Olivier Lliboutry


Milagro en La Caverna
Original Music Composer
Cuando un equipo de fútbol juvenil de 12 chicos, de entre 11 y 16 años, y su entrenador de 25 años quedan atrapados en las profundidades de una cueva en el norte de Tailandia, miles de voluntarios y soldados de todo el mundo se unen en una carrera contrarreloj para encontrarlos.
La casa del tiempo
Original Music Composer
Robert d'Eglantine invita a sus amigos a pasar unos días en una vieja casa de campo donde les propone embarcarse en una atrevida aventura con un destino sorprendente.
The Last Executioner
Inspired by real events, The Last Executioner is the story of Chavoret Jaruboon, the last person in Thailand whose job it was to execute by gun. A rock musician who adored Elvis, but took a 'respectable' job to support the family he loved devotedly, and then constantly tried to reconcile the good and bad karma that came from this decision.
Thru the Moebius Strip
Original Music Composer
In the not-too-distant future, a young boy travels to an alien world to find his father and learn of his destiny.
Pettson and Findus
Pettson and Findus are fishing down by the lake when suddenly a snowstorm rises and it starts to get dark. Lost in the bad weather they are forced to seek shelter in an igloo they build out of blocks of frozen fishes. Inside they tell stories from the past year to keep their spirits up.