When she first crossed paths with Greg, Blanche thought she'd found the one she’d been looking for. They quickly formed an attachment, but their relationship is marred by Greg's quick temper. Blanche ignores her niggling doubts and distances herself from her family, convinced that she's reinventing herself. And little by little, she finds herself caught in the trap of a possessive and dangerous man. A man she’s too ashamed and frightened to report. Because there are only two possible exit routes from control: either the victim breaks free or they fall apart…
After his wife dies, a 75 year old retiree has to put up with the intrusion into his idle life of other family members.
A yacht, drifting aimlessly off the shores of Brittany. Empty. Diane Granger, managing director of a renowned crisis management consultancy, had gone out sailing alone. What happened? The firm's young consultants, the "heirs", find themselves left to their own devices, forced to confront a pitiless competition alone, without Diane.
Narrator (voice)
The 'Jealous Anonymous' therapist
Jérémie, a young man reaching a breaking point on all fronts, decides to leave behind Paris and return to Limosin, to the home of his intrusive mother.
Eleonore Berthier, 34 years old, keeps living as a teenager, collecting odd jobs and one night stands. Following a burnout, her mother and sister decide to take action to help her make a fresh start.
Roxana is a young Romanian nanny looking after 8-year-old Georges, the son of David and Elizabeth. David's a financier at the European Bank of Strasbourg. Working on a project for a motorway across Romania, David asks Roxana for some help.
Michelle (voice)
Recientemente, Louis, un pintor y su esposa Michelle experimentan eventos extraños. El universo a su alrededor parece estar cambiando. Poco a poco, los muebles, los objetos, las personas pierden su realismo. Se están rompiendo, a veces desintegrando.
Five days before D-Day, the day of the last voyage of the Order of Sirius, a sect nestled in the Vaudoise Alps, Switzerland. Five days during which a community of 48 people, women, men, children, fed with esotericism and guided by a narcissistic guru, will test their faith and be deprived of their identity. Five days in which every gesture will be the last. Sirius is inspired by the massacre of the Order of the Solar Temple in 1994 in western Switzerland.
Gynecologist / Agnès Wexler
Chloé es una joven frágil que se enamora de su psicoterapeuta, Paul. Unos meses más tarde, cuando se van a vivir juntos, ella descubre que su amante le ha ocultado una parte de su identidad, con la que Chloé se obsesionará.
Hugues is forty years old. He's an actor but he doesn't want to perform. He's taken refuge with Serge, his partner, in the house where he grew up. However, Micheline, a director, insists that he tread the boards once again. Serge gives him an ultimatum: it's him or the play. Hugues chooses the play. When rehearsals start, Hugues, alone in the house, discovers naked people frolicking in the field adjoining the garden.
la Mort (voix)
Narra la historia de una camarera parisina, Célestine, que llega a una casa de campo, en Normandía, para servir a una peculiar familia de la burguesía, los Lanlaire.
Twenty year old Antoine has made enemies of a gang of young thugs, to whom he owes money. Fed up with his scams and petty crimes, his mother and older brother decide to send Antoine to his father's place in Saint-Etienne. The two men haven't seen each other for several years.
Henri (Pio Marmaï) es un joven actor que sueña con participar en una película de acción y que se termina viendo las caras en el plató con un maestro del cine de autor, Cédric Rovère (Michael Lonsdale). Henri saldrá transformado de esta experiencia, que, además, será el último rodaje del cineasta.
Clément's mother
It is the life in a village, this cloistered world that produces stories, boredom, some necessary friendships, the author says. During a day, he paints a portrait of the past Clement with his band of mates, his parents, his sister, the stories told, the pictures in his house, his room intact and videos that remain of him.
Two, very different, brothers are reunited for their father's funeral. But, when they arrive at the crematorium nobody is there, not even the corpse, except for Chloe who introduces herself as their sister.
