Ryota Tanaka, a young man who was struggling to become a manga artist in Tokyo, came back to his hometown in Fukuoka, feeling the limits of his dream. It was a part-time job at the local life extension zoo that introduced Ryota, who was in the old friend's room, without relying on his parents' home. While working with the director Noda and veterinarian Aya Ishii, Ryota knew that this is a rare zoo in the world that puts emphasis on “animal welfare” that puts animal health and happiness first. However, the management of the garden is in a critical situation due to the budget reduction, and Ryota decides to draw a comic again to convey this effort with her own picture...
Key Animation
Japón, 1943, durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. La joven Suzu deja su aldea cerca de Hiroshima para casarse y vivir con sus suegros en Kure, un puerto militar. Su creatividad para superar rápidamente las privaciones pronto la hace indispensable en casa. Habitada por una sabiduría ancestral, Suzu impregna de poesía y belleza los gestos sencillos de la vida cotidiana. Las muchas dificultades, la pérdida de seres queridos, los frecuentes ataques aéreos del enemigo, nada altera su entusiasmo…