Michel Duchaussoy (uncredited)
La historia de un legendario director llamado J.J. "Jake" Hannaford, que regresa a Hollywood desde los años de semi-exilio en Europa, con planes para completar el trabajo en su propia película, también titulada "Al otro lado del viento" y volver al estrellato... Último largometraje de Orson Welles, terminado en 2018 por un equipo de profesionales siguiendo las anotaciones del realizador.
François Mitterrand
Wahid Gordji is an Iranian diplomat suspected of the attack at 'rue de Rennes'. Yet, he is ultimately absolved when French hostages in Lebanon are released. Political scandal in France: there is suspicion that the government had intervened in the case and to have exchanged the liberation of the hostages with that of Gordj. Discredited, the judge commits suicide. Mitterand and Chirac keep lobbing the responsibility of the case to each other.
Edouard Tezac
En mayo de 2002, a Julia Jarmond, una periodista americana afincada en París desde hace veinte años, le encargan un artículo relacionado con el sexagésimo aniversario de la redada contra los judíos. Julia, casada con Bertrand Tézac, con el que tiene una hija de once años, irá conociendo poco a poco los acontecimientos del fatídico año 1942, entre ellos la historia de Sarah, una joven que, curiosamente, está relacionada con su familia política, los Tézac. Tras este descubrimiento, no descansará hasta conocer cuál fue el destino de Sarah y cuál su relación con la familia de su marido. Adaptación del best-seller de Tatiana de Rosnay
The day she turns 40, Marguerite Flora, a successful rep for a nuclear power company, begins receiving letters she'd sent to herself at age seven. The letters tell her what to do if her life hasn't turned out the way she thought it should, when she was living in poverty with her mother and brother in a small village in southern France. She decides to go back to her birthplace to get the lawyer to stop the letters, but also to visit her childhood sweetheart and her long-forgotten brother, in order to find peace within herself.
Sous Préfet Crémieux
Alexandre Dumas, at the height of his career, takes Auguste Maquet, his chief literary collaborator or 'ghost writer' ten years his junior, to meet a young unknown admirer, Charlotte Desrives. The two men are at the summit of their artistic collaboration for they have just published "The Count of Monte Christo", "Queen Margot" and "The Three Musketeers". If it's Maquet who writes the majority of the texts, both the honours and fame go to Dumas.
Le vieil homme
Sonia (Gainsbourg) y Daniel (Duris) mantienen una tormentosa relación; por eso, cuando un tipo se cuela en casa de Daniel con la intención de quedarse, Daniel da por supuesto que es cosa de Sonia. Sin embargo, tras la ruptura de la pareja, el nuevo inquilino permanece en la casa impertérrito, lo que crea un atmósfera tensa y llena de incógnitas.
In the 1950s, Louise left her husband when their children were still little. She was never heard from again. Her daughter Martine stayed in the small seaside town, where she became a doctor. Martine's daughter, Audrey, a thirty-year-old independent woman, returns to visit her parents. By chance, she finds a notebook that belonged to her grandmother, a diary that may at last explain her departure. Will it reveal the things left unsaid, that have altered the relationships within the heart of the family ever since? In it, will Audrey find answers to the questions that she is asking herself about her own future?
Le directeur
Nicolás vive feliz y querido por sus padres, con una pandilla de amiguetes con los que se lo pasa bomba...; no quiere para nada que las cosas cambien. Pero un buen día, Nicolás oye una conversación entre sus padres por la que entiende que su madre está embarazada. Le entra tal terror que se imagina lo peor: le va a caer encima un hermanito que acaparará todos los cuidados de sus padres... hasta el punto de que hasta puede que acabe abandonado en un bosque como Pulgarcito.
M. Dulac
Clemence is a brilliant young lawyer who has just settled herself in a comfortable chair. She does not want to be involved in love.
Three old gentlemen are in a hospital, where amazing things seem to happen, just outside the window.
Pierre André Mesrine, father of Jacques
Nueva entrega sobre la vida de Jacques Mesrine entre 1973 y 1979, época en la que se le conoció como el enemigo público número 1. Todo comenzó cuando consiguió fugarse del tribunal de Compiègne, encañonando al juez hasta la calle, donde un compinche lo esperaba en un coche. La muerte de su padre, sus espectaculares atracos a sucursales bancarias, sus huidas trepidantes, o la publicación de su libro "L'instinct de mort", desde la cárcel, son algunos de los hechos más destacables de su biografía.
