Marek Rozenbaum


The Giants of Easter Islands
Two love stories develop in a world that follows traditional norms: young Zaza loves Zehava, as they bond in a magical world. The beautiful and independent Madea is in love with the charming neighborhood thug. Watching over is the patriarch grandfather, fighting to bind everyone to the old rules.
Good Morning Son
The Death of Cinema and My Father Too
When Yoel hears about an imminent Iranian military attack on Tel Aviv, he knows what to do - escape with his family to a safe haven in Jerusalem. His son Assaf, who is a filmmaker and about to become a father himself, wants to give Yoel one last lead role in his movie by melting the fictional world into bittersweet reality.
The Death of Cinema and My Father Too
When Yoel hears about an imminent Iranian military attack on Tel Aviv, he knows what to do - escape with his family to a safe haven in Jerusalem. His son Assaf, who is a filmmaker and about to become a father himself, wants to give Yoel one last lead role in his movie by melting the fictional world into bittersweet reality.
Menachem, a former frontman for a rock band, is now religious, and a father to a six-year-old. When his daughter is diagnosed with cancer, he must find a creative solution to fund the expensive treatments. He reunites his band for one last tour. The journey to save his daughter exposes old wounds and allows him to reconnect with his secular past. Menachem understands that only a new connection to his past and to his music can pave the road to his own redemption.
Love Birds
Un hombre y una mujer se encuentran en una suite de hotel para pasar un día lleno de fantasía, celebran su décimo aniversario de boda y esta es su celebración habitual. Pero este año es diferente. A través de este día, los secretos, las mentiras, saldrán mientras ambos están viviendo su fantasía sexual.
Love Birds
Un hombre y una mujer se encuentran en una suite de hotel para pasar un día lleno de fantasía, celebran su décimo aniversario de boda y esta es su celebración habitual. Pero este año es diferente. A través de este día, los secretos, las mentiras, saldrán mientras ambos están viviendo su fantasía sexual.
More Alive Than Dead
Was Sigmund Freud a revolutionary genius who changed our thought and sought to release humanity from shackles of oppression, religion and hypocrisy? Or was he a greedy and devious charlatan who swindled theories from others? Was he the generator of the present sense of individuality or did he contaminate humanity’s moral values with selfcenteredness? With debate from world-renowned Freud experts and philosophers, and animation, humour, art and music, More Alive than Dead explores the multifaceted Freudian influence on our culture and society.
Our Father
Ovadia Rachmim is the strongest and most violent doorman of Tel Aviv night clubs. He and his wife Rachel are trying to get pregnant for 5 years. A small time gangster named Shalom, offers Ovadia a job, to be a debts collector, offering him a lot of money. Ovadia sees this as great opportunity to start an expensive private treatment for his wife. As soon as Rachel gets pregnant, he decides to stop working for Shalom. Shalom wants him for the most important mission. The mission in which Ovadia has to betray all his best friends. Now it's the time to pay the price of becoming a father.
God's Neighbors
Rules must be followed. For the "supervisors" of the Bat Yam neighbourhood in Israel, this means ensuring that women are dressed appropriately, that people respect Shabbat, or that Arabs from Jaffa don't enter the neighbourhood with music blaring from their cars. Avi, Kobi and Yaniv are young and know how to fight. They want to force their neighbours to become religious, without hesitating to be violent in the name of God. The inhabitants admire the gang and are afraid of them at the same time. One day a new girl, Miri, arrives. She is not familiar with the strict rules of modesty. The gang's leader Avi is going to be torn between his feelings for Miri and his dedication to the gang.
The Slut
Tamar, an attractive single mother, lives alone in a small village with her two daughters. Unsatisfied, she attempts to fill her many voids through meaningless sexual rendezvous.
Essential Killing
Line Producer
Un soldado afgano (Vincent Gallo) es hecho prisionero por las tropas norteamericanas, acusado de haber matado a tres soldados. Posteriormente es trasladado a un país del este de Europa, para ser interrogado. Pero durante el viaje consigue escapar, e inicia así una dramática carrera por su supervivencia en medio de la naturaleza. (FILMAFFINITY)
Vasermil tells the story of three teenagers who live in the same tough neighborhood, growing up in an unforgiving environment, pinning their hopes on football as a way out. Shlomi lives with his widowed mother, little sister, and step-father and works as a pizza delivery boy. Adiel, of Ethiopian descent, has to look after his young brother and sick mother. Dima, a new immigrant from Russia, has a father who is unemployed and a mother who works as a cleaning lady. The three teens are recruited by the coach of the local football team. Learning to work together as a team is the key to success in the tournament and success in the tournament means getting noticed by the scouts of the local football empire. In order to win the tournament they will have to play as a team, overcome their differences, get over their sense of inferiority and prejudice.
The Belly Dancer
Debbie, a young belly dancer, her dangerous yet charming lover, a criminal, and a dance club owner tell the story about love and crimes, friendship and betrayal.
Vete y vive
Le fonctionnaire israélien 2
En 1984, miles de africanos procedentes de 26 países afectados por el hambre terminan en campamentos en Sudán. En una iniciativa de Israel y los Estados Unidos, se realiza una misión para llevar a miles de Judios de Etiopía a Israel. Una madre cristiana obliga a su hijo de nueve años a declararse un Judio para salvarle de la hambruna y la muerte. El niño llega a la Tierra Santa, dice que es huérfano, y es adoptado por una familia francesa sefardí de Tel Aviv, aunque crece con el temor de que se descubra su doble secreto: ni es Judio ni es huérfano, sólo es negro. Descubrirá el amor, la cultura occidental, el judaísmo, pero también el racismo y la guerra en los territorios ocupados.
