Vegard Ronæss Soldal


Sick of Myself
Sound Mixer
Signe y Thomas mantienen una relación de pareja malsana y competitiva, que toma un giro pernicioso cuando Thomas obtiene cierta notoriedad como artista contemporáneo. La reacción de Signe consistirá en inventarse un nuevo personaje y tratar a la desesperada de llamar la atención y suscitar la compasión para recuperar su estatus.
La peor persona del mundo
Boom Operator
Julie va a cumplir los treinta y su vida es un desastre existencial. Ya ha desperdiciado parte de su talento y su novio Aksel, un exitoso novelista gráfico mayor que ella, la presiona para que contenga su energía creativa y siente la cabeza. Una noche se cuela en una fiesta y conoce al joven y encantador Eivind. Tardará poco en romper con Aksel y embarcarse en una nueva relación con la esperanza de que su vida adquiera una nueva perspectiva. Sin embargo, tendrá que darse cuenta de que ya es demasiado tarde para ciertas opciones vitales.
The Farce
There is free space in a collective and a potential tenant must be interviewed and assessed, but the rules for the interview are slowly crumbling. A comedy - a farce - inspired by the theatre's absurd, surrealistic and grotesque traditions.
Ulike blikk
Sound Recordist
On the streets of Oslo East during the corona crisis, the young people in society are left to themselves. The children stand alone, while the parents are too busy with themselves. At a bus stop, Andrea (15) is met by the girls, Zainab (15), Safa (15) and Inas (16), and they start harassing her.
We Are Here Now
Sound Recordist
We follow a maternity group for a year. Parents and babies who are put together in groups of the health station and who meet at each other's home and eat lunch. Some of them have big plans. They will buy and sell property. Some are concerned about doing things right. Can babies eat cucumbers? What about cheese?
Self Portrait
Sound Recordist
The documentary is a portrait of an artist and a portrait of a deadly disease. Lene Marie Fossen was a gifted photographer who suffered from severe anorexia. Self Portrait is a film about the power of art and survival, but it also raises important questions about what treatment one who suffers from severe anorexia needs.
The Art of Working in Pairs
Sound Mixer
Louise and Henrik are two aging professional circus acrobats who constantly search for new ways to perform their art form. They look upon their practice as a lifelong project, and they have no idea when or how it will end. But for how long can they keep it up, as they grow older and have become parents for the first time.
Garden II
The starting point for the short story is a piece of music composed by K.A. Knutsen (Syntax TerrOrkester) and a concept developed by producer Simeon Frohm. Four directors have each been given a visual image of an audio file, as well as a title and length limitation as a starting point to create each chapter of the film. None of the directors have heard the sound, this has been mixed and completed based on raw versions of the film chapters. Common to the chapters is that they deal with the term "Garden" and its associated chapter title. The landscape of Utsira, where the film was filmed, lays the foundation for aesthetics.
Detained and Abandoned
There are people in the basement of Ila prison and administrative detention center with serious mental sicknesses isloated from the other prisoners and the world. They don't get psychiatric treatment and become more sick and dangerous.
Kings Bay
Sound Effects Editor
21 muertos en la explosión del accidente de la bahía de los reyes en Ny-Alesund en Spitsbergen en el 1962. El accidente condujo a la caída del gobierno del Partido Laborista noruego WW2. ¿Fue realmente un accidente? ¿estaba bajo control noruego?
The Nansen Passport
On July 5th, 1922, Norwegian explorer, scientist and diplomat Fridtjof Nansen creates a passport with which, between 1922 and 1945, he managed to protect the fundamental human rights as citizens of the world of thousands of people, famous and anonymous, who became stateless due to the tragic events that devastated Europe in the first quarter of the 20th century.
El amor es más fuerte que las bombas
Sound Editor
Una exposición de la obra de la fotógrafa de guerra Isabelle Reed, tres años después de su prematura muerte, lleva a su hijo mayor de vuelta a la casa familiar. Allí pasará tiempo con su padre Gene y su hermano menor. Estando los tres bajo el mismo techo, Gene tratará de estrechar lazos con sus dos hijos mientras ellos luchan por reconciliar sus sentimientos hacia su fallecida madre, mujer que recuerdan de manera diferente.
Sound Designer
Kosmonauta is a visualization of an actual sound clip from a female cosmonaut in distress. The signal was picked up on a soviet space frequency in 1962 and gave rise to the theory of the (lost) first female cosmonaut.