Pierre André Mesrine, father of Jacques
La vida del gángster Jacques Mesrine, conocido como “el hombre de las mil caras”, verídica leyenda de la criminología francesa. Jaques Mesrine es un joven soldado en Argelia que ha ido perdiendo parte de sus escrúpulos tras ser partícipe de los brutales medios que el ejército francés empleaba en los interrogatorios. Al regresar a Francia y a la casa de sus padres, la adaptación a la vida cotidiana se le hace difícil y con la ayuda de un amigo suyo se inicia en pequeños trabajos ilegales.
Mutr Van Kimé
A French tradesman travels in time and liberates an oppressed tribe in another world.
Professeur de Sorgues
Marc and Emma move into a new house but have no idea that their basement was a gay nightclub. To make matters worse, the club was destroyed by fire, and now the house is haunted by the ghosts of five gay clubbers.
Jean-Baptiste Dutilleul
le père d'Arthur
Tras un accidente de tráfico, Arthur Seligman cae en coma, durante el cual, pronuncia diversas frases incoherentes. Al despertar, no recuerda ciertos aspectos importantes de su vida. La enfermera que cuidaba de él durante su convalecencia, Isabelle Kruger , toma nota en un cuaderno de lo que Arthur decía durante el coma y, al recibir el alta, se lo entrega. Éste intenta comprender lo sucedido y el significado de las frases.
Arthur (Jonathan Zaccaï) estaba seguro de que Lola (Hélène de Fougerolles) era una chica diferente que no caería en los tópicos de la pareja convencional. Pero, al cumplir los treinta, ella recupera la idea del príncipe encantado y le pide como prueba de amor que se case con ella. Arthur, que está enamorado, acepta, pero impone a Lola una serie de condiciones. Sin embargo, la pareja se verá atrapada entre los sueños infantiles de Lola, el anticonformismo de Arthur y la horrible perspectiva de una pomposa boda familiar cuya organización no les trae más que complicaciones.
le clochard
Philippe (Benoît Magimel), un joven que vive con su madre y dos hermanas pequeñas en un barrio tranquilo, acaba de empezar a trabajar con un contratista inmobiliario. En la boda de su hermana, se siente atraído por Senta, su dama de honor, pero el amor de Senta es un amor insano que consume a Philippe. Prueba de ello es que llega a proponerle matar a un desconocido como prueba suprema de su amor.
After more than 40 years of absence, Socrates spends some days in Corsica, accompanied by his son Antoine, to see his cousins. But Antoine discovers his father's secret before his birthday party.
Dr. Monnier
Anna entre en la oficina equivocada y acaba discutiendo su vida marital con William, un asesor financiero. Sus conversaciones iniciales les llevan a una serie de encuentros en los cuales William, preso de la excitación, no se atreve a contar a Anna que no tiene licencia profesional.
Clara lleva a su hija y sus amigos a pasar un fin de semana al pueblo de su abuelo. Todos ellos pasan un buen rato, pero a su regreso comienzan a morir. El abuelo de Clara misteriosamente se ahoga, a continuación, los niños comienzan a enfermarse. Al mismo tiempo, los clientes del spa de Clara empiezan a enfermar. Clara comenzará a sospechar que todas estas enfermedades y muertes están relacionadas con algún tipo de envenenamiento de peces capturados cerca de la aldea de su abuelo.
Karl Freud
Claude es una joven acusada de veintisiete homicidios. Su caso es excepcional ya que posee una patología llamada "desorden de personalidad múltiple". Su psiquiatra y el policía que le detuvo deciden sumergirse en su complejo mundo interior para tratar de resolver el caso. Pero quién se adentra en un laberinto corre el riesgo de no poder salir jamás...
Monsieur Barsac
A killer has found a way to kill women without committing the crime. He gets them to fall in love with him, like Isolde falls for Tristan in the epic poem, and then he leaves them. Heartbroken they choose suicide, just like Isolde.
