When she first crossed paths with Greg, Blanche thought she'd found the one she’d been looking for. They quickly formed an attachment, but their relationship is marred by Greg's quick temper. Blanche ignores her niggling doubts and distances herself from her family, convinced that she's reinventing herself. And little by little, she finds herself caught in the trap of a possessive and dangerous man. A man she’s too ashamed and frightened to report. Because there are only two possible exit routes from control: either the victim breaks free or they fall apart…
여유로운 은퇴 생활을 즐기던 75살의 ‘제르망’은 사랑하는 아내가 갑작스레 죽으며 졸지에 홀아비가 된다. 홀로 남은 아버지를 걱정하는 그의 자녀들은 한시도 그를 가만히 두지 않고 지나친 관심으로 귀찮게 한다. ‘제르망’은 먼저 죽는 상대가 미처 매듭 짓지 못한 일을 남은 사람이 마무리해 주기로 한 아내와의 약속을 지키기 위해 아내가 생전에 준비하고 있던 현대 무용 공연에 아내를 대신해 참여를 자원하고, 그의 사연에 감화된 안무가 ‘라 리보’는 그를 무용단에 받아들여준다. 자식들 몰래 무용 연습에 참여하던 그의 어색한 몸짓은 ‘라 리보’의 관심을 끌게 되고, 그는 뜻하지 않게 무용단의 주역이 되는데…
A yacht, drifting aimlessly off the shores of Brittany. Empty. Diane Granger, managing director of a renowned crisis management consultancy, had gone out sailing alone. What happened? The firm's young consultants, the "heirs", find themselves left to their own devices, forced to confront a pitiless competition alone, without Diane.
Narrator (voice)
The 'Jealous Anonymous' therapist
Jérémie, a young man reaching a breaking point on all fronts, decides to leave behind Paris and return to Limosin, to the home of his intrusive mother.
Eleonore Berthier, 34 years old, keeps living as a teenager, collecting odd jobs and one night stands. Following a burnout, her mother and sister decide to take action to help her make a fresh start.
Roxana is a young Romanian nanny looking after 8-year-old Georges, the son of David and Elizabeth. David's a financier at the European Bank of Strasbourg. Working on a project for a motorway across Romania, David asks Roxana for some help.
Michelle (voice)
Recently, Louis, painter, and his wife Michelle experience strange events. The universe around them seems to be changing. Slowly, furniture, objects, people lose their realism. They are breaking apart, sometimes disintegrating.
Five days before D-Day, the day of the last voyage of the Order of Sirius, a sect nestled in the Vaudoise Alps, Switzerland. Five days during which a community of 48 people, women, men, children, fed with esotericism and guided by a narcissistic guru, will test their faith and be deprived of their identity. Five days in which every gesture will be the last. Sirius is inspired by the massacre of the Order of the Solar Temple in 1994 in western Switzerland.
Gynecologist / Agnès Wexler
우울증으로 정신과를 찾은 ‘클로에’는 의사 ‘폴’과 사랑에 빠져 그와 함께 동거를 시작한다.
우연히 폴의 쌍둥이 형제 ‘루이’의 존재를 알게 된 클로에는 젠틀한 매력의 폴과 달리 섹시하고 야성적인 루이와도 사랑을 나눈다.
위험한 관계를 유지하던 클로에는 그들의 숨겨진 비밀에 대해 알게 되는데…
Hugues is forty years old. He's an actor but he doesn't want to perform. He's taken refuge with Serge, his partner, in the house where he grew up. However, Micheline, a director, insists that he tread the boards once again. Serge gives him an ultimatum: it's him or the play. Hugues chooses the play. When rehearsals start, Hugues, alone in the house, discovers naked people frolicking in the field adjoining the garden.
la Mort (voix)
뛰어난 미모, 파리 출신의 세련된 패션감각, 도도한 성격, 주인을 비웃는 자신감까지. 모든 남자들의 추파와 모든 여자들의 질투를 받는 그녀. 세상 가장 발칙한 하녀 ‘셀레스틴’의 등장은 조용한 마을을 뒤흔드는데…
Twenty year old Antoine has made enemies of a gang of young thugs, to whom he owes money. Fed up with his scams and petty crimes, his mother and older brother decide to send Antoine to his father's place in Saint-Etienne. The two men haven't seen each other for several years.
