking for the same story. They want to know, who a group of gangsters getting young women from Europe to South America, where they are forced to work in brothels. But the gangsters have their own battels against each over, so the journalists can escape the danger, in which they've brought themselves.
Taras Bulba
André Boulba
In war against the Poles, the leader Cossack sees itself betrayed by one of his threads, been in love the girl of an enemy.
The Great Temptation
The son of a naval commander faces his first heartbreak when he falls for the young American woman who is destined to become his father's new wife.
Happy Days
Sylvie, a rich girl, learns at the same time the death and the ruin of her father. Forced to find work in Paris, she is given shelter by a medical student who soon falls for her. Another young man falls in love with her. When her benefactor gets ill and finally dies, Sylvie refuses to give the other man her heart out of faithfulness for the dearly departed. But youth commands and after a time love -but not oblivion - triumphs.
Flight Into Darkness
Jean Herbillon
Un piloto de aviones de la I Guerra Mundial que no cuenta con demasiadas amistades entre sus compañeros entablará una complicada relación con un joven e inexperto aviador.
Black Eyes
In 1913, in Russia, a widower hides from his daughter that he is butler in a restaurant of rendezvous. She meets a banker who seeks to seduce her and takes her to this restaurant. The father, knowing the decadent life of this client, immediately sends his daughter back home. The pure love that her piano teacher gives her will allow the girl to console herself for her disillusions.
Maria Chapdelaine
Lorenzo Surprenant
A young woman has three suitors on her father's logging ranch on the Quebec frontier.
Ladies Lake
Eric Heller
A handsome but penniless young man takes a summer job as a swimming instructor in a picturesque Alpine lake resort. He falls in love with a young heiress who is staying there with her father, but he also grabs the attention of tomboyish Puck who lives on the other side of the lake and who saves him from drowning one foggy night. Further havoc is caused by the arrival of Eric's old sweetheart whose husband is wanted by the police.
Un jour viendra
Henri de Langillier
Ève cherche un père
Eve is to marry Jacques, the son of a general. But the general does not want a fatherless girl as a daughter-in-law. To remedy the problem Eve, who is the resourceful kind, sets about finding herself a father. She finds one in the person of a charming forty-five- year-old man. The brooding fiancé remains reluctant though and Eve is about to get engaged with her pseudo father when the latter suddenly remembers that he is ...Eve's real father!
Le Voleur
Fernand Lagardes
A woman steals to have enough money to please her husband. Her nephew, madly in love with her, reports this to a detective who catches her red handed.
La merveilleuse tragédie de Lourdes
A professor of philosophy, an atheist, converts to Catholicism following a miracle: his daughter, whose leg must be amputated, is taken to Lourdes by her very religious fiancé, and is cured there.
Song of the Streets
A gang of poverty-ridden juvenile delinquents progress from petty theft to hard crime, but a kindly judge manages to set most of them on the right path after they are finally apprehended.
Should We Wed Them?
Professor Bock is to inaugurate the museum, the construction of which was donated by a generous patron who remains anonymous. He learns that it is his brother's wife, a former dancer, and whom he hates. But her daughter falls in love with Jim, the son of the ex-dancer, and everything will work out.
After his engagement party with beautiful Aline, Claude, a struggling writer, meets his two closest friends. The trio sets up a daring publicity stunt, involving a fake murder. The scheme backfires as the fake victim gets really dead.
Jean of the Moon
Marceline, the young wife of the florist Jean, can't help flirting with other men, but her brother Clo-Clo takes the poor husband's side against his sister.