Claude Baks

Claude Baks

Nacimiento : 1917-07-26, Riga, Latvia

Muerte : 1986-03-04


Claude Baks


Le jeu du renard
Tania, a young actress, puts everything at stake for her starring role in Dotez's play. But Dotez, blocked and hostile to Tania, only frees himself as the rehearsals progress, while his actress is exhausted in her daily life, divided between Yan, her lover, and Lila, his little daughter.
Dagobertus, locas historias medievales
Dagoberto I, rey de los Francos, mientras atraviesa un bosque acompañado de sus guerreros, hace un solemne juramento: si consigue salvar la vida, emprenderá una larga peregrinación hacia Roma y, una vez allí, pedirá indulgencia al papa por sus muchos pecados.
The Messiah
Dirigida por Roberto Rossellini. Rossellini se toma numerosas libertades con el material original, reorganizando y omitiendo eventos a voluntad, presentando todo de manera discreta y poco dramática. La película comienza en los tiempos del Antiguo Testamento, permitiendo a Rossellini presentar la historia de Jesús en su contexto histórico antiguo
La película dramatiza el interés de Descartes (Ugo Cardea) en las nuevas teorías científicas y sus discusiones con los astrónomos Constantin Huygens (Renato Montalbano) y Ciprus (Vernon Dobtcheff). Su vida sentimental se ve reflejada en las relacionnes que mantiene con su sirvienta Elezac (Anne Pouchie), a la que dejará embarazada, negándose a reconocer abiertamente al hijo.
Augustine of Hippo
A biography of St. Augustine as he enters the episcopacy and deals with heresy and the decline of the Western Roman Empire.
Blaise Pascal
In this evocative, atmospheric biography, Roberto Rossellini brings to life philosopher and mathematician Blaise Pascal, who, amid religious persecution and ignorance, believed in a harmony between God and science.
Blaise Pascal
In this evocative, atmospheric biography, Roberto Rossellini brings to life philosopher and mathematician Blaise Pascal, who, amid religious persecution and ignorance, believed in a harmony between God and science.
A false accusation leads the philosopher Socrates to trial and condemnation in 4th century BC Athens.
The Taking of Power by Louis XIV
Cardinal Mazarin dies, leaving a power vacuum in which the young Louis asserts his intention to govern as well as rule. Mazarin's fiscal advisor, Colbert, warns against Fouquet, the Superintendant who has been systematically looting the treasury and wants to be prime minister. Fouquet believes Louis will soon tire of exercizing power and overplays his hand by offering a bribe to Louis' mistress to be his ally. She reports this to the king who arrests Fouquet. Louis and Colbert design a brilliant strategy to keep merchants making money, nobles in debt, the urban poor working and fed, and peasants untaxed.