Second Assistant Director
14-year-old Lucie is a resourceful teenager who takes care of her loving yet unreliable father, William, who has multiple sclerosis. Whilst William hangs out in his wardrobe and devises pranks and jokes to make his daughter smile, Lucie tries her best at school while juggling a job in a sandwich shop and all the chores at home. Her vividly imaginative mind and the novel she is writing are her only distractions. But when a social worker is appointed to visit them, Lucie and William elaborate a complex plan to make social services believe they live a perfectly normal life.
Alex is fifteen years old. Back from boarding school for the weekend, he reconnects with his little country village and his family, a family which seems to care more for its dogs than for Alex. This of course annoys him. He's better off without them. He's better off down at the cross-country motorbike track with Kader and the turning bikes. But he's obliged to take his grandmother's dog with him and it disappears into the forest.
Alex is fifteen years old. Back from boarding school for the weekend, he reconnects with his little country village and his family, a family which seems to care more for its dogs than for Alex. This of course annoys him. He's better off without them. He's better off down at the cross-country motorbike track with Kader and the turning bikes. But he's obliged to take his grandmother's dog with him and it disappears into the forest.
Second Assistant Director
"Holy Motors" narra 24 horas en la vida de un ser con múltiples caras: asesino, mendigo, ejecutivo, monstruo, padre de familia... El protagonista tiene una identidad completamente distinta en cada una de estas vidas. Encarna personajes como si se tratase de una película dentro de una película. ¿Pero dónde están las cámaras, el equipo de cine, el escenógrafo? ¿Y dónde está su casa, su refugio?
Assistant Director
Todas las canciones de amor hablan de lo mismo: 'Hay demasiada gente que te quiere'... 'No podría vivir sin ti'... 'Sorry Angel'... "Las canciones de amor", la interpretación musical de tres amantes en París, habla también de estas cosas.