Mientras son conducidos a otra prisión, dos reos peligrosos consiguen fugarse. Con la policía pisándoles los talones, se refugian en los suburbios, en la hermosa casa de los Rozes. Pero pronto descubrirán que la vida de esta familia no es tan normal como a primera vista pudiera parecer. (FILMAFFINITY)
Dris (Samuel Le Bihan) ha estado varios años en prisión, y ahora pretende volver con los suyos. Pero quiere hacer tábula rasa en su vida, y así empezar de nuevo. Así que se ha mudado a vivir con Lisa (Marie Guillard), una chica responsable que lo ama de verdad y que no podría soportar perderlo otra vez: le ha estado esperando todos estos años para emprender una vida juntos. Él ha encontrado un trabajo para el que se levanta cada mañana al amanecer y en el que descarga camiones de verdura. (FILMAFFINITY)
Dos sistemas: por una parte, la maquinaria nazi y, por otra, la diplomacia del Vaticano y de los Aliados. Pero dos hombres luchan desde dentro. El primero es Kurt Gerstein (personaje real), químico y miembro de las SS que se encarga de suministrar el gas Ziklon B a los campos de la muerte. Pero eso no le impide denunciar los crímenes nazis a los aliados, al Papa e incluso a los miembros de la Iglesia alemana a la que pertenece, jugándose de este modo su vida y la de su familia. El segundo, Ricardo, es un joven jesuita que representa a todos los sacerdotes que supieron oponerse a la barbarie, pagando muchas veces con su propia vida. Kurt Gerstein sabía lo que estaba ocurriendo y quería que el mundo entero también lo supiera. La película denuncia la indiferencia de todos aquellos que sabían lo que estaba pasando y decidieron callarse.
Georges Mader
After the death of her father, whom she never knew, a young woman finds herself at the head of a large company.
A young man joins a team of experimented door-to-door salesmen, who teach him how to sell an expensive encyclopedia to modest homes that have no use for it.
André, the priest
Lise is a Parisian prostitute who has a young son, Sebastien. Lise dotes on her boy, who has a gift for music and sings in a children's choir directed by aging parish priest Father Andre. Sebastien becomes involved in an auto accident that sends him into a coma; after he remains unconscious for three months, Lise begins to panic, desperate for a remedy that medical science can't provide. When she is told of a field in a village in rural France where a miracle is said to have occurred some years before -- an apparition of the Virgin Mary arrived to provide food for a group of starving children -- Lise wants to travel to the site of the miracle to pray for her son. She also insists that Father Andre come along, but the priest is not eager to go, due to his age, his health, and his increasing cynicism about religion. Lise is persistent, however, and before long the two are on the road in search of a much-needed miracle.
Zef, twenty years old, is a simple-minded man who can only say one word: "love you". Always happy, loving everyone, he lives with his sister Sophie on a farm in the Lot. Attracted by the sad smile of Marie, he rapes her one evening without realizing the gravity of his act. Commited in a psychiatric asylum, Zef falls into a deep silence. Hugues, a doctor with avant-garde methods, is in charge of caring for Marie. He decides to confront her with Zef, convinced that her healing goes through a long reappropriation of life and love.
le gouverneur
En 1849, en las isla francesa de Saint-Pierre, cerca del Canadá, dos hombres borrachos cometen un crimen absurdo. Uno de ellos es condenado a muerte, pero debe aguardar a que llegue la guillotina desde la Martinica. Durante los meses de espera, el reo ayuda en sus obras de caridad a la esposa del capitán del la guarnicion, la cual lo protege y sólo ve en él bondad y sencillez.
Ten-year-old Edgar, the son of a wealthy family, finds his world turned upside down when his parents decide to adopt Anibal, a Peruvian boy, whom Edgar considers an intruder.
Maj. Boucher
In the eleventh film in the series, in December 1916, Indy, still stationed in Africa, is promoted to Captain and then ordered to cross the jungle with Remy and Captain Boucher to pick up a shipment of weaponry. Along the way, Ubangan Sergeant Barthélèmy picks up the sole surviving child from a disease-ravaged village despite Boucher's orders against it. On the way back, Indy and company succumb to disease themselves, and are picked up by Albert Schweitzer and the orderlies from his jungle hospital. At first resistant to being treated by a German, Indy soon begins to realize that Schweitzer is not interested in war, only attempting to cure people against all odds.
Le procureur
This is a psychological drama about Louis Riquier (Charles Berling), a veteran of the Algerian war and a divorced father whose wife (Beatrice Palme) has custody of their children and who barricades himself with the kids in his country house. The police and the press surround the house, but he does not want to surrender. Instead, he gets more and more violent. Manipulated by their father, the kids go along with the scenario, taking it as a game. The film has as background the turbulence of 1968, with all its left-wing political implications. As in the director's previous film (Vieux fusil (The Old Gun), the gun also has multiple purposes here. Literally speaking, it is the instrument of crime; metaphorically, it is the force that would liberate the poor victim from his tragic fate. But the hero is just too violent and emotionally disturbed to evoke one's pity.