Marie Curie
En 1914, cuando estalla la Gran Guerra, Marie Curie es una reconocida científica, ganadora del Premio Nobel de Física. Su marido Pierre hace ya ocho años que ha muerto y ella está al frente del Instituto de Investigaciones del Radio junto con el doctor Claudius Regaud. Dispuesta a aplicar sus conocimientos para salvar vidas, recorre el frente de batalla con su hija Irene, de 17 años, convenciendo a los médicos de campaña para que utilicen la radiología en la atención a los heridos.
Madame Shorofsky
Primavera de 1958. La joven Rose Pamphyle vive con su padre, un viudo cascarrabias que dirige la tienda del pueblo. Comprometida con el hijo del mecánico local, parece destinada a la vida tranquila y monótona de un ama de casa. Pero no es eso lo que ella desea. Cuando viaja a Lisieaux, en Normandía, para una entrevista de trabajo en una agencia de seguros, el resultado es desastroso. Pero Rose tiene un don especial, puede mecanografiar a una velocidad endiablada.
A dedicated archaeologist, Anna Brahé, is stubbornly engaged in exploring an underground site, convinced that she will soon come across some important burial artefacts. Her superior is more sceptical and, his patience exhausted, sends Peter Morel, a renowned archaeologist, to make an assessment of Anna’s discoveries so far. Despite their differences Anna and Peter cannot help being drawn to one another as the site collapses around them...
Mme de Rochereuil
Una mirada a la relación entre Maria Antonieta y uno de sus lectores durante los días finales de la revolución francesa. En 1789 la corte de Luis XV vive en Versalles, ajena a los acontecimientos que ocurren la capital francesa. Con la llegada de las noticias de la toma de la cárcel de la Bastilla, la corte se afaña en huir. En ese clima enrarecido e inquieto, Sidonie Laborde, una muchacha que ha entrado a servir en palacio como lectora de la reina, se conviertirá en la principal confidente de la reina mientras a su alrededor las tensiones entre las cortesanas irá en aumento a la par que las agitaciones provinientes del exterior.
Simone de Beauvoir
A young biracial woman raised in France travels to Burkina Faso in search of the mother she hasn’t seen in many years. Meanwhile, in Paris, an émigré from Burkina Faso who makes her living as a cleaner teaches the Dioula language to a white middle-class office worker, in this affecting story of global displacement.
Henri est convaincu que Lise, sa nouvelle et jeune femme, l’aime sincèrement. Henri est aussi convaincu que Sam, le témoin de leur mariage, est le frère de Lise. La machination est parfaite. Enfin presque...
“I am a woman who does not know where she is going, but who, always, looks for beauty. As long as she does not flee me. Moritz, your beauty fled me. But I caught it and I carry it in me.”
Shanghai in the 30s: money rules in this city open to all adventures and whose reputation attracts all the bold adventurers of the world. Albert Londres, one of the most famous journalists of the time, who is in Shanghai in 1924 reports to his newspaper. In 1932, the city is plunged into an armed conflict triggered by Japan, served as a curtain raiser for a new dispensation. Following the lashing rise of Du Yuesheng in Shanghai, the godfather of the Green Gang, we embark on an exploration of the period when bankers and drug traffickers, revolutionaries and nationalists made history. Unpublished Chinese archive materials, private archives, old feature films, period newspapers, police reports, diplomatic correspondence, journalism by Albert Londres and explorations of present-day Shanghai, sketch the portrait of a world that continues to fascinate the West.
Au milieu de nulle part, une cité ouvrière vidée de sa population depuis quelques années déjà. Pourtant, certains habitants ont décidé d'y rester, plus par choix que par nécessité, parce que c'est là qu'ils sont nés et qu'ils ont grandi. Parmi eux il y a Francis, l'ouvrier consciencieux qui continue d'entretenir la machine sur laquelle il a travaillé toute sa vie ; Samir, son fils.
Agents des services secrets, Muriel et Philippe forment un improbable duo amoureux. Dans leur nouvelle mission, ils sont chargés de mettre la main sur une clé usb cachée par Constance, la veuve d'un trafiquant d'uranium fraîchement assassiné. Cette jeune bourgeoise étrangement ingénue conduira le duo dans un cours de chant lyrique où s'entremêlent d'autres espions aux voix ensorcelantes.
