Florent Marcie


A.I. At War
In the war zones of Mosul and Raqqa, then in Paris during the Yellow Vests uprising, filmmaker Florent Marcie confronts Sota, an AI robot, with the tragedy of mankind. As the story unfolds, the relationship that develops between man and machine questions our human condition and our future.
Tomorrow Tripoli
En las primeras horas de la revolución libia, mientras el mundo entero tiene los ojos puestos en Benghazi, un pequeño grupo de insurgentes desafía la dictadura en el otro extremo del país, en Zintan, en las montañas de Nefoussa. Separados del resto del mundo, asediados por el ejército de Gadafi, contra todo pronóstico, estos montañeses infligirán una serie de contratiempos a las tropas del régimen y llegarán a las puertas de Trípoli. Desde la guerrilla Jebel hasta las costas del Mediterráneo, "Mañana Trípoli" cuenta la historia de la lucha de estos hombres simples y generosos, arrastrados por el torbellino revolucionario.
Commandant Khawani
Afganistán, octubre de 2001. Un mes después de los atentados al World Trade Center, los estadounidenses bombardean el país para derrocar al régimen talibán. En el frente de Bagram, marcado por veinte años de guerra, el comandante Khawani y sus muyahidines esperan la ofensiva sobre Kabul. Entre dos bombardeos, contactan al enemigo por radio ...
Génération humanitaire
Portrait of a committed youth in Chad, working in a humanitarian mission in the region of Ouaddaï. Chased away by the war in Darfur, neighbour country, the refugees have come in mass in this province suffering from extreme poverty, threatening an already fragile local balance. From Hadjer Haddid to Brussels or Paris, the film tries to highlight the complexity of a mission and takes as a starting point the questions each one has on a profession undergoing transformations.
Itchkéri Kenti
Invierno de 1996, guerra de Chechenia. Un joven director francés, munido de una tela de pintura, viaja clandestinamente por el país para encontrarse con un pueblo en resistencia.
Le kiosque et la guerre
Un frente de combate, por la noche, en Afganistán.
Sous les arbres d’Ajiep
In the Dinka language, "ajiep" means "calabash", which is a recipient for collecting cows’ milk and has the connotation of abundance. Ajiep is also the name of a small village in the south of Sudan, with its school, a village chief, a market... and widespread famine. In the wake of the devastation caused by the war, tens of thousands of people have been uprooted by the North-South fighting and have found refuge near Ajiep, but have no food supplies. A team of "Médecins sans frontières" is trying to limit this human catastrophe. The rhythm of life is dictated by the search for food and survival : airdrops of cereals, vaccination campaigns, distribution of food... The film concentrates on the story of Angeth, a young mother who has just arrived at Ajiep with her two small daughters. She had survived for nine months in the forest on fruits and roots, after her herd had been stolen.
La tribu du tunnel
A year in the life of Richard, Sylvain, Nono and Calou who are squatting an unused railway tunnel in the 13th ward in Paris. They have created an entire domestic interior with television set, fridge, washing machine... With their four dogs, they live as a kind of highly organised urban tribe. But Nono is sent to prison, Sylvain meets a woman...