After returning from a long African exile, a sixty-year-old woman leaves her unfaithful husband and starts anew with her five-year-old granddaughter.
Félix / Lourcet
Sex, avant-garde art, and Communist ideology are at the heart of this compelling historical drama. The film opens just as the Soviet Empire crumbles in 1989. As Louise mourns the death of her lover, she discovers the journal of Alfred Katz, an earnest Jewish radical and erstwhile poet who disappeared in 1938. With the aid of a history professor, Louise unravels what happened to Katz. In the feverish climate of pre-WWII Paris, Katz reveals himself as both a fervent Trotskyite and an unabashed romantic. At a party thrown by the noted surrealist Andre Breton, he meets Mila, a beautiful part-time model, part-time whore. As soon as he falls for her, he learns of her other lover Felix, a fervent Stalinist. Bored with politics, Mila eventually marries Katz. Soon betrayal and politics catch up with the poet.
Life and times of Antoine de Saint-Exupery, famous French pilot and even more famous writer who disappeared on a routine reconnaissance flight during WW2.
Le docteur Flache
Antoine, 11, is on holiday with his grandfather. One night he catches thieves hiding their booty in a pond. Antoine seizes the 40 million. But Liza, his new friend, is the daughter of one of the criminals. Both children soon face threats.
Pierre de Roscoff
Después de una ruptura difícil y tres años de abstinencia sexual, Eva parte en busca de un nuevo amor.
Armand Larnin
At gunpoint, a plastic surgeon must operate on a criminal to escape the police. But when the criminal returns for treatment, the doctor plans to take revenge on his unfaithful wife.
Julien Boulet
A wealthy businessman risks his fortune to test the love of his beautiful girlfriend.
The teacher Odile Langlois starts her new job in the elementary school of a small French town. She is elegant and mysterious - but most of all, she is very friendly to her new students, whose confidence she gains so quickly. On the contrary, however, Odile's unconventional, alternative way of teaching does not appeal to some colleagues and parents who do everything to get rid of the young teacher ...
In Paris, on the platform of a subway station, three tramps spend time vituperating.
Quentin and André, two brothers who had lost sight for several years, find themselves in the family home, uninhabited since the death of their parents.
Émile Vieuzac vive con su madre en una gran casa de campo. Cuando ella muere repentinamente, él invita a todos sus parientes a acudir al funeral. Son los tiempos de la revuelta estudiantil de mayo del 68. (FILMAFFINITY)
Général Villerieux
Alegato antibélico ambientado en las postrimerías de la Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918) que relata el penoso trabajo de un militar que dirige una sección encargada de la búsqueda e identificación de muertos en acto de servicio. Cosechó excelentes críticas tanto en Europa como en USA.
Investigating judge
In this gothic romance based on a 1950s novel by Robert Margerit, after a whirlwind romance, Violette, a Parisian girl, has married Gustave Dupin, a charming aristocrat, and returned with him to live on his country estate. There, she begins to discover that all is not as it seemed, and beneath her groom's charming exterior is an undreamt-of savagery. She forms an alliance with her husband's much saner brother Bastien which saves her in the end, but not before she must go on trial for the murder of her husband.
Historia de la Revolución Francesa. En 1789, Luis XVI decide convocar los Estados Generales con el fin de resolver el grave problema de la deuda de Francia. El 10 de agosto de 1792 el rey es capturado cuando intentaba huir de París para unirse a los contrarrevolucionarios. Pierde entonces toda su autoridad y es encarcelado. Durante la Época del Terror, el gobierno jacobino de Robespierre llevó a la guillotina a cientos de miles de franceses, entre ellos Luis XVI, María Antonieta e incluso a revolucionarios como Danton y Desmoulins.
Le commissaire Gaborit
The story of man who kills his friends during night party by toxin gas. He films the moment that the guests are breathing gas until they die. He attempts to kill other guests who didn't come to the party in several ways.
In this action thriller, Richard Anconina is Willie, a young and lonesome cop who loves lonesome cowboy music. While on a drug case Willie comes across a mulatta named Jo (model Ambre of Senegalese extraction), who is trapped in a dismal life of prostitution by two abusive Lebanese brothers. Risking his own life, Willie frees Jo from their fierce imprisonment, but the battered woman runs right back again.
