Drew Briceford


Liam is nineteen, fresh out of high school, and enjoying a life of parties and pills. He lives with his grandmother. He keeps her at an arm’s length, and so, when she has a sudden stroke, he ignores her call, and doesn’t find out until he reads a text message sent from Wellington Hospital. He rushes to the hospital, in the middle of the night, drunk and hopped up on cheap stimulants. He is greeted by a closed door, and a nurse who tells him he has to wait to see his grandma. Thus, Liam spends a night and a morning in the hospital, contemplating his decisions, while befriending a young boy who is waiting for news of his mother. A social-realist drama, Boxes is a story about regret, relationships, and the widespread existence of small tragedies.
The Changeover
Laura Chant, de 16 años, vive con su madre y su hermano Jacko de cuatro años en un suburbio nuevo y pobre al lado de una iglesia parcialmente demolida, en Nueva Zelanda. Laura se ve inmersa en una batalla sobrenatural con un espíritu antiguo que ataca a Jacko y lentamente le quita la vida a medida que el espíritu se vuelve cada vez más joven. Laura descubre su verdadera identidad y la habilidad sobrenatural dentro de ella, y debe aprovecharla para salvar la vida de su hermano.