Michel Duchaussoy (uncredited)
야심 찬 복귀작을 준비하는 거장 감독 해너퍼드. 그의 생애 마지막 날, 그가 끝까지 분투한 작품의 편린이 공개된다. 오슨 웰스가 마지막으로 남긴, 영화에 관한 영화.
François Mitterrand
Wahid Gordji is an Iranian diplomat suspected of the attack at 'rue de Rennes'. Yet, he is ultimately absolved when French hostages in Lebanon are released. Political scandal in France: there is suspicion that the government had intervened in the case and to have exchanged the liberation of the hostages with that of Gordj. Discredited, the judge commits suicide. Mitterand and Chirac keep lobbing the responsibility of the case to each other.
Edouard Tezac
1942년 7월, 어느 날. 갑자기 들이닥친 경찰들이 유대인들을 하나 둘씩 체포하기 시작한다. 10살 소녀 사라는 경찰들의 눈을 피해 동생 미셸을 벽장에 숨기고 열쇠를 감춘다. 사라는 동생에게 금방 돌아와서 꺼내주겠다는 약속을 남긴 채, 부모님과 함께 수용소로 강제 이송된다. 수용소에 갇혀 있는 내내 오직 벽장 속에 갇혀있는 동생을 구해야겠다는 일념뿐인 사라. 벽장 열쇠를 목숨처럼 지키던 사라는 수용소에서 탈출을 시도하는데... 그리고, 2009년 프랑스의 어느 신문사. 프랑스인과 결혼한 미국인 기자 줄리아는 1942년 프랑스 유대인 집단 체포사건에 대해 취재 하던 중, 자신과 묘하게 이어져 있는 사라의 흔적을 찾게 된다. 그리고 사라의 발자취를 따라 사건에 얽힌 실타래를 풀어갈수록 줄리아와 가족의 삶은 점점 흔들리게 되는데… 사라진 소녀의 흔적… 이제, 그 진실의 문이 열린다.
Dear, 마그릿! 이 편지를 읽을 때면 넌 근사한 생일을 맞았겠지? 어른이 되어서 잊지 말라고 7살인 지금 이 편지를 써두는 거야. 여기 인생에서 가장 중요한 일들을 적을 게. 먼저 보물을 숨겨야 해! 종이 비행기 멀리 날리기, 왕자님한테 뽀뽀도 해야 하고. 나중에 지금 묻어둔 이 보물들을 찾으면 행복해질 수 있을 거야! 마그릿! 넌 커서 뭐가 되었니? My name is 마가렛! 화려한 직업, 잘나가는 애인, 모두가 나를 부러워한다. 마리아 칼라스, 엘리자베스 테일러! 그녀들처럼 되기 위해 나는 오늘도 1분 1초를 다툰다. 그런데 오늘, 날 ‘마그릿’이라 부르는 변호사가 편지 꾸러미를 전해줬다. 7살의 내가 보낸 편지라나? 아~ 유치해죽겠네! 내 어릴 때 꿈은 딱 지금의 내가 되는 거였다. 고작 7살짜리가 뭐라고 완벽한 내 삶을 뒤 흔들어? 그런데… 우물에 묻었던 마지막 편지의 비밀은 무엇이었을까?
Sous Préfet Crémieux
Alexandre Dumas, at the height of his career, takes Auguste Maquet, his chief literary collaborator or 'ghost writer' ten years his junior, to meet a young unknown admirer, Charlotte Desrives. The two men are at the summit of their artistic collaboration for they have just published "The Count of Monte Christo", "Queen Margot" and "The Three Musketeers". If it's Maquet who writes the majority of the texts, both the honours and fame go to Dumas.
Le vieil homme
다니엘은 신축 중인 건물에서 잡부로 일하며 먹고 잔다. 자유롭고 반항적인 성격 탓에 가끔씩 침입하는 정체 모를 정신병자 외에 그를 찾는 이도 별로 없다. 소니아와의 순탄치 못한 관계에 괴로워하면서도 서로의 묻혀진 진심을 찾아 파고 들어간다.
