Claude Baks

Claude Baks

출생 : 1917-07-26, Riga, Latvia

사망 : 1986-03-04

프로필 사진

Claude Baks

참여 작품

Le jeu du renard
Tania, a young actress, puts everything at stake for her starring role in Dotez's play. But Dotez, blocked and hostile to Tania, only frees himself as the rehearsals progress, while his actress is exhausted in her daily life, divided between Yan, her lover, and Lila, his little daughter.
Good King Dagobert
King's Dagobert I intestinal and sexual problems loom large as he survives an attack on his royal caravan then barely makes it to Rome to personally give thanks to the Pope. After he arrives at the Vatican, he becomes involved in the battle between two contenders for the papacy and has to face the machinations of a ruthless Byzantine princess.
예수 그리스도의 탄생과 세례 요한과의 만남, 12 제자들과 행하는 복음 활동, 유다의 배신으로 인한 예수의 죽음과 부활에 이르는 예수 그리스도의 생애를 그린 이 영화는 로베르토 로셀리니 감독의 공식적인 유작이다.
Rossellini's interpretation of Descartes' life.
Augustine of Hippo
A biography of St. Augustine as he enters the episcopacy and deals with heresy and the decline of the Western Roman Empire.
Blaise Pascal
In this evocative, atmospheric biography, Roberto Rossellini brings to life philosopher and mathematician Blaise Pascal, who, amid religious persecution and ignorance, believed in a harmony between God and science.
Blaise Pascal
In this evocative, atmospheric biography, Roberto Rossellini brings to life philosopher and mathematician Blaise Pascal, who, amid religious persecution and ignorance, believed in a harmony between God and science.
A false accusation leads the philosopher Socrates to trial and condemnation in 4th century BC Athens.
루이 14세의 권력쟁취
20여 년간 나라를 좌지우지했던 마자랭 추기경이 죽은 이후, 루이 14세는 강력한 군주가 되어 왕권을 드높이고, 절대왕정의 기반을 다지고자 한다. 루이 14세는 콜베르의 도움으로 권력에 대한 야욕을 드러내던 푸케를 제거하고, 마침내 ‘태양왕’으로 빛난다.