Ula Tabari

Ula Tabari

Nacimiento : 1970-01-01, Nazareth, Israel


Ula Tabari is a Palestinian filmmaker and actress born in Nazareth. She is based in Paris, France.


Ula Tabari


Todo pasa en Tel Aviv
Salam, un apuesto palestino de 30 años que vive en Jerusalén, trabaja en el set de la famosa telenovela palestina 'Tel Aviv on Fire', producida en Ramallah. Todos los días, para llegar a los estudios de televisión, Salam debe pasar por un estricto control israelí. Allí se encuentra con el comandante a cargo del puesto de control, Assi, cuya esposa es fanática de la telenovela. Para impresionarla, Assi se involucra en escribir la historia. Pronto, Salam se da cuenta de que las ideas de Assi podrían llevarle a un ascenso como guionista. Su carrera creativa empieza a despegar.
My Favourite Fabric
Madame Jiji
Damascus, Spring 2011. It's the early stages of the civil war. 25-year-old Nahla is torn between her desire for freedom and the hope of leaving the country thanks to her arranged marriage with Samir, a Syrian expatriate in the USA. When he chooses her younger, more docile sister Myriam, Nahla finds refuge at her neighbor's, the mysterious Ms Jiji.
Villa Touma
Violet Touma
Tres hermanas viven en Ramala. No les es fácil, estas tres mujeres pertenecen a una aristocracia palestina prácticamente extinta, al ser cristianas y no aguantar la situación de ocupación actual, las tres solteronas deciden aislarse del mundo y vivir recordando épocas pasadas. Su vida cambiará drásticamente cuando llegue una sobrina huérfana, hija de su hermano fallecido y díscolo. La sobrina, renegada por la familia por ser de madre musulmana, deberá aceptar las reglas de su nueva casa. Un hogar que puede llegar a ser más asfixiante que su anterior cuarto que compartía con otras chicas.
Palestinian Woman Watching TV
Basada en hechos reales. Tras el asesinato de varios atletas israelíes por el grupo terrorista "Septiembre negro" en los Juegos Olímpicos de Múnich de 1972, un agente especial del Mossad tuvo que ejecutar una misión altamente secreta: asesinar a los responsables.
Private Investigation
".... I used to ... all Palestinian kids in Israel, used to hold the Israeli flag and sing for Israel in Arabic. Each year we used to do that, to celebrate, we would prepare dance shows, theater plays and songs! A lot of decorations and flags everywhere... And no one said anything. Imagine we used to stand on lines at the schoolyard each with his little blue and white flag. But the next day which is the Independence Day, a free day when all families and friends were supposed to go out on a picnic somewhere, or to the beach... my father always used to be sick and we never left the house on that specific day.
Private Investigation
".... I used to ... all Palestinian kids in Israel, used to hold the Israeli flag and sing for Israel in Arabic. Each year we used to do that, to celebrate, we would prepare dance shows, theater plays and songs! A lot of decorations and flags everywhere... And no one said anything. Imagine we used to stand on lines at the schoolyard each with his little blue and white flag. But the next day which is the Independence Day, a free day when all families and friends were supposed to go out on a picnic somewhere, or to the beach... my father always used to be sick and we never left the house on that specific day.
Chronicle of a Disappearance
Chronicle of a Disappearance unfolds in a series of seemingly unconnected cinematic tableaux, each of them focused on incidents or characters which seldom reappear later in the film. Among the many unrelated scenes, there is a Palestinian actress struggling to find an apartment in West Jerusalem, the owner of the Holy Land souvenir shop preparing merchandise for incoming Japanese tourists, a group of old women gossiping about their relatives, and an Israeli police van which screeches to a halt so several heavily armed soldiers can get off the car and urinate.
Chronicle of a Disappearance
Casting Director
Chronicle of a Disappearance unfolds in a series of seemingly unconnected cinematic tableaux, each of them focused on incidents or characters which seldom reappear later in the film. Among the many unrelated scenes, there is a Palestinian actress struggling to find an apartment in West Jerusalem, the owner of the Holy Land souvenir shop preparing merchandise for incoming Japanese tourists, a group of old women gossiping about their relatives, and an Israeli police van which screeches to a halt so several heavily armed soldiers can get off the car and urinate.