In the 1950s, Louise left her husband when their children were still little. She was never heard from again. Her daughter Martine stayed in the small seaside town, where she became a doctor. Martine's daughter, Audrey, a thirty-year-old independent woman, returns to visit her parents. By chance, she finds a notebook that belonged to her grandmother, a diary that may at last explain her departure. Will it reveal the things left unsaid, that have altered the relationships within the heart of the family ever since? In it, will Audrey find answers to the questions that she is asking herself about her own future?
Le directeur
믿었던 부모님한테 발등 찍혔다? 내 이름은 니콜라, 순탄하기만 하던 열 살 내 인생을 위협하는 무지막지한 일이 생겼습니다. 갑자기 아빠가 엄마한테 엄청 잘해주는 게 아니겠어요! 바람 잘날 없던 엄마, 아빠가 갑자기 다정하다는 건 곧 동생이 생긴다는 증거고, 그럼 이제 귀찮아진 나를 숲에 버릴게 분명해요! OTL.. 얼마 전에 동생이 생겨서 첫째인 자긴 버려질지 모른다고 했던 친구가 정말로 학교에 나오질 않았거든요!! 동생 따윈 필요 없어! 먹보대장, 우유빛깔도련님, 밉상범생, 동네파이터, 깨방정, 전교꼴찌, 파파보이, 그리고 나까지 8명의 친구들이 모여서 대책위원회를 조직하고 아부작전을 펼쳤지만, 하는 일마다 모두 빵꾸똥꾸~ 이러다간 동생이 안 생겨도 버려지게 생겼지 뭐에요. 귀여운 오해, 엉뚱한 공상 8인의 악동들이 펼치는 유쾌한 반란~ 이젠 최후의 방법 밖에 없습니다. 그것은 바로, 무시무시한 갱단에게 부탁해서 동생을 납치해달라고 하는 것! 곧바로 행동개시~ 롸잇 나우!!
M. Dulac
Clemence is a brilliant young lawyer who has just settled herself in a comfortable chair. She does not want to be involved in love.
Three old gentlemen are in a hospital, where amazing things seem to happen, just outside the window.
Pierre André Mesrine, father of Jacques
쟈크 메슬린은 경찰에 잡혀 법정에 서게 되면서도 미리 화장실에 권총을 숨겨놓았다가 판사를 인질로 삼아 탈출에 성공하는 등 프랑스 정부로부터 공공의 적으로 지목을 받게 된다. 은행이나 카지노를 털고 국가 권력에 맞서는 데에도 서슴치 않았던 그는 시대 분위기에 편승해 로빈훗과 같은 인물로 묘사됐고, 거액을 받고 잡지사와 비밀 인터뷰까지 하며 이러한 상황을 즐긴다.
Pierre André Mesrine, father of Jacques
섹시함과 재치, 남자답고 당당한 카리스마에 의리까지, 어느 하나 부족하지 않은 최고의 남자 '자크 메스린(뱅상 카셀 분)'. 마음에 드는 여자를 단번에 꼬시는 것은 기본, 은행강도, 백만장자 납치극 등 자신이 원하기만 하면 세상이 주목하고 이슈가 되는 사건의 중심에 항상 그가 있다. 결국 최악의 죄수들을 수감하는 특수교도소에 투옥된 그는 이번에도 기회를 놓치지 않고 짜릿한 탈옥의 기회를 엿본다.
Mutr Van Kimé
A French tradesman travels in time and liberates an oppressed tribe in another world.
Professeur de Sorgues
Marc and Emma move into a new house but have no idea that their basement was a gay nightclub. To make matters worse, the club was destroyed by fire, and now the house is haunted by the ghosts of five gay clubbers.
Jean-Baptiste Dutilleul
le père d'Arthur
불의의 교통사고로 혼수상태에 빠진 채 병원에 실려온 아르튀르는 의식이 회복 된 뒤에도 사고에 대한 기억은 없다.
