Thaís Vidal


Venus in Nykes
I end every session more shook than the last. Because, unlike all my other patients, he shows no discomfort whatsoever with his sexual freakishness. On the contrary. I maintain my diagnosis: acute melancholia and flight from reality. He goes so deep in his delusion sometimes that he imagines he's some kind of prophet. As if he was part of a cult.
God Has AIDS
40 years after the beginning of the AIDS pandemic, seven artists and an activist doctor, all of them living with HIV, offer new images and perspectives to deal with serophobia in Brazil.
I don't live here anymore
Stop-motion animation. A short film depicting the gradual changes in a household since one of its members starts showing symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.
In the sports court of a school, dancers rehearse under the watchful eye of a choreographer. Tensions haunt personal desires as they are observed by a rival troupe.
The Other Side of The Other
Production Executive
Imagine a group of children from the favela. Compare them to a group of kids from classy apartments. Teach each group to make films. Show each film to the other group. Finally, gather the children where the two groups live, so that they can play and get to know each other as equals.
An electrical storm was created in silence.
Francisco is unhappy about his body.
Cada cuatro años, el cotidiano pueblo tranquilo de Camocim de São Félix, pequeña ciudad al Nordeste de Brasil, es sacudido. Durante la campaña municipal, la ciudad se divide en dos y todas las vidas parecen orbitar en torno a la política. En el medio de este mercado electoral, Mayara, una chica de veintitrés años, intenta hacer una campaña "limpia" para elegir a su candidato y amigo César.
Buried Sky
Executive Producer
Luana and Wagner's father sends a letter after years of neglect. Wagner believes his father may have changed. Not Luana.
The Daytime Doorman
Después de intercambiar miradas entre "buenas mañanas" y "buenas tardes", Marcelo se da cuenta de que es hora de tratar de ir más lejos con Márcio, el portero en su edificio. Dos mundos colisionarán a través de los cuerpos de estos hombres.