Pierre Guerlais


In Paris in 1887, Irène works as a governess to Douce, the grand-daughter of the dowager Countess de Bonafé. Douce believes she is in love with Fabien, the handsome manager of the estate. However she cannot hope to marry him because of their class difference. Douce's widowed father, the Count de Bonafé, has a wooden leg, and is infatuated with Irène. Douce discovers that Fabien is planning to flee to Quebec with Irène, and also finds out that the Count has asked Irène to marry him. So Douce tells Fabien this and convinces him to run away with her, causing consternation in the family.
Carnival in Flanders
Flanders, Hispanic Monarchy, 1616. The inhabitants of the small town of Boom are busy organizing the annual local festivities when the arrival of the Duke of Olivares, who rules the country on behalf of the King Philip III of Spain, is announced. While the male citizens cowardly surrender to panic, the brave female citizens decide to become the best hosts the Spaniards can ever meet. (German version of the French film La Kermesse héroïque, 1935.)
La kermesse heroica
Production Director
Flandes, Monarquía Hispánica, 1616. Los habitantes de la pequeña localidad de Boom están muy ocupados organizando las fiestas locales anuales cuando se anuncia la llegada del duque de Olivares, que gobierna el país en nombre del rey Felipe III de España. Mientras los ciudadanos masculinos se rinden cobardemente al pánico, como ratas en un barco que se hunde, las valientes ciudadanas, lideradas por la audaz esposa del burgomaestre, deciden convertirse en las mejores anfitrionas que los españoles hayan conocido nunca.
Iceland Fisherman
Gaud Mevel, a young Paimpolaise brought up in Paris, falls in love with the rough sailor, Yann Gaos. When he knows she is an orphan and poor, he marries her. A few days later, he leaves for Iceland from where he will never return. The sea will take him back, jealous of his feelings.
The youthful loves of a young seminarian Jocelyn and the young and gentle aristocrat Laurence, refugees in the mountains to escape the revolutionaries. Jocelyn's ordination will sacrifice her love to the bishop's wish.