유일한 단서는 혼수 상태 동안 무의식적으로 한 말을 간호사가 기록한 검은색 노트 한 권 뿐. 아르튀르는 노트에 적혀있는 뜻 모를 말들을 따라 자신이 당한 사고에 대한 실마리를 추적해간다.
그러나 무의식이라는 감당하기 힘든 장애물에 의해 그의 기억을 찾는 여정은 번번히 벽에 가로막힌다.
Not too excited Arthur asks marriage Lola. What should have been a quiet ceremony evolves in something bigger, expensive and overwhelming as family is involved. The organization of the best day of their lives threatens to destroy them.
le clochard
A hard-working young man meets and falls in love with his sister's bridesmaid. He soon finds out how disturbed she really is.
After more than 40 years of absence, Socrates spends some days in Corsica, accompanied by his son Antoine, to see his cousins. But Antoine discovers his father's secret before his birthday party.
Dr. Monnier
결혼생활에 대한 고민으로 심리치료사를 찾기로 결심한 안나.
이웃집 아저씨 같은 외모의 편안한 그에게 안나는 모든 비밀을 털어놓기 시작한다. 어느 누구에게도 말하지 못했던 은밀한 부분까지도…
재정상담사로 그만그만한 일상을 보내고 있는 윌리엄.
어느 날 그를 심리치료사로 착각한 미모의 젊은 여성이 찾아와 은밀한 사생활을 털어놓는다. 당황스러우면서도 왠지 그녀와의 다음 예약날짜가 빨리 기다려지는 건…?
심리치료사를 찾아간다는 것이 잘못해서 재정상담가인 윌리엄을 찾아가게 된 ‘안나’. 윌리엄을 심리치료사로 착각한 그녀는 자신의 모든 비밀들을 그에게 털어놓기 시작한다. 자신을 심리치료사로 착각한 그녀의 갑작스런 등장에 당황한 ‘윌리엄’. 그러나 아름다우면서도 묘한 느낌을 주는 그녀와의 상담시간이 그는 점점 기다려지기만 한다. 그녀의 비밀을 알아가는 것에 매료당하면서도, 사생활을 듣는 것에 죄책감을 느낀 윌리엄은 결국 안나에게 자신이 심리치료사가 아니라고 이야기한다. 그 사실을 알게 된 안나는 크게 화를 내며 돌아가고, 윌리엄은 이제 그녀를 만나지 못한다는 것에 왠지 모를 허전함을 느끼게 되는데…
Clara takes her daughter and her friends to a weekend visit at her grandfather's village. They all have a great time, but after they return home people start dying. First Clara's grandfather mysteriously drowns, then the children start getting sick and one, her goddaughter, dies. Around same time clients at the spa she teaches aqua-aerobics start getting sick with one dying. She finds some mysterious algea, related to Caulerpa taxifolia, planted near where her grandfather supposedly drowned. Clara suspects the algea and all of these illnesses and deaths are related to some sort of poisonings of fish caught near her Grandfather's village.
Karl Freud
Psychologist Dr. Brennac is asked by a colleague to help with the case of Claude, a patient on trial for multiple murders. Is Claude really guilty of the crimes, or is he a victim of his own mind?
Monsieur Barsac
A killer has found a way to kill women without committing the crime. He gets them to fall in love with him, like Isolde falls for Tristan in the epic poem, and then he leaves them. Heartbroken they choose suicide, just like Isolde.
Two ex-convicts, MG and Gilbert find refuge in a charming middle-class house whose couple is about to celebrate its 20-year old marriage. Our duo has no other solution than to take this entire brood in hostage. But, contrary to all expectations, they are warmly greeted by the occupants who don't think twice before helping them, they are even ready to put their guests off, even to kill them if necessary...
Dris is an ex-con, living in the borderline between a decent and a criminal life. He has a regular and simple work and lives a simple life with his wife Lise and loves his family. However, his childhood friends from his Arab community, including his best friend Yanis, are mobsters and his brother is a small time delinquent. Yanis tries to bring Dris back to his gang, and uses his former lover Nina to seduce him, taking him to expensive places to feel the importance of big money. Dris fights against the temptation, but an event will route him back to Yanis' gang and in a fight between gangs with tragic consequences for the whole community.
