Ula Tabari

Ula Tabari

출생 : 1970-01-01, Nazareth, Israel


Ula Tabari is a Palestinian filmmaker and actress born in Nazareth. She is based in Paris, France.

프로필 사진

Ula Tabari

참여 작품

포화 속의 텔아비브
살람은 팔레스타인 유명 연속극 「포화 속의 텔아비브」의 인턴으로 일한다. 그는 매일같이 텔레비전 스튜디오로 향하기 위해 경계가 삼엄한 이스라엘 검문소를 통과한다. 그곳에서 만나게 된 검문소장 아시의 아내는 살람이 참여하는 연속극의 열혈 시청자이다. 아시는 아내를 만족시키기 위해 연속극의 전개를 바꾸도록 살람을 압박한다.
My Favourite Fabric
Madame Jiji
Damascus, Spring 2011. It's the early stages of the civil war. 25-year-old Nahla is torn between her desire for freedom and the hope of leaving the country thanks to her arranged marriage with Samir, a Syrian expatriate in the USA. When he chooses her younger, more docile sister Myriam, Nahla finds refuge at her neighbor's, the mysterious Ms Jiji.
Villa Touma
Violet Touma
Three unmarried aristocratic Christian sisters from Ramallah have shut themselves in their villa clinging desperately to their former glory, until their orphan niece, Badia, walks into their life and turns their world upside down.
Palestinian Woman Watching TV
전 세계의 이목이 집중된 1972년 뮌헨올림픽. 모두가 스포츠의 환희와 감동에 열광하는 가운데 끔찍한 인질 사건이 발생한다. 이 사건은 전 세계에 TV로 생중계가 되고, 팔레스타인 무장 조직 ‘검은 9월단’은 인질로 잡았던 이스라엘 선수단 11명을 살해한다. 전 세계는 엄청난 충격과 혼란에 휩싸이고, 팔레스타인은 이제 세계가 그들의 목소리로 귀기울이게 되었다고 자축한다. 하지만, 팔레스타인에 대한 보복을 결심한 이스라엘은 ‘검은 9월단’이 했던 것처럼 세계인의 이목을 끌 수 있는 비밀 공작을 준비하게 되고…. 이스라엘 정보기관 ‘모사드’는 최정예 요원들을 소집, 기록조차 없는 비밀 조직을 만들고 ‘검은 9월단’에 대한 복수를 명령한다. 조국애가 깊은 ‘모사드’ 출신 비밀 요원 ‘애브너(에릭 바나)’를 리더로 도주, 폭발물, 문서위조, 뒷처리를 담당하는 전문가들로 암살팀을 구성한다. 뮌헨 사건의 배후 인물로 지목된 팔레스타인인은 모두 11명. 이스라엘 비밀 요원들은 이들을 한 명씩 찾아내 치밀한 복수를 시작한다. 하지만 그들은 목표물을 제거할수록 조국의 임무와 복수의 정당성 사이에서 고민하기 시작하고, 살인에 대한 죄책감을 느낀다. 동시에 자신들 또한 누군지 모르는 암살팀의 표적으로 쫓기게 되는 아이러니한 상황에 빠져든다. 애브너와 비밀 요원들은 점점 더 큰 두려움과 죄책감에 사로잡혀가는데….
Private Investigation
".... I used to ... all Palestinian kids in Israel, used to hold the Israeli flag and sing for Israel in Arabic. Each year we used to do that, to celebrate, we would prepare dance shows, theater plays and songs! A lot of decorations and flags everywhere... And no one said anything. Imagine we used to stand on lines at the schoolyard each with his little blue and white flag. But the next day which is the Independence Day, a free day when all families and friends were supposed to go out on a picnic somewhere, or to the beach... my father always used to be sick and we never left the house on that specific day.
Private Investigation
".... I used to ... all Palestinian kids in Israel, used to hold the Israeli flag and sing for Israel in Arabic. Each year we used to do that, to celebrate, we would prepare dance shows, theater plays and songs! A lot of decorations and flags everywhere... And no one said anything. Imagine we used to stand on lines at the schoolyard each with his little blue and white flag. But the next day which is the Independence Day, a free day when all families and friends were supposed to go out on a picnic somewhere, or to the beach... my father always used to be sick and we never left the house on that specific day.
Chronicle of a Disappearance
Chronicle of a Disappearance unfolds in a series of seemingly unconnected cinematic tableaux, each of them focused on incidents or characters which seldom reappear later in the film. Among the many unrelated scenes, there is a Palestinian actress struggling to find an apartment in West Jerusalem, the owner of the Holy Land souvenir shop preparing merchandise for incoming Japanese tourists, a group of old women gossiping about their relatives, and an Israeli police van which screeches to a halt so several heavily armed soldiers can get off the car and urinate.
Chronicle of a Disappearance
Casting Director
Chronicle of a Disappearance unfolds in a series of seemingly unconnected cinematic tableaux, each of them focused on incidents or characters which seldom reappear later in the film. Among the many unrelated scenes, there is a Palestinian actress struggling to find an apartment in West Jerusalem, the owner of the Holy Land souvenir shop preparing merchandise for incoming Japanese tourists, a group of old women gossiping about their relatives, and an Israeli police van which screeches to a halt so several heavily armed soldiers can get off the car and urinate.