Solange Valmon
Louise Verneuil
A man investigating his son's death learns some horrific truths about the pharmaceutical industry.
Entre tres hermanos estalla un conflicto cuando su madre, albacea de la excepcional colección de arte del siglo XIX que perteneció a su tío, muere repentinamente. Sin embargo, no tendrán más remedio que limar asperezas y llegar a un acuerdo. Adrienne es en Nueva York una diseñadora de éxito, Frédéric es economista y profesor universitario en París, y Jérémie, un dinámico hombre de negocios asentado en China. Esta situación representa para ellos el fin de la niñez y de los recuerdos compartidos.
Pierrot, a young boy, does not live in the present. One night, Pierrot finds himself face to face with the old man that he will be himself. A strange journey then begins for the unlikely duo.
Bajo el sol del verano y en medio de un paisaje bucólico, la granja de la familia de Martin está derrumbándose por dentro. La abuela domina a un padre sin presencia ni opinión ni mando, la madre vive encerrada noche y día en una habitación, el hermano mayor, bebe porque no puede escribir Martin está desatendido y sin amor y su único refugio son su gato y la asistenta. A sus once años, posee la ingenuidad de los dispuestos a cambiar el estado de las cosas, a mover a los suyos, a la fuerza si es preciso.
París, años 80. Un hombre que acaba de salir de prisión es rechazado por su mujer. En presencia de sus tres hijas, se inicia una violenta disputa que se salda con el suicidio del padre. Con el paso del tiempo las relaciones familiares entre las hermanas se rompen. Sophie, la mayor, casada con un fotógrafo con el que tiene dos hijos, está atravesando un momento difícil. Anne, la más pequeña, estudia arquitectura y mantiene una relación pasional con Frédéric, uno de sus profesores. Céline, que es la única que visita a su madre, que está recluida en una residencia, conoce a un tipo encantador llamado Sébastien, pero no puede ni siquiera imaginar que le revelará un sorprendente secreto que facilitará el acercamiento entre las hermanas y les permitirá superar su pasado.
Carmen, a bonobo female, flees from the research center in linguistics where she is being kept. She takes refuge at a young couple's place, Mercier and his pregnant wife Myriam. Mercier, beginning at a new job, is reluctant to welcome the ape. But Myriam makes friend with her.
Alice is a photographer mandated by the Ministry of the Environment to photograph sites in the Alpes de Haute Provence. She replaces a renowned photographer who was doing this work and mysteriously abandoned her mission.
Pierre lleva, a sus diecisiete años, una vida pequeña, ordenada y casta en compañía de su abuela. El desastre está en Canarias, en casa de sus padres, una pareja peleada y dada al libertinaje. Pierre comienza a vivir con ellos, con Hélène, madre fascinante, femme fatale, con el padre, odiado y al que pronto enterrarán. Hélène arrastra a su hijo al placer, le cede a Réa, antiguo capricho lésbico. Con ella, Pierre descubre el éxtasis, la vergüenza y el respeto. La moral de Hélène, definitivamente relajada, no considera que desear a su propio hijo sea un tabú, ella no lo llamaría incesto.
Sonia / Ruth
Joël is jealous and violent. After one crisis too many, Nicole, his young wife, returns to live with her parents with their three-year-old son. Joël hangs on, begs, threatens. One day, he kidnaps the little boy.
The story of Napoleon Bonaparte's grandniece, the famous Princess Marie, her friendship and her work with Sigmund Freud.
Mme Delacre
Tras enviudar, una mujer se va a vivir con su hija; ésta intenta sin éxito escribir un libro erótico, a pesar de los consejos que le da su madre que, a diferencia de ella, conoce a fondo el asunto. Como el piso les resulta pequeño deciden venderlo y mudarse a otro más grande. Mientras se dedican a visitar pisos, la vida de ambas da un vuelco.
The woman in the subway
The story of a woman who decides to kill herself. She puts herself through a series of experiences that test the limits of what is humanly bearable in an ultimate attempt to find a reason to live.
