Giorgos Konstas

Giorgos Konstas

Nacimiento : 1949-01-01, Piraeus, Greece

Muerte : 2015-01-17


Giorgos Konstas
Giorgos Konstas


Christmas Tango
Brigadier General
Grecia /// En la década de los años 70, Grecia está bajo una brutal dictadura militar. La Navidad se prepara en un campo militar, en Evros (en la frontera con Turquía). Los pensamientos, sin embargo, del teniente capitán Stephen Karamanides están en otro lugar. Él tiene un solo deseo, bailar con su amor secreto, la esposa del teniente coronel Emmanuel Logos. Pero él no sabe bailar. Para ello busca la ayuda de un soldado, Lázaro Lazarou, un hombre tímido y joven, que se encuentra en el campo como una persona culta y sensible.
Ballad of the Lost Moonlight
One night, a woman and a man in a house, while outside the city lives and entertains.
Athens Blues
A group of men in their sixties that spend the August nights in Athens outside a pharmacy during night shift, an ambulance driver who has an affair with a younger girl, a middle-aged couple who have invented a lie to renew their passion for one another, a child pretending to sleepwalk in the streets of Athens, two younger people who are tied together in an office after a burglar attack, and other amorous encounters during the same night.
Earth and Water
Nicolas is a shepherd. He is around twenty years old, thin and spirited. Constantina is eighteen years old. Constantina fell in love with Nikolas the very first time she saw him with his lyre at the bull sacrifice ritual. She entered the whirlpool of ecstasy and became his lover. Their relationship was clearly physical, all other things were setting them apart. Constantina decides that they should break up. "We come from different places and head in different directions", she says. When she finds out that she is pregnant, she does not tell Nikolas.
La mirada de Ulises
Un cineasta griego, exiliado en los Estados Unidos, regresa a su ciudad natal para emprender un apasionante viaje. De Albania a Macedonia, de Bucarest a Constanza (Rumanía), a través del Danubio hasta Belgrado y por fin a Sarajevo. En su camino se cruza con su propia historia, con el pasado de los Balcanes, con las mujeres que podría amar. Espera recobrar con estas imágenes olvidadas la inocencia de la primera mirada.
Η ζωή ενάμιση χιλιάρικο
The Years of the Big Heat
One woman's lonely search for the truth about her mother's murder.
The Athenians
This is a series of intersecting stories. A petty crook and former lover of a lazy ingénue steals the box-office receipts from the Odeon of Herodus Atticus, on the day an important football game is also taking place. There is also the story of the half-mad mother of the ingénue who refuses to put shoes on because she believes that shoes lead people astray. An eccentric grave-digger produces a two-seater coffin for couple-victims of car accidents. The film also tells the story of one of the Odeon's cleaning women and of a watermelon that goes all around the city, pursued by a tired theater technician and his sister, who is a tour guide. The impresario conducts an inquiry after the theft, but the thief and his two associates, the ingénue and the technician, use what was stolen to set up a small theatre. Small everyday stories and comic incidents combine to create a portrait of modern-day Athens.
The Dream Factory
In a dystopian society after an unexpected epidemic citizens can't have dreams. Only few people are privillaged to dream. They operate small underground companies where they can have other people dreams.
Ενός λεπτού σιγή
Clinicamente muerto, sexualmente vivo
A Giorgios le han hecho un trasplante de corazón, pero no es un corazón normal; está sediento de sexo y acompañaremos al nuevo portador en ese divertido y aventurero renacer sexual por Grecia.
In his film, Menelaos Karamaghiolis attempts to trace the evolution of the gypsy race in Europe, particularly in Greece, through four different points of view. These are expressed in the narrations of four people: the Teacher, the Photographer, Tamara, the old gypsy lady and the young girl Aima.
The Woman Who Dreamed
Familiar Person
Something changes in the relationship of Achilleas and Anna when she starts to dream vividly and insists on relating her dreams to her husband. He is a barrister in the middle of an important murder trial and his temper becomes frayed with Anna's seeming indifference and involvement and preoccupation with her dream world.
Γενέθλια Πόλη
Αντίστροφη πορεία
An actor's troupe puts up a variety show.