Laurent Tedesco
En 1911, Charles Saganne, un teniente del ejército francés de origen campesino, tenía todas las cualidades de un héroe de Balzac: ambición, amor y buena presencia. Cansado de la vida de la guarnición, decide ir al Sur, al Sáhara. Allí conocerá la vida y la muerte, la aventura, la libertad, la lucha en el campo de batalla, el fracaso, el sufrimiento y el placer, el amor y la gloria en la campaña de pacificación del desierto, donde un fuerte llevará su nombre. (FILMAFFINITY)
François Lambert
Adventures of a group of youngsters set in a provincial French city in the 1950's.
Daniel Savary
During the world war two in a French village a teacher and a female pupil have been killed by the Gestapo because of an informer.Now forty years later former pupils , now adults will meet together in a villager to find out who was the pupil who denounced the teacher to the Germans and also to take a decision about it.
The magician / Moron / Tartuffe
Le docteur Jean-Paul Leroy
François Lestin
Un detective privado llega a una pequeña ciudad de provincias para investigar una serie de asesinatos, lo cual destapará la vida secreta de diversas familias.
Patrice Rengain
In this satire, a police detectiveis investigating the disappearance and kidnapping of the host of a television dance show. However, instead of finding his man, he is trapped into becoming a contestant on a children's quiz show. What's worse is that he becomes a very successful contestant.
Camille Chandebise
Alceste hates all of humanity, denounces its hypocrisy, cowardice and compromise. But he nevertheless loves Célimène, flirtatious and slanderous. The virtuous thus launches into battles lost in advance which force him to flee.
Placide Justin
Art collector Pierre Niox (Alain Delon) rushes through life, lives a frantic life, does everything in full speed -- searching for and acquiring works of art or real estate, marrying or even dying -- and in total disregard for any kind of morality. His misdeeds finally turn on him and destroy him.
Inspecteur Jacques Vivien
After years of poverty, Carrier, a repairman, inherits a large sum of money upon his brother's death in an accident. Now rich, he decides it is time to make his mark and be known at any cost. Becoming more and more mentally unstable, he begins to threaten police and the government signing his tracts, "Armaguedon". A detective from Interpol heads the investigation and prepares a trap at an international conference of world leaders in Paris.
Paul Valéry
On the terrace of a Parisian café, Paul Valéry observes his neighbor, Monsieur Teste. The two men strike up a conversation. A supporter of "neither god nor master", Mr. Teste engages in a regular introspection, as rigorous as it is passionate, and shares his thoughts with humor.
After young film writer Leo has his latest screenplay rejected he retreats to his summer home on an island, on his way he meets the flight attendant Virgo and a romance soon blossoms.
Le chambellan
In the forest, knight-errant Hans meets and falls in love with Ondine, a water-sprite who is attracted to the world of mortal man.
Dos actrices, interpretadas por Hélène Surgiré y Sonia Saviange, que ya no están en su mejor momento, conviven en un apartamento en París. Muy a lo Fassbinder, es un retrato duro, claustrofóbico, seco y a veces patéticamente divertido.
Huyendo de sus padres burgueses, una joven cae en manos de un guapo, rico y neurótico joven alemán. (FILMAFFINITY)
Capitaine Cambrai
Como fruto de una apuesta con un colega, el coronel Toulouse secuestra a la bella Christine y a François para conseguir forzar el retorno del Rubio y así demostrar que se trata de un agente especial del servicio de espionaje y no un fruto del azar. Secuela de "El gran rubio con un zapato negro".
Marcel Treuffais
Un grupo terrorista europeo llamado 'Nada" secuestra al embajador americano. Pronto surgen tensiones entre ellos debido a las discrepancias sobre los pasos a seguir. La división interna de la banda junto a la total confusión de la policía hace que la violencia se intensifique cada vez más en ambos lados...
D'Artagnan and his musketeer comrades must thwart the plans of Cardinal Richelieu to usurp King Louis XIII's power. Animated film directed by John Halas.
Cannes Film Festival 1973
Paris 1960. DeGaulle determines to end a bitter war in Algeria by granting its independence. Millions oppose him, including a group of DeGaulle's disenchanted Arm Officers. In a desperate attempt to save the colony for France, they plan a daring jailbreak of their imprisoned leader. A network of snitches inform a tenacious detective leading to an explosive three-way cat-and-mouse game among the rebels, the Gaullist politicos and the police.
