Ken Starcevic


Los jóvenes asesinos de Hitler
Crecieron bajo el régimen nazi. Se comprometieron a dar sus vidas por Hitler. Eran unos fanáticos imparables. Se trata de los 20.000 adolescentes que formaron la decimosegunda División Panzer de las SS.
Memories of a Nazi Camp
Holocaust survivors describe their experiences being interred at the Natzweiler-Struthof concentration camp.
Superguns of WWII
The English Channel during WWII was a strategic passageway separating two major enemies: Great Britain and Germany. Whoever controlled the Channel controlled the passage of warships and commercial vessels—basically, all weapons supplies. Particularly important was the Dover Strait, the narrowest part of the Channel, where enemy encounters were more than likely, so the entire area had to be protected by powerful bunker cannons. In 1942, the Germans quickly built sixteen giant coastal artillery batteries along the French coast. The precision and force of some of them meant they could wipe out any English vessel at sea, and even reach the British coast. Churchill, in a panic over the power of these guns, in turn ordered the building of six batteries atop the cliffs of Dover. A previously unseen page out of history tells of these superguns—whose formidable firepower made them invaluable throughout the war—standing guard on both sides of the Dover Strait.
Ambulance Driver
Película sobre la exprimera dama estadounidense Jacqueline Kennedy, centrada en los días inmediatamente posteriores al asesinato de JFK, en Dallas, el 22 de noviembre del año 1963.
The Man Who Cracked the Nazi Code: The Story of Alan Turing
Malady of Love
Two physicians, one old and one young, fall in love with the same woman, Juliette, a quixotic hairdresser. First, she is with Raoul, the older one; then passion for Clément, the younger doctor, takes over. Raoul fights back, playing on Clément's guilt and Juliette's lack of self-assurance; then, Clément makes his case to Juliette, abandons his fiancée, and takes her to the provinces where he sets up practice and asks her to have a baby. She panics and abruptly leaves Clément, taking up with Raoul again. When she contracts Hodgkin's disease and the treatment does no good, Raoul believes she has the malady of love. Is there a cure?