Vete y vive
En 1984, miles de africanos procedentes de 26 países afectados por el hambre terminan en campamentos en Sudán. En una iniciativa de Israel y los Estados Unidos, se realiza una misión para llevar a miles de Judios de Etiopía a Israel. Una madre cristiana obliga a su hijo de nueve años a declararse un Judio para salvarle de la hambruna y la muerte. El niño llega a la Tierra Santa, dice que es huérfano, y es adoptado por una familia francesa sefardí de Tel Aviv, aunque crece con el temor de que se descubra su doble secreto: ni es Judio ni es huérfano, sólo es negro. Descubrirá el amor, la cultura occidental, el judaísmo, pero también el racismo y la guerra en los territorios ocupados.
Michale is a thirty year old woman. She works with her father in a Tel Aviv accounting office providing services to important religious institutions. She divides her time between her child, her husband, her work and the man with whom she is having an affair. When Michale learns of the tragic death of her lover, her life is shattered.
Mi tesoro
Or ("luz" en hebreo) es una joven de diecisiete años que vive con su madre Ruthie en Tel Aviv. Esta última es prostituta, pero no parece tener interés en cambiar de vida ni en asumir la más mínima responsabilidad, por lo que, para sobrevivir, Or debe emplearse en una serie de trabajos de poca monta, recolectar botellas vacías, y asistir esporádicamente a la preparatoria...
To Take a Wife
En Israel, durante tres días previos al Shabbat. Viviane está a punto de abandonar a Eliahu, su marido. Sus hermanos en cambio le intentan convencer que su puesto está al lado de su esposo y sus hijos.
Late Marriage
Zaza is a 31-year old Israeli bachelor, handsome and intelligent, and his family wants to see him married. But tradition dictates that Zaza has to choose a young virgin. She must be beautiful and from a good family, preferably rich. Zaza's parents, Yasha and Lily drag Zaza to meet potential brides and their families. Zaza has no choice. He plays along with his family, advocates of the suffocating traditions of their Georgian Jewish heritage. But Zaza always manages to somehow get out of being engaged. What his parents don't know is that Zaza is already in love. Judith is sensuous, strong and intriguing. She's also a divorcée with a 6-year-old daughter. So Zaza has kept Judith a secret from his family. He will have to choose between respect of the strict confines of family and tradition, or the love of his life.
The Investigation Must Go On
An excessively ambitious police investigator pursues a tip that a singer with underworld ties is responsible for a recent robbery/homicide, becoming obsessed with the case and the suspect's wife.
The Investigation Must Go On
An excessively ambitious police investigator pursues a tip that a singer with underworld ties is responsible for a recent robbery/homicide, becoming obsessed with the case and the suspect's wife.
Dreams of Innocence
Little Benjamin and Margalit are raised in the boondocks of Israel by their long-suffering mother, but they have in them something of their father, who can't stay in a place with no prospect of riches and excitement.
Saint Clara
The year is 1999 and the storyline is actually a number of sub-plots all revolving around the 13-year old Clara, a girl that can predict the future and has telekinetic powers. The sub-plots include a boy in her class who has a crush on her, his family, her family and her principal that keeps talking French for some strange reason.
Two interconnected stories in the 1930s, one set in Berlin, the other in Palestine: Mania Vilbouchevich Shohat (1880-1961), called Tania, a Russian Jew and revolutionary, goes from Minsk to Palestine to live on a collective. She promotes feminism and laments a shift in the men from self-defense to aggression. Her friend, Else Lasker-Schuler (1869 - 1945), expressionist poet and German Jew, is in Berlin, writing, caring for her son, watching Hitler's movement take power. She goes to Jerusalem and imagines a park for Arab and Jew. Her poems, voiced from within, capture her experience. The film meditates on the violence at the root of Israel's birth: of the Nazis and of the Zionists.
Each Other
Taxi Driver
Anne, a Parisian, visits her friend Yola in Tel Aviv, where Yola lives with her husband Avi and their son. There's tension in the air and the attraction between the two women is palpable. Flash back five years to their meeting, on a train to Jerusalem. Yola invites Anne to stay at her hotel, and over the next five days, their friendship builds from talk about their lives to an explosive menage a trois when Avi joins them on fourth day. Back in the present, can Yola have both Avi and Anne, or are the women futilely chasing rainbows?
A fantasy about a daughter’s yearning for her mother’s warmth and comfort, which turns into a nightmare about harsh reality of a group of homeless quarry workers. Masha arrives at the quarry with a heavy heart, burdened by a secret she hasn’t told anyone about. She wants to speak with her mother, Vera, but she has struggles of her own. A young woman finds herself in a deafening masculine environment where no one's listening. A journey to save herself quickly blurs into a venture to save her own mother. Ants crawling on the walls of the house, childhood photos and Russian food, are the harsh reality of one woman, and a comforting memory for the other.
The Diaries of Yossef Nachmani
A look into the complex and contradictory personality of Yossef Nachmani, the man largely responsible for the first Zionist settlements in the Galilee. As director of the Jewish National Fund office in the Galilee, Nachmani acquired as much land from Arabs as possible to establish Jewish settlements upon it. The film focuses on events in Tiberius, Nachmani's hometown, a mixed community where Arabs and Jews coexisted harmoniously. Nachmani left behind a fascinating series of diaries that shed new light upon events in the Galilee during those years. Through these diaries, the film examines the critical early years of Zionism and the beginning of the Jewish-Arab conflict from his unique perspective. This provocative historical documentary is sure to become a significant document in the ongoing debate about the basic foundation myth of Israel.