Henry, a young actor, finds himself involved in a film by cinema superstar, Cédric Rovere. Charmed by his benevolence, feelings hitherto unknown are aroused, while Rovere, intrigued by Henry's dream, lives this shoot as an unexpected gift.
Clément's mother
It is the life in a village, this cloistered world that produces stories, boredom, some necessary friendships, the author says. During a day, he paints a portrait of the past Clement with his band of mates, his parents, his sister, the stories told, the pictures in his house, his room intact and videos that remain of him.
Two, very different, brothers are reunited for their father's funeral. But, when they arrive at the crematorium nobody is there, not even the corpse, except for Chloe who introduces herself as their sister.
Marie Curie
A chronicle of Nobel Prize winning physicist Marie Curie's little known yet invaluable contribution to wounded soldiers' treatment during World War I, and her professional partnership with radiotherapy pioneer Claudius Regaud.
Madame Shorofsky
타이핑이 최고 인기 스포츠인 1958년. 시골에서 막 상경한 로즈는 보험사 사장인 루이의 비서가 되지만 엉망진창인 업무 실력을 선보이며 일주일 만에 짤릴 위기에 처한다. 하지만 로즈가 회심의 광속 독수리타법 타이핑 실력을 공개하자 스포츠광인 루이는 그녀에게 타이핑 대회에 나갈 것을 권유하고, 이들은 타이핑 챔피언을 향한 달콤하면서도 불꽃 튀는 트레이닝을 시작한다. 엄격한 훈련을 위해 루이의 집에서 합숙을 하면서 나날이 빨라지는 로즈의 타이핑 속도만큼이나 그 둘은 서로에게 끌리기 시작하는데... 스포츠에만 관심 있는 차가운 루이와 엉뚱하고 발랄한 타이핑 천재 로즈의 속도감 넘치는 로맨스!
A dedicated archaeologist, Anna Brahé, is stubbornly engaged in exploring an underground site, convinced that she will soon come across some important burial artefacts. Her superior is more sceptical and, his patience exhausted, sends Peter Morel, a renowned archaeologist, to make an assessment of Anna’s discoveries so far. Despite their differences Anna and Peter cannot help being drawn to one another as the site collapses around them...
Mme de Rochereuil
바스티유 감옥의 습격과 함께 시민들이 직접 작성한 왕실, 귀족들의 살생부가 급기야 '마리 앙투아네트' 손까지 들어온다. 이미 모두의 적이 되어버린 '마리 앙투아네트'는 어디도 갈 수 없고, 진심을 다해 사랑한 단 한 사람만큼은 어떻게든 피신시키려 한다. '마리 앙투아네트'의 가장 가까운 곳에서 책 읽어주는 시녀, '시도니'는 유일하게 이 모든 비밀을 알고 그녀를 위해서라면 어떤 일이라도 하려고 하는데…
Simone de Beauvoir
A young biracial woman raised in France travels to Burkina Faso in search of the mother she hasn’t seen in many years. Meanwhile, in Paris, an émigré from Burkina Faso who makes her living as a cleaner teaches the Dioula language to a white middle-class office worker, in this affecting story of global displacement.
Henri est convaincu que Lise, sa nouvelle et jeune femme, l’aime sincèrement. Henri est aussi convaincu que Sam, le témoin de leur mariage, est le frère de Lise. La machination est parfaite. Enfin presque...
“I am a woman who does not know where she is going, but who, always, looks for beauty. As long as she does not flee me. Moritz, your beauty fled me. But I caught it and I carry it in me.”