독일의 유대인 학살에 침묵한 ‘교황청’ 위선에 가득찬 기득권을 고발한 두 남자. 나치제도 그리고 바티칸과 연합군들의 외교. 이 두 가지 시스템 안에서 투쟁하는 두 남자가 있다. 컬츠 게르스타인은 유태인 집단 처형장의 책임자이지만 그는 가족의 목숨을 걸고 이런 학살을 연합군과 교황 그리고 독일 시민에게 알려주려 애를 쓴다. 그리고 사제 리카르도는 자기 목숨을 걸고 나치제도에 반항한 모든 교회인을 대표한다. 이 영화에서는 알면서도 모르는 척 하던 교황청을 비롯한 모든 권력의 중심부에서 자신의 안위만을 염려하던 기득권 세력들의 위선과 허식 감추어진 양심을 지닌 사람들의 냉담함을 재판한다.
Georges Mader
After the death of her father, whom she never knew, a young woman finds herself at the head of a large company.
A young man joins a team of experimented door-to-door salesmen, who teach him how to sell an expensive encyclopedia to modest homes that have no use for it.
André, the priest
Lise is a Parisian prostitute who has a young son, Sebastien. Lise dotes on her boy, who has a gift for music and sings in a children's choir directed by aging parish priest Father Andre. Sebastien becomes involved in an auto accident that sends him into a coma; after he remains unconscious for three months, Lise begins to panic, desperate for a remedy that medical science can't provide. When she is told of a field in a village in rural France where a miracle is said to have occurred some years before -- an apparition of the Virgin Mary arrived to provide food for a group of starving children -- Lise wants to travel to the site of the miracle to pray for her son. She also insists that Father Andre come along, but the priest is not eager to go, due to his age, his health, and his increasing cynicism about religion. Lise is persistent, however, and before long the two are on the road in search of a much-needed miracle.
Zef, twenty years old, is a simple-minded man who can only say one word: "love you". Always happy, loving everyone, he lives with his sister Sophie on a farm in the Lot. Attracted by the sad smile of Marie, he rapes her one evening without realizing the gravity of his act. Commited in a psychiatric asylum, Zef falls into a deep silence. Hugues, a doctor with avant-garde methods, is in charge of caring for Marie. He decides to confront her with Zef, convinced that her healing goes through a long reappropriation of life and love.
le gouverneur
In 1850, on the isolated French island of Saint-Pierre, a murder shocks the natives. Two fishermen are arrested. One of them, Louis Ollivier, dies in custody. The other, Neel Auguste, is sentenced to death by the guillotine. The island is so small that it has neither a guillotine nor an executioner. While those are sent for Auguste is placed under the supervision of an army Captain.
Ten-year-old Edgar, the son of a wealthy family, finds his world turned upside down when his parents decide to adopt Anibal, a Peruvian boy, whom Edgar considers an intruder.
Maj. Boucher
In the eleventh film in the series, in December 1916, Indy, still stationed in Africa, is promoted to Captain and then ordered to cross the jungle with Remy and Captain Boucher to pick up a shipment of weaponry. Along the way, Ubangan Sergeant Barthélèmy picks up the sole surviving child from a disease-ravaged village despite Boucher's orders against it. On the way back, Indy and company succumb to disease themselves, and are picked up by Albert Schweitzer and the orderlies from his jungle hospital. At first resistant to being treated by a German, Indy soon begins to realize that Schweitzer is not interested in war, only attempting to cure people against all odds.
Le procureur
This is a psychological drama about Louis Riquier (Charles Berling), a veteran of the Algerian war and a divorced father whose wife (Beatrice Palme) has custody of their children and who barricades himself with the kids in his country house. The police and the press surround the house, but he does not want to surrender. Instead, he gets more and more violent. Manipulated by their father, the kids go along with the scenario, taking it as a game. The film has as background the turbulence of 1968, with all its left-wing political implications. As in the director's previous film (Vieux fusil (The Old Gun), the gun also has multiple purposes here. Literally speaking, it is the instrument of crime; metaphorically, it is the force that would liberate the poor victim from his tragic fate. But the hero is just too violent and emotionally disturbed to evoke one's pity.
