An adolescent comes of age during a summer in the Rhône valley with his maternal grandparents. Jules seems a little too close to his mother and distant from his father, who wants Jules out of their Parisian house. It's to be a summer of transition, perhaps to a boarding school, and during these weeks in the country, Jules fishes with his grandfather; proves himself to the local youths, a group led by the bullying Red; takes on some tough guys; feels rejected by his mother; and, meets and pursues Evelyne, the village beauty. She's responsive, and Jules doesn't exactly know what to do next. Then, something happens that propels Jules into decisiveness and maturity.
An adolescent comes of age during a summer in the Rhône valley with his maternal grandparents. Jules seems a little too close to his mother and distant from his father, who wants Jules out of their Parisian house. It's to be a summer of transition, perhaps to a boarding school, and during these weeks in the country, Jules fishes with his grandfather; proves himself to the local youths, a group led by the bullying Red; takes on some tough guys; feels rejected by his mother; and, meets and pursues Evelyne, the village beauty. She's responsive, and Jules doesn't exactly know what to do next. Then, something happens that propels Jules into decisiveness and maturity.
First Assistant Director
In Madrid of the 20's, many women were hired as wet nurses for middle class families. Milk is paid very well, so women are turning to the honest services of Paco, glazier by trade, which completes his monthly salary getting pregnant the clients who pay for it.
Assistant Director
파리의 호화로운 아파트, 전화벨이 울린다. 엠마뉴엘(Emmanuelle : 실비아 크리스텔 분)이 화장대 위에 놓인 수화기를 집어들고 통화를 한다. 꽃무늬가 새겨진 가운을 걸치고 짧게 커트한 자그마한 머리가 소년의 모습을 연상케하는 엠마뉴엘은 자신의 모습이 찍힌 사진을 들여다보며 예정대로 오늘 떠나느냐는 친구의 전화에 그렇다고 대답한다. 비행기가 하늘을 날고 태국의 방콕에 도착한다. 마중나온 남편 쟝(Jean : 다니엘 샤키 분)은 19세인 엠마뉴엘보다 10년 이상의 연상인 외교관이다. 뜨거운 입맞춤으로 그녀를 반기는 남편과 함께 쾌적한 대저택에 이른 그녀는 타일랜드 하인들의 정중한 접대를 받으면서 이 새로운 세계에 대한 친밀감과 함께 막연한 기대감을 갖게 된다. 호화로운 풀장에는 외교관인 남편을 따라온 엠마뉴엘과 비슷한 신분의 여인들이 일광욕을 즐기고 있다. 그녀들은 서로 스스럼없이 자신들의 성경험에 대해 얘기하게 되고 아직 순수함을 간직하고 있는 엠마뉴엘은 그런 그녀들의 태도에 당혹감을 느낀다. 그들 가운데 엠마뉴엘은 아직 소녀티가 남아있는 마리(Marie-Ange : 크리스틴 보이슨 분)와 친해지고, 한 파티에서 방콕에 연구차 와있는 고고학자 비(Bee : 마리카 그린 분)를 만나게 된다. 비에게 반한 엠마뉴엘은 그녀와 함께 행복한 시간을 보내지만 오래지 않아 비로부터 절교를 당한다. 상심하던 엠마뉴엘은 남편의 소개로 상류사회 여인들의 선망의 대 상인 마리오를 만나 그의 독특한 성에 관한 철학을 전수받게 되고 이를 통해 서서히 본능에 눈떠가는 자신을 발견하게 된다.
Second Assistant Director
Jeanne lives in Paris and believes she is the reincarnation of Don Juan. She visits a priest and tells him she has killed a man. He comes to her elegant flat - her father has died leaving her rich - and she tells the priest stories about men she has seduced. The seduction is easy, she tells him, it's destruction that takes planning. We watch her with an upright elected official, a wealthy boor, and a folk singer. She describes herself as a spider. Her friend Léporella tries to be Jeanne's conscience. What does Jeanne want?