Shanghai in the 30s: money rules in this city open to all adventures and whose reputation attracts all the bold adventurers of the world. Albert Londres, one of the most famous journalists of the time, who is in Shanghai in 1924 reports to his newspaper. In 1932, the city is plunged into an armed conflict triggered by Japan, served as a curtain raiser for a new dispensation. Following the lashing rise of Du Yuesheng in Shanghai, the godfather of the Green Gang, we embark on an exploration of the period when bankers and drug traffickers, revolutionaries and nationalists made history. Unpublished Chinese archive materials, private archives, old feature films, period newspapers, police reports, diplomatic correspondence, journalism by Albert Londres and explorations of present-day Shanghai, sketch the portrait of a world that continues to fascinate the West.
Au milieu de nulle part, une cité ouvrière vidée de sa population depuis quelques années déjà. Pourtant, certains habitants ont décidé d'y rester, plus par choix que par nécessité, parce que c'est là qu'ils sont nés et qu'ils ont grandi. Parmi eux il y a Francis, l'ouvrier consciencieux qui continue d'entretenir la machine sur laquelle il a travaillé toute sa vie ; Samir, son fils.
Agents des services secrets, Muriel et Philippe forment un improbable duo amoureux. Dans leur nouvelle mission, ils sont chargés de mettre la main sur une clé usb cachée par Constance, la veuve d'un trafiquant d'uranium fraîchement assassiné. Cette jeune bourgeoise étrangement ingénue conduira le duo dans un cours de chant lyrique où s'entremêlent d'autres espions aux voix ensorcelantes.
Solange Valmon
Louise Verneuil
A man investigating his son's death learns some horrific truths about the pharmaceutical industry.
뛰어난 예술적 감각으로 카밀 코로, 오딜롱 르동, 루이 마조렐 같은 19세기 작가들의 작품을 소장하며 한 평생을 보낸 어머니.
한 여름 가족들과 함께 생일을 기념하던 어느 날, 그녀는 생일을 즐기기 보다는 자신이 죽으면 있을 집과 집안의 물건들에 대한 처리 문제로 걱정을 털어놓는다.
그러나 큰 아들 프레데릭은 어머니뿐만 아니라 삼 남매와 손자, 손녀들의 추억까지 고스란히 담겨 있는 이 집은 당연히 그대로 보존될 것이라며 귀를 기울이지 않는다. 그러던 어느 날, 갑작스럽게 어머니의 사망소식을 듣게 된 세 남매는 믿을 수 없는 이별을 맞게 되고. 막상 생전 어머니의 집과 유품을 처리해야 하는 상황에 놓인 그들은 생각지 못했던 이견 때문에 충돌하게 된다.
유품을 지키고 싶은 큰 아들 프레데릭(샤를르 베를랭), 디자이너로 해외 활동이 많은 둘째 아드리엔(줄리엣 비노쉬) 그리고 중국에서 시작할 새 일로 목돈이 필요한 막내 제레미(제레미 레니에)까지, 세 남매는 자신들이 처한 현실과 어머니의 유품에 대한 안타까움 사이에서 갈등하게 되는데...
Pierrot, a young boy, does not live in the present. One night, Pierrot finds himself face to face with the old man that he will be himself. A strange journey then begins for the unlikely duo.
It’s summer and the beginning of the long vacation period for eleven-year-old Martin, who lives on a farm, and, at a loss, observes his family’s disintegration : his mother lives locked-up in her room ; his older brother, who he adores, drowns himself in drink ; and his father, dominated by Martin’s grandmother, is a helpless onlooker to the family’s collapse. Although Mistigri, his cat, and Malika, the Moroccan maid, afford him some comfort, Martin is determined to put an end to this confusion.
