An adolescent comes of age during a summer in the Rhône valley with his maternal grandparents. Jules seems a little too close to his mother and distant from his father, who wants Jules out of their Parisian house. It's to be a summer of transition, perhaps to a boarding school, and during these weeks in the country, Jules fishes with his grandfather; proves himself to the local youths, a group led by the bullying Red; takes on some tough guys; feels rejected by his mother; and, meets and pursues Evelyne, the village beauty. She's responsive, and Jules doesn't exactly know what to do next. Then, something happens that propels Jules into decisiveness and maturity.
An adolescent comes of age during a summer in the Rhône valley with his maternal grandparents. Jules seems a little too close to his mother and distant from his father, who wants Jules out of their Parisian house. It's to be a summer of transition, perhaps to a boarding school, and during these weeks in the country, Jules fishes with his grandfather; proves himself to the local youths, a group led by the bullying Red; takes on some tough guys; feels rejected by his mother; and, meets and pursues Evelyne, the village beauty. She's responsive, and Jules doesn't exactly know what to do next. Then, something happens that propels Jules into decisiveness and maturity.
First Assistant Director
En Madrid de los años 20, numerosas mujeres se alquilan como nodrizas para las familias burguesas. La leche se paga muy bien, por eso las mujeres recurren a los honestos servicios de Paco, cristalero de oficio, que redondea el sueldo de final de mes dejando embarazadas a las clientas que pagan por ello. Sin embargo, María, su mujer, obsesionada por la maternidad, no consigue embarazarse. Federico, que lo tiene muy bien considerado, lo quiere contratar para que forme a futuras prostitutas, pero Paco se niega en redondo y le pasa el trabajo al farmacéutico, un mujeriego que pagaría por hacer su trabajo.
Assistant Director
Una jovencita recién casada viaja a Bangkok a reunirse con su marido, un diplomático francés. En el viaje es iniciada al sexo por una hermosa adolescente y guiada por un hombre maduro en los placeres de la carne, y aprende a materializar sus fantasías sexuales más secretas, animada por su esposo.
Second Assistant Director
Jeanne, una joven parisina, cree que es la reencarnación de Don Juan. Visita a un sacerdote y le confiesa que ha matado a un hombre; le habla, además, de sus aventuras y de sus dotes para la seducción. (FILMAFFINITY)