After returning from a long African exile, a sixty-year-old woman leaves her unfaithful husband and starts anew with her five-year-old granddaughter.
Félix / Lourcet
Sex, avant-garde art, and Communist ideology are at the heart of this compelling historical drama. The film opens just as the Soviet Empire crumbles in 1989. As Louise mourns the death of her lover, she discovers the journal of Alfred Katz, an earnest Jewish radical and erstwhile poet who disappeared in 1938. With the aid of a history professor, Louise unravels what happened to Katz. In the feverish climate of pre-WWII Paris, Katz reveals himself as both a fervent Trotskyite and an unabashed romantic. At a party thrown by the noted surrealist Andre Breton, he meets Mila, a beautiful part-time model, part-time whore. As soon as he falls for her, he learns of her other lover Felix, a fervent Stalinist. Bored with politics, Mila eventually marries Katz. Soon betrayal and politics catch up with the poet.
Life and times of Antoine de Saint-Exupery, famous French pilot and even more famous writer who disappeared on a routine reconnaissance flight during WW2.
Le docteur Flache
Antoine, 11, is on holiday with his grandfather. One night he catches thieves hiding their booty in a pond. Antoine seizes the 40 million. But Liza, his new friend, is the daughter of one of the criminals. Both children soon face threats.
Pierre de Roscoff
After her gynecologist tells her that her current involuntary celibacy could result in her being unable to enjoy sex in the future, Eva begins to consider ways that she could take active steps to get some action going in that area. Unfortunately, none of the men she currently knows are interested in going to bed with her, including her business partner, who just might be sexually attracted to trees but certainly isn't to her. That being the case, it is particularly galling that he gets jealous at the very notion of her having sex with business clients. Eva discusses these issues (and a great deal more) with her similarly forty-ish gal-pals.
Armand Larnin
At gunpoint, a plastic surgeon must operate on a criminal to escape the police. But when the criminal returns for treatment, the doctor plans to take revenge on his unfaithful wife.
Julien Boulet
A wealthy businessman risks his fortune to test the love of his beautiful girlfriend.
The teacher Odile Langlois starts her new job in the elementary school of a small French town. She is elegant and mysterious - but most of all, she is very friendly to her new students, whose confidence she gains so quickly. On the contrary, however, Odile's unconventional, alternative way of teaching does not appeal to some colleagues and parents who do everything to get rid of the young teacher ...
In Paris, on the platform of a subway station, three tramps spend time vituperating.
Quentin and André, two brothers who had lost sight for several years, find themselves in the family home, uninhabited since the death of their parents.
An eccentric family is re-united during the 1968 general strike in France, after the death of the grandmother.
Général Villerieux
January, 1920. 350,000 French soldiers remain missing in action. Major Dellaplane tirelessly matches the dead and the wounded with families' descriptions. Honor and ethics drive him; he hates the idea of "the unknown soldier." Into his sector, looking for her husband, comes a haughty, politically connected Parisian, Madame Irène de Courtil. Brusquely, Dellaplane offers her 1/350,000th of his time, but as their paths cross and she sees his courage and resolve, feelings change. After he finds a surprising connection between her missing husband and a local teacher, Irène makes Dellaplane an offer. This man of action hesitates: has he missed his only chance?
Investigating judge
In this gothic romance based on a 1950s novel by Robert Margerit, after a whirlwind romance, Violette, a Parisian girl, has married Gustave Dupin, a charming aristocrat, and returned with him to live on his country estate. There, she begins to discover that all is not as it seemed, and beneath her groom's charming exterior is an undreamt-of savagery. She forms an alliance with her husband's much saner brother Bastien which saves her in the end, but not before she must go on trial for the murder of her husband.