Hélène Masson es guapa, inteligente y rica gracias a su empresa de ropa femenina. Pero tiene 38 años y se siente cansada por su ritmo de vida y temerosa ante los primeros signos de envejecimiento. Siguiendo el consejo de su mejor amigo, Jérôme, decide acompañarlo al exclusivo Instituto de Talasoterapia de los doctores Devilers y Bernard, situado en un lugar idílico junto al océano. Los ricos clientes del Instituto acuden para beneficiarse del nuevo descubrimiento de los doctores: un preparado a base de células animales capaz de obrar el milagro del rejuvenecimiento. Sin embargo, Hélène empieza a sospechar que algo terrible sucede en el Instituto cuando aparece el cuerpo de Jéròme destrozado entre las rocas y percibe que los trabajadores inmigrantes del centro desaparecen sin dejar rastro.
Monsieur Loyal
A filmed version of Molière's play.
The widow Champbaudet believes herself loved by an architect. But the young man actually has views on the neighbor upstairs. Cunning, he multiplies his visits to the widow with the sole aim of getting closer to the beautiful Aglaé. It was without counting on the husband of this one, whose jealousy could well play nasty tricks on the heartthrob of these ladies!
The gardener
During the long journey that brought him home victorious in the Trojan War, Agamemnon fell in love with one of his captives, Cassander, daughter of Priam, with whom he had children. The reception in Argos, more than ten years later, was icy. Annoyed by the double indelicacy of her husband, Clytemnestra, his wife who had meanwhile become the mistress of Aegisthus, killed him with the help of her lover. Aegisthus then became the regent and ensured the prosperity of the city alongside his mistress, the widowed queen. But Electra, one of the daughters of Agamemnon, has always foreseen the murder and adultery of her mother. Solitary, wild, she lives in the royal palace awaiting the return of Orestes, her brother who has taken refuge since childhood with an uncle, in order to take revenge. Electra can begin, the crimes of the Atreides family continue quietly, as planned.
Le docteur Robert Desagnac
Professor Marcilly is a famed brain specialist who, following in-depth and extended research work, is now able to perform brain transplant surgery. One day, he finds himself in the presence of a young car accident victim for whom the only hope of survival would be a brain transplant. Marcilly, who has a heart condition and is terminally ill, decides to become the "donor". The operation is a success. But who is actually the patient discharged from the hospital: a young fellow with the brain of a young man or an old man in the body of a young one?
El novio de Isabelle acaba de suicidarse. La joven vaga por las calles de París hasta que decide dar un cambio radical de vida y abandonar la ciudad. Viaja a la costa, donde conoce a un joven profesor de historia...
Céline is a free-spirited woman is married to a dull, middle manager Philippe. Her husband's co-worker pegged her as a household ornament because of the union. She befriends a woman who shows her how to juggle the couple's living expenses to get what she wants. As she asserts her independence and gradually frees herself from her husband's claustrophobic world, she turns to painting and writing about the inequity between genders.
De Chenneviette
Allan Jourdan
Hélène Régnier (Stéphane Audran) abandona a su toxicómano esposo Charles (Jean-Claude Drouot), después de que éste diera una brutal paliza al hijo de ambos, enviándolo al hospital. Hélène decide quedarse en un hotelucho mientras acelera los trámites de divorcio. Pero tiene todas las de perder ante la influyente familia de Charles quien, pese a todo, podría quedarse con la custodia de su hijo tras una serie de maniobras.
Philippe Andrieux
Screenwriter Philippe (Duchaussoy) imagines a crime committed by his wife Sylvie (Delon) and a mutual friend Pierre (Serre): a dead body is put in a trunk but the hand sticks out. Sylvie and Pierre begin to have an affair and things get very dangerous and the imaginary crime is on its way to becoming prophetic.
Charles Thenier
El hijo único de Charles Thenier muere atropellado por un conductor que se da a la fuga. Decidido a encontrar al criminal, empieza a investigar por su cuenta. Poco después, conoce a una mujer que podría ser la cuñada del culpable.
A chance meeting with an alluring stranger leads a sports journalist down a twisted path of deception.
Police Officer Duval
Cuando Charles Desvallées empieza a sospechar que su mujer lo está traicionando con otro hombre, contrata un detective privado para que la siga y averigüe quién es el amante. Una vez confirmada la infidelidad y descubierta la identidad de su rival, el celoso marido prepara su venganza...
Françoise looks like a sexy kitten by day, but is a silent she-wolf by night, making very clever robberies of gold jewels. Despite the interest, and competition, from Bruno, she ends a lonely she-wolf.
Bob Neuman
Two cartoonists meet a playboy who lives out the fantasies created in their cartoons. He hires them to create a new comic strip. As they work on the new strip, the playboy begins to live it out. Unfortunately, the new strip deals with murder.