La cliente
Esther, una mujer treintañera, comienza a obsesionarse progresivamente con su cuerpo tras sufrir un accidente que la desfigura.
Diane trabaja para el Volf Group, una multinacional que está a punto de comprar una firma japonesa (Tokyo Anime), que está revolucionando el mercado con sus dibujos animados porno en 3-D. Una de las dos compañías que se disputan los derechos de difusión por Internet del material recién adquirido por Volf contrata a Diane como espía industrial. La otra compañía está involucrada en varias websites ilegales dedicadas a la ultraviolencia y la pornografía. Diane pronto se verá sumergida en una trama de amenazas y enrevesados intereses.
La directrice
Crudo relato que retrata la vida de Joseph y Chloé, dos hermanos de unos doce años que huyen sin parar. Son dos niños perdidos, que fueron abandonados al nacer. Chloé no habla, está fuera del mundo y no soporta que nadie la toque. Con pequeñas piezas de colores hace mosaicos con forma de casa, siempre la misma. Camina derecha, con algo parecido a una sonrisa en su rostro, como si sus pasos la condujeran hacia un lugar preciso. Por su parte, Joseph organiza las fugas y luego la sigue, la protege, convencido de que ella quiere encontrar la casa de sus padres, que puede conseguirlo, y que una vez que haya logrado su objetivo se curará. Éste es el sueño de Joseph: tener una casa, una familia, una hermana con la que pueda comunicarse y jugar..., una hermana que pueda corresponder al insensato amor que siente por ella.
Algeria, 1903. Just after the trial of the insurgents in Margueritte, a village where seven Europeans were killed, Eugénia commits suicide despite the amorous passion that she feels for her husband, the French lawyer of these insurgents.
Mathilde Ancelin
The year is 1898. Héloïse, 9 years old, comes from a family belonging to the anti-Dreyfus and anti-Semitic Parisian high bourgeoisie. In a spirit of revolt, she begins a love affair with Maxime, a young Jewish journalist. During a terrible quarrel with her father, the latter suffers a stroke and dies. To get her away from Maxime, her mother Mathilde and her cousin Olympe take Héloïse on a trip to the Orient. After Cairo and the Pyramids, they go up the Nile and cross the desert in a caravan.
Claudie Marcorelle
François Marcorelle, an investigation magistrate in Chambéry, finds himself in the room of a young Polish girl that he met in a restaurant
Julie Desca
Pauline y Jean se conocen durante un baile en Barbazac (Charente) y se enamoran apasionadamente. Ella tiene veinte años, él es un pastor protestante casado, padre de familia y resignado a su fracaso matrimonial. Sin embargo, a partir de entonces los amantes harán caso omiso de las presiones de la puritana sociedad protestante en la que viven.
Mathieu's Mother
Mathieu, un joven de 18 años, está pasando el verano con su familia en Bretaña. En la playa conoce a Cédric, un chico de su edad, y a partir de este apasionado encuentro comienzan una relación. Cédric es abierto y se lanza al futuro sin problemas, pero es más complicado para el instrospectivo Mathieu el cual tiene que lidiar consigo mismo y encontrar su camino.
Mme Leblanc, la secrétaire du docteur
Bruno Sachs es un médico de pueblo que atiende en su consulta todo tipo de enfermedades, incluso psicológicas. En el pueblo sólo hay otro médico, que es mayor que él, y al que manda algunos pacientes. Además, Sachs es cirujano y, con motivo de una operación, conocerá a una mujer capaz de sacarlo de la mediocridad espiritual.
Claire Daboval
Actor Gerard Depardieu co-directed this drama about a married woman who falls in love with another man. Mina is a movie buff with a husband, Georges, who's out of work, and a 15-year-old son, Tommy. While Mina works part-time as a domestic for Claire Daboval, the family is terribly short on money, so when Georges is offered construction work on a massive bridge project, he immediately accepts, even though the job site is far enough away that he'll only be able to come home on weekends. One day, while taking in a matinee screening of West Side Story, Mina meets a man named Matthias, an engineer associated with the bridge project. It's love at first sight for the both of them, and while Mina has no desire to hurt Georges, who is a good and decent man, she has found another good and decent man whom she loves even more. Tommy, on the other hand, has to deal with this crisis in his parents' marriage while he's sorting out his own infatuation with Ms. Daboval's daughter, Lisbeth.