A history of the French Revolution from the decision of the king to convene the Etats-Generaux in 1789 in order to deal with France's debt problem. The first part of the movie tells the story from 1789 until August 10, 1792 (when the King Louis XVI lost all his authority and was put in prison). The second part carries the story through the end of the terror in 1794, including the deaths by guillotine of Louis XVI, Marie-Antoinette, Danton, and Desmoulins.
Le commissaire Gaborit
The story of man who kills his friends during night party by toxin gas. He films the moment that the guests are breathing gas until they die. He attempts to kill other guests who didn't come to the party in several ways.
In this action thriller, Richard Anconina is Willie, a young and lonesome cop who loves lonesome cowboy music. While on a drug case Willie comes across a mulatta named Jo (model Ambre of Senegalese extraction), who is trapped in a dismal life of prostitution by two abusive Lebanese brothers. Risking his own life, Willie frees Jo from their fierce imprisonment, but the battered woman runs right back again.
Laurent Tedesco
In 1911, a willful and determined man from peasant stock named Charles Saganne enlists in the military and is assigned to the Sahara Desert under the aristocratic Colonel Dubreuilh.
François Lambert
Adventures of a group of youngsters set in a provincial French city in the 1950's.
Daniel Savary
During the world war two in a French village a teacher and a female pupil have been killed by the Gestapo because of an informer.Now forty years later former pupils , now adults will meet together in a villager to find out who was the pupil who denounced the teacher to the Germans and also to take a decision about it.
The magician / Moron / Tartuffe
Le docteur Jean-Paul Leroy
François Lestin
Creuzeville, a small provincial town with its woods, its countryside, its ramparts, its mass and its little Sunday cakes. A stranger arrives. He's a private investigator in Creuzeville, over which an old family of industrialists reigns, a murder has just been committed. The victim is the founding ancestor of this small empire that has outgrown one man. In Creuzeville, we hardly like foreigners, especially if they are vegetarians, perhaps homosexuals, undoubtedly anarchists like, precisely, this detective. However the detective by whom the scandal broke broke the silence of the city by going to the heart of family secrets hitherto well hidden behind purple shutters. The murders follow one another. We strike on the left - a young ecologist - as on the right - a cynical playboy. Continuing to dissect the mobiles and the characters, the detective dropped the masks one by one. And, little by little, fear and violence are settling in the small town.
Patrice Rengain
In this satire, a police detectiveis investigating the disappearance and kidnapping of the host of a television dance show. However, instead of finding his man, he is trapped into becoming a contestant on a children's quiz show. What's worse is that he becomes a very successful contestant.
Camille Chandebise
Alceste hates all of humanity, denounces its hypocrisy, cowardice and compromise. But he nevertheless loves Célimène, flirtatious and slanderous. The virtuous thus launches into battles lost in advance which force him to flee.
Placide Justin
Art collector Pierre Niox (Alain Delon) rushes through life, lives a frantic life, does everything in full speed -- searching for and acquiring works of art or real estate, marrying or even dying -- and in total disregard for any kind of morality. His misdeeds finally turn on him and destroy him.
Inspecteur Jacques Vivien
After years of poverty, Carrier, a repairman, inherits a large sum of money upon his brother's death in an accident. Now rich, he decides it is time to make his mark and be known at any cost. Becoming more and more mentally unstable, he begins to threaten police and the government signing his tracts, "Armaguedon". A detective from Interpol heads the investigation and prepares a trap at an international conference of world leaders in Paris.
Paul Valéry
On the terrace of a Parisian café, Paul Valéry observes his neighbor, Monsieur Teste. The two men strike up a conversation. A supporter of "neither god nor master", Mr. Teste engages in a regular introspection, as rigorous as it is passionate, and shares his thoughts with humor.
After young film writer Leo has his latest screenplay rejected he retreats to his summer home on an island, on his way he meets the flight attendant Virgo and a romance soon blossoms.
Le chambellan
In the forest, knight-errant Hans meets and falls in love with Ondine, a water-sprite who is attracted to the world of mortal man.
