Sturgis Warner


My Love Affair with Marriage
Big Man's Friend
From an early age, songs and fairytales convinced Zelma that Love would solve all her problems as long as she abided by societal expectations of how a girl should act. But as she grew older something didn't seem right with the concept of love: the more she tried to conform, the more her body resisted. A story about the acceptance of the inner female rebellion.
My Love Affair with Marriage
From an early age, songs and fairytales convinced Zelma that Love would solve all her problems as long as she abided by societal expectations of how a girl should act. But as she grew older something didn't seem right with the concept of love: the more she tried to conform, the more her body resisted. A story about the acceptance of the inner female rebellion.
My Love Affair with Marriage
From an early age, songs and fairytales convinced Zelma that Love would solve all her problems as long as she abided by societal expectations of how a girl should act. But as she grew older something didn't seem right with the concept of love: the more she tried to conform, the more her body resisted. A story about the acceptance of the inner female rebellion.
After fleeing Earth in the late 80s, an alien returns to his childhood home in search of his best friend. As he gets closer to finding her, his mysterious past gets closer to catching him.
Piedras en los bolsillos
Letonia, finales de la década de 1920. Anna, una chica joven, guapa e instruida se enamora de un atrevido emprendedor treinta años mayor que ella. Tras el matrimonio los celos de él se multiplican y decide ocultar a Anna en mitad de un bosque, lejos de otros hombres, donde ella le da ocho hijos. La Gran Depresión les golpea con dureza y Letonia es pasto de las invasiones: primero los Soviéticos, luego los Nazis y luego los Soviéticos de nuevo. Anna es un pilar, capaz de desafiar las penurias, de criar a sus hijos, de enseñarles los secretos para sobrevivir en el bosque, pero algo en su interior va terriblemente mal.
Comenzar de nuevo
John Morganson
El recién divorciado Phil Potter intenta acostumbrarse a su nueva vida de urbanita soltero. Pero una cita a ciegas nacida a raíz de un confusión le hará recuperar la fe en el amor romántico. Pero antes de que pueda dar el paso definitivo con su nuevo amor, su exesposa entrará de nuevo en escena complicando muchísimo las cosas.