흩어져 각자의 삶을 살아가던 세 자매 소피, 셀린느, 안느에게 어느날 낯선 한 남자가 찾아오고, 세 자매는 그들의 운명을 결정지었던 과거의 비밀과 대면하게 된다. 벗어날 수 없는 운명, 반복되는 비극에 사로잡힌 세 자매와 그들의 사랑! 삶의 심연에 감추어져있던 그들 마음의 ‘지옥’이 서서히 드러난다
Carmen, a bonobo female, flees from the research center in linguistics where she is being kept. She takes refuge at a young couple's place, Mercier and his pregnant wife Myriam. Mercier, beginning at a new job, is reluctant to welcome the ape. But Myriam makes friend with her.
Alice is a photographer mandated by the Ministry of the Environment to photograph sites in the Alpes de Haute Provence. She replaces a renowned photographer who was doing this work and mysteriously abandoned her mission.
17살의 피에르는 어머니에게 맹목적인 사랑을 퍼붓지만 정작 그의 어머니는 아들의 사랑을 받아들이지 못한다. 결국 그녀는 모든 비밀을 드러내고 비도덕에 탐닉하는 자신의 본래 모습을 아들에게 보여준다. 하지만 피에르는 자신도 그 환락의 세계로 들여보내줄 것을 부탁하고 그들의 게임은 점점 더 위험해져만 간다.
Sonia / Ruth
Joël is jealous and violent. After one crisis too many, Nicole, his young wife, returns to live with her parents with their three-year-old son. Joël hangs on, begs, threatens. One day, he kidnaps the little boy.
The story of Napoleon Bonaparte's grandniece, the famous Princess Marie, her friendship and her work with Sigmund Freud.
Mme Delacre
샬롯은 젊은 프리랜서 에로 소설 작가이다. 하지만 그 일이 그녀의 생활방식에 큰 영향을 끼치지 않는다. 샬롯이 살고 있는 복층 아파트는 그녀를 혼란스러운 일상으로부터 차단시켜주는 역할을 하고 있다. 그러던 어느 날, 그녀의 아버지가 돌아가신 후 그녀의 삶은 한 순간에 뒤바뀌게 된다. 피아노 강사인 어머니 카트린느가 짐 보따리와 가구, 피아노, 심지어 자신의 강습생들까지 데리고 샬롯의 아파트로 이사 오게 된 것이다. 샬롯은 어쩔 수 없이 1층을 어머니에게 내주고 2층에서 생활하게 된다. 그러나 곧 두 명이 함께 살기엔 아파트가 너무 좁다고 느낀 모녀는 그 집을 팔고 이사하기로 결정한다. 하지만 부동산 업자들이 끊임없이 방문하여 1, 2층 곳곳을 헤매고 다니는 바람에 집은 금새 엉망진창이 되버린다.
The woman in the subway
The story of a woman who decides to kill herself. She puts herself through a series of experiences that test the limits of what is humanly bearable in an ultimate attempt to find a reason to live.
La cliente
Esther's life is panning out nicely. She will soon move in with her boyfriend Vincent and she seems set to get a permanent position at the public relations company where she freelances. All would be fine if Esther didn't accidentally discover a piercing curiosity about her own body.
높은 수익성이 기대되는 상품인 X-등급 헨타이(일본 포르노 애니메이션)에 대한 전세계 온라인 판권을 놓고 회사 간 권력투쟁이 벌어지자 첩보 활동, 폭력, 그리고 살인으로 이어진다.
La directrice
13세의 클로에와 12세의 조셉. 태어나면서부터 부모에게 버림받은 이들은 외부 세계와의 접촉을 거부하고, 서로에게만 의지하며 살아간다. 자폐증 증세를 보이는 클로에는 기괴한 웃음만을 흘리며 정처 없이 발길을 옮기고, 조셉은 그에게 단 하나뿐인 가족인 클로에를 보호하고, 어딘가에 있을 그들의 집을 찾기 위해 누이를 인도한다. 그러던 중, 마침내 그들은 보호소로 찾아온 어머니를 만나게 되고, 그들이 친남매가 아니라는 사실을 듣게 되는데.