예전에 동일한 남자와 결혼했던 전력이 있는 두 명의 한물간 여배우들이 파리의 좁은 집에서 함께 살고 있다. 비싼 파리의 물가는 별다른 수입원이 없는 그녀들의 하루하루의 삶을 더 힘들게 한다. 영화는 현실과 환상과 꿈이 얽혀 있는 일상에서 고독과 노화, 죽음에 대한 공포에 대항해 함께 싸우고 있는 두 여자의 세상을 그린다. 두 인물을 연기하는 소니아 사비앙주와 헬렌 수르제르는 삶의 패잔병 같은 이 두 인물의 무력하면서도, 어린아이 같은 캐릭터를 완벽히 연기한다.
Starting as an investigation, the film begins with the discovery of a murdered young woman. Gradually we go back in time to realize that this crime is altogether the logical continuation of a philosophy of life where neither sex nor death are taboo, and where a lust for pushing limits meets it ultimate conclusion.
Capitaine Cambrai
With 'little captain' Cambrai raising serious doubts about the reality of the so-called "super spy", Colonel Toulouse kidnaps Christine and forces Francois to play again the character of "The Tall Blond Man with One Black Shoe" in some fake adventures. All this to stop the investigation into the death of Colonel Milan.
Marcel Treuffais
Nada, named after a gang of Spanish anarchists, is a small, confused band of French terrorists. They kidnap the American ambassador after one of his regular visits to an exclusive brothel. The gang starts to quarrel amongst themselves as to the diplomat's fate, while the police purge suspects in their attempts to destroy the Nada faction. As the violence escalates on both sides, the States and the terrorists are forced to use one another's methods in an increasingly desperate and relentless conflict.
D'Artagnan and his musketeer comrades must thwart the plans of Cardinal Richelieu to usurp King Louis XIII's power. Animated film directed by John Halas.
Cannes Film Festival 1973
Paris 1960. DeGaulle determines to end a bitter war in Algeria by granting its independence. Millions oppose him, including a group of DeGaulle's disenchanted Arm Officers. In a desperate attempt to save the colony for France, they plan a daring jailbreak of their imprisoned leader. A network of snitches inform a tenacious detective leading to an explosive three-way cat-and-mouse game among the rebels, the Gaullist politicos and the police.
Hélène Masson visits her friend Gérôme Savignat in the isolated rejuvenation clinic owned by Dr. Devilers and his partner Dr. Berbard. But after a series of tragic events, Hélène goes further in her investigation of the clinic.
Monsieur Loyal
A filmed version of Molière's play.
The widow Champbaudet believes herself loved by an architect. But the young man actually has views on the neighbor upstairs. Cunning, he multiplies his visits to the widow with the sole aim of getting closer to the beautiful Aglaé. It was without counting on the husband of this one, whose jealousy could well play nasty tricks on the heartthrob of these ladies!
The gardener
During the long journey that brought him home victorious in the Trojan War, Agamemnon fell in love with one of his captives, Cassander, daughter of Priam, with whom he had children. The reception in Argos, more than ten years later, was icy. Annoyed by the double indelicacy of her husband, Clytemnestra, his wife who had meanwhile become the mistress of Aegisthus, killed him with the help of her lover. Aegisthus then became the regent and ensured the prosperity of the city alongside his mistress, the widowed queen. But Electra, one of the daughters of Agamemnon, has always foreseen the murder and adultery of her mother. Solitary, wild, she lives in the royal palace awaiting the return of Orestes, her brother who has taken refuge since childhood with an uncle, in order to take revenge. Electra can begin, the crimes of the Atreides family continue quietly, as planned.
Le docteur Robert Desagnac
Professor Marcilly is a famed brain specialist who, following in-depth and extended research work, is now able to perform brain transplant surgery. One day, he finds himself in the presence of a young car accident victim for whom the only hope of survival would be a brain transplant. Marcilly, who has a heart condition and is terminally ill, decides to become the "donor". The operation is a success. But who is actually the patient discharged from the hospital: a young fellow with the brain of a young man or an old man in the body of a young one?