Ivan's and Serge's occupation is to enter dance competitions where they meet each time new female partners; a wounded gangster who's just burglarized a bank ,forces them to drive him at gunpoint.
sorella di Tassi
Artemisia Gentileschi (1593-1653) was one of the first well-known female painters. The movie tells the story of her youth, when she was guided and protected by her father, the painter Orazio Gentileschi. Her professional curiosity about the male anatomy, forbidden for her eyes, led her to the knowledge of sexual pleasure. But she was also well known because in 1612 she had to appear in a courtroom because her teacher, Agostino Tassi, was suspected of raping her. She tried to protect him, but was put in the thumb screws...
The mother
A woman and her seven children live on a farm in Southern France. In spite of the hard work and the mediocre accommodation, their life would be a happy one, but for one person: the owner of the farm, an egotistic and authoritarian individual who is also the lover of the woman and the father of all her children. The farmer handles them as his property, uses them as cheap labour to work in the fields, and denies them the right to leave the farm. It is only the love of the woman for her children that allows them to endure their situation; but even for her, disenchantment has set in.
The unhappy love lives of Paul and Marcus, two artists and friends who are neither particularly young or successful anymore.
In the 19th century, children -- particularly the children of the poor -- were considered to be an exploitable resource of docile and cheap labor. Anyone who had the effrontery to steal so much as a portion of a loaf of bread for any reason would (at the very least) go to prison, regardless of their age. However, people of conscience were beginning to protest against this situation. The story takes place in a prison for children where conditions are particularly harsh. The warden is a thick-headed martinet who demands complete compliance with the rules, or the children will be brutally dealt with. The assistant warden is a more modern man, and is appalled by the whole institution, but seeks to begin by reforming it. To that end, he has invited a journalist to come and see the conditions that prevail there, in the hopes that she will rouse public opinion against at least this one form of injustice.
París. Betty (Marie Trintignant) se refugia en la bebida tras ser abandonada por su marido. Después de una tarde de borrachera acude a un restaurante para refugiarse de la lluvia, y allí conoce a una burguesa llamada Laure (Stéphane Audran). Betty, debido a su embriaguez pierde el conocimiento, y su nueva amiga la lleva a su hotel donde las dos hablan de sus desafortunadas vidas.
Mrs. Martinet
France is a haughty, bourgeoise wife who is abandoned at the side of the road by her husband after a vicious quarrel. She meets Charles, a doctor. The meeting of the two strangers is the focus of the film, along with their encounters with characters at a truck stop.
It was during one of his missions in Norway that Antoine learned of his wife's death. He leaves his experimental submarine and returns to Paris. Helene was found in the Seine and had taken barbiturates. Even though he had not been with Hélène for six years, he knew her well enough to believe that she was incapable of committing suicide. So who and why?
Nathalie Cheylard
Claire Rousset visits her ex-husband Pierre who lives in the Lyon region. For some time now, Pierre's health and that of the other inhabitants of the village has deteriorated to the point of becoming worrying.
Se llaman Alex (Denis Lavant) y Mireille (Mireille Perrier). Han nacido en 1960 y viven en París, pero aún no se conocen. Famosa ópera prima de Leos Cárax, que, además de mostrar reminiscencias del cine mudo, refleja la influencia de cineastas como Cocteau, Dreyer, Godard o Bresson. La crítica francesa calificó a Leos Cárax como el único cineasta auténtico de los 80.
The film starts in the 13th arrondissement of Paris in 1984. Robert Pinot is a police officer as ordinary as clumsy. One day, he stops a certain Josyane, a young drug addict who is also doubled as a pickpocket, nicknamed Marylou. Having discovered that she comes from the same village, Nanteuil, then him, he takes compassion for the young girl and decides to take her under his wing to keep her away from Tony, a dangerous dealer with whom she is in love.