Algeria, 1903. Just after the trial of the insurgents in Margueritte, a village where seven Europeans were killed, Eugénia commits suicide despite the amorous passion that she feels for her husband, the French lawyer of these insurgents.
Mathilde Ancelin
The year is 1898. Héloïse, 9 years old, comes from a family belonging to the anti-Dreyfus and anti-Semitic Parisian high bourgeoisie. In a spirit of revolt, she begins a love affair with Maxime, a young Jewish journalist. During a terrible quarrel with her father, the latter suffers a stroke and dies. To get her away from Maxime, her mother Mathilde and her cousin Olympe take Héloïse on a trip to the Orient. After Cairo and the Pyramids, they go up the Nile and cross the desert in a caravan.
Claudie Marcorelle
François Marcorelle, an investigation magistrate in Chambéry, finds himself in the room of a young Polish girl that he met in a restaurant
Julie Desca
장 바르네리는 유명한 도자기 공장을 소유한 집안 출신의 목사이다. 부인 나탈리의 외도로 결혼생활이 파경에 이르게 된 즈음, 장도 20살의 폴린에게 사랑을 느끼고 그녀와의 결혼을 위해 목사직을 그만둔다. 장과 폴린은 스위스로 떠나지만 안락한 전원생활도 잠시뿐,폴린의 반대에도 불구하고 장은 가업을 이어받기 위해 고향으로 돌아온다. 곧 전쟁이 발발하고, 평화가 찾아오는 듯했지만 전쟁이 끝난 후 장은 예전의 영광을 되찾기 위해 더우더 사업에 매달린다. 냉담한 노조,외국과의 경재, 그리고 1929년 불어닥틴 경제위기로 장은 파탄지경에 이른다. 어쩔수 없이 생산량을 줄이고, 사원을 축소하면서 그의 꿈은 무너지게 된다. 사랑하는 남편과 공장을 살리기 위해 폴란은 남편이 포기한 것을 일으켜 세우려고 노력한다.
Mathieu's Mother
Story of two gorgeous, young French boys who begin a passionate relationship that boils over and threatens to destroy both their lives. Shy 18-year-old Mathieu is on summer vacation in the south of France. He spends his days lazily sunning himself at the beach, until he spies the handsome Cédric and falls in love.
Mme Leblanc, la secrétaire du docteur
Dr. Bruno Sachs, the only medical practitioner in a small French town, seems on the surface to be compassionate and dedicated. However, in private he is not happy in his work and does not like most of his patients. Here he meets Pauline Kasser, a young woman, and they are attracted to each other...
Claire Daboval
Actor Gerard Depardieu co-directed this drama about a married woman who falls in love with another man. Mina is a movie buff with a husband, Georges, who's out of work, and a 15-year-old son, Tommy. While Mina works part-time as a domestic for Claire Daboval, the family is terribly short on money, so when Georges is offered construction work on a massive bridge project, he immediately accepts, even though the job site is far enough away that he'll only be able to come home on weekends. One day, while taking in a matinee screening of West Side Story, Mina meets a man named Matthias, an engineer associated with the bridge project. It's love at first sight for the both of them, and while Mina has no desire to hurt Georges, who is a good and decent man, she has found another good and decent man whom she loves even more. Tommy, on the other hand, has to deal with this crisis in his parents' marriage while he's sorting out his own infatuation with Ms. Daboval's daughter, Lisbeth.
Ivan's and Serge's occupation is to enter dance competitions where they meet each time new female partners; a wounded gangster who's just burglarized a bank ,forces them to drive him at gunpoint.
sorella di Tassi
Artemisia Gentileschi (1593-1653) was one of the first well-known female painters. The movie tells the story of her youth, when she was guided and protected by her father, the painter Orazio Gentileschi. Her professional curiosity about the male anatomy, forbidden for her eyes, led her to the knowledge of sexual pleasure. But she was also well known because in 1612 she had to appear in a courtroom because her teacher, Agostino Tassi, was suspected of raping her. She tried to protect him, but was put in the thumb screws...
