Character Designer
Anime adaptation of the same name horror manga by Suzumiya Wayu, serialized in Shogakuan's Weekly Shonen Sunday special issue.
Key Animation
Cuando un cerezo gigante de la parcela de Mendou es cortado, cosas extrañas comienzan a ocurrir. Una montaña aparece en el medio de Tomobiki. Los sueños de la gente se congelan a medianoche. Lum pierde sus cuernos y sus poderes eléctricos. Esta película está considerada como la más rara y divertida de todas las películas de Urusei Yatsura, aunque en Japón no tuvo muy buena acogida precisamente por ser tan extraña.
Animation Director
Michael is a cat - with a difference. He lives with a cartoonist and his wife and does his best to keep his cool amid the trials of everyday life in suburbia, like fussing human girls, the local tough cat Nyazilla - just like big grey lizard, a foe too fearsome to take risks with - and the females of his own species.
Character Designer
Michael is a cat - with a difference. He lives with a cartoonist and his wife and does his best to keep his cool amid the trials of everyday life in suburbia, like fussing human girls, the local tough cat Nyazilla - just like big grey lizard, a foe too fearsome to take risks with - and the females of his own species.