The boyfriend of Isabelle has just committed suicide. Therefore Isabelle roams the streets of Paris until she decides to change her life radically and leave the city. She travels to the coast where she meets a young history professor on the beach...
Céline is a free-spirited woman is married to a dull, middle manager Philippe. Her husband's co-worker pegged her as a household ornament because of the union. She befriends a woman who shows her how to juggle the couple's living expenses to get what she wants. As she asserts her independence and gradually frees herself from her husband's claustrophobic world, she turns to painting and writing about the inequity between genders.
De Chenneviette
Allan Jourdan
An innocent woman falls prey to her abusive husband, his wealthy father and a shady family friend.
Philippe Andrieux
Screenwriter Philippe (Duchaussoy) imagines a crime committed by his wife Sylvie (Delon) and a mutual friend Pierre (Serre): a dead body is put in a trunk but the hand sticks out. Sylvie and Pierre begin to have an affair and things get very dangerous and the imaginary crime is on its way to becoming prophetic.
Charles Thenier
사고로 아이를 잃은 어느 남자의 처절한 복수극을 그린 스릴러물. 매력적인 복수와 증오의 이야기를 통해 드라마와 서스펜스의 완벽한 조화로 샤브롤 감독의 작품.
가운데 어둡고 흥미진진한 작품 중 하나가 되었다. 그리고 이 영화의 분위기를 고조시키는 피에르 얀센의 음악과 영화에 에너지와 깊이의 힘을 부여하는 장 라비에르의 촬영은 매우 뛰어나다. 부정(父情)과 플라토닉 러브에 대한 복수극인 이 영화에 대해 제임스 모나코는 이렇게 쓴 바 있다. "우리는 결코 새로운 땅 위로 올라설 수 없다. 여기에는 카타르시스도 없고 그와 유사한 어떤 것도 없다. 마지막에 우리는 완전한 원에 도달한다. 여기에는 질식할 것 같은 숨막힘이 있다." 줄거리 1. 작가이자 아버지인 샤를은 뺑소니 사고로 숨진 자신의 아들의 살해범을 밝히려고 한다. 그는 파리에서 사고현장까지 여행을 하고 그 과정에서 우연히 마주친 농부로부터 단서를 얻게 된다. 결국 그는 아들이 죽던 날 사고차량이 그 지역의 정비소에서 수리 받았다는 것과 그 차의 주인이 텔레비전 여배우라는 것을 알게 된다. 그는 그 여배우를 만난 후 그녀의 집에 식사초대를 받게 되는데 그녀의 아버지는 대단히 포악한 남자로 항상 식구들을 공포로 떨게 한다. 그의 동생은 샤를에게 자신의 아버지를 죽여 달라고 요청한다. 줄거리 2. 뺑소니 사고로 아들을 잃은 샤를르 떼리에르는 그 뺑소니 운전자를 찾아내 살해할 결심을 한다. 우연히, 사건 당시 차 안에 타고 있던 엘렌 랑송이라는 여배우를 알게 되고, 그는 복수를 위해 그녀와 사랑에 빠진 것처럼 행동한다. 하지만, 아들을 죽인 진짜 범인은 그녀의 형부인 폴 드꾸루라는 사실을 알게 되고 떼리에 르는 엘렌의 집에 머물면서 자신의 복수를 실행하려 하는데...
A chance meeting with an alluring stranger leads a sports journalist down a twisted path of deception.
Police Officer Duval
Insurance executive Charles suspects his wife Hélène of playing the field, so he has a private detective locate his wife's lover, author Victor Pegala.
Françoise looks like a sexy kitten by day, but is a silent she-wolf by night, making very clever robberies of gold jewels. Despite the interest, and competition, from Bruno, she ends a lonely she-wolf.
Bob Neuman
Two cartoonists meet a playboy who lives out the fantasies created in their cartoons. He hires them to create a new comic strip. As they work on the new strip, the playboy begins to live it out. Unfortunately, the new strip deals with murder.