The mother
A woman and her seven children live on a farm in Southern France. In spite of the hard work and the mediocre accommodation, their life would be a happy one, but for one person: the owner of the farm, an egotistic and authoritarian individual who is also the lover of the woman and the father of all her children. The farmer handles them as his property, uses them as cheap labour to work in the fields, and denies them the right to leave the farm. It is only the love of the woman for her children that allows them to endure their situation; but even for her, disenchantment has set in.
The unhappy love lives of Paul and Marcus, two artists and friends who are neither particularly young or successful anymore.
In the 19th century, children -- particularly the children of the poor -- were considered to be an exploitable resource of docile and cheap labor. Anyone who had the effrontery to steal so much as a portion of a loaf of bread for any reason would (at the very least) go to prison, regardless of their age. However, people of conscience were beginning to protest against this situation. The story takes place in a prison for children where conditions are particularly harsh. The warden is a thick-headed martinet who demands complete compliance with the rules, or the children will be brutally dealt with. The assistant warden is a more modern man, and is appalled by the whole institution, but seeks to begin by reforming it. To that end, he has invited a journalist to come and see the conditions that prevail there, in the hopes that she will rouse public opinion against at least this one form of injustice.
Drunk, Betty is feeling worse and worse, the previous evening is slowly coming back to her: her husband and her husband's family had criticized her harshly, had sent her away. But Betty hadn't wanted to get married in the first place. She knows that she always ruined everything, that she drinks to much, that she has had several affairs. Laure, who is taking care of her, suggests that Betty stay with her in the hotel where she lives, as long as Betty would like. Laure, too, finds solace and companionship in alcohol.
Mrs. Martinet
France is a haughty, bourgeoise wife who is abandoned at the side of the road by her husband after a vicious quarrel. She meets Charles, a doctor. The meeting of the two strangers is the focus of the film, along with their encounters with characters at a truck stop.
It was during one of his missions in Norway that Antoine learned of his wife's death. He leaves his experimental submarine and returns to Paris. Helene was found in the Seine and had taken barbiturates. Even though he had not been with Hélène for six years, he knew her well enough to believe that she was incapable of committing suicide. So who and why?
Nathalie Cheylard
Claire Rousset visits her ex-husband Pierre who lives in the Lyon region. For some time now, Pierre's health and that of the other inhabitants of the village has deteriorated to the point of becoming worrying.
어두운 파리, 세느 강변의 밤. 한 여인이 자동차를 몰고 나타난다. 카스테레오에선 우린 이별을 하기위해 왔다는 샹송이 흘러나온다. 누군가와 전화통화를 하던 그녀는 스카프를 흘리며 사라지고 그곳에 있던 알렉스는 그 스카프를 줍는다. 알렉스는 가장 친한 친구 또마와 자신의 애인인 플로랑스가 서로 연인 사이임을 알게되었고 그는 세느강가에서 또마를 죽이기 위해 목을 조른다. 하지만 결국 그는 차마 친구를 죽이진 못하고 집으로 돌아온다. 자신의 인생에서 중요했던 일을 기록하는 습관이 있는 알렉스는 이날 일을 '생애 최고의 살인 미수'라고 쓴다.
The film starts in the 13th arrondissement of Paris in 1984. Robert Pinot is a police officer as ordinary as clumsy. One day, he stops a certain Josyane, a young drug addict who is also doubled as a pickpocket, nicknamed Marylou. Having discovered that she comes from the same village, Nanteuil, then him, he takes compassion for the young girl and decides to take her under his wing to keep her away from Tony, a dangerous dealer with whom she is in love.