Liam is nineteen, fresh out of high school, and enjoying a life of parties and pills. He lives with his grandmother. He keeps her at an arm’s length, and so, when she has a sudden stroke, he ignores her call, and doesn’t find out until he reads a text message sent from Wellington Hospital. He rushes to the hospital, in the middle of the night, drunk and hopped up on cheap stimulants. He is greeted by a closed door, and a nurse who tells him he has to wait to see his grandma. Thus, Liam spends a night and a morning in the hospital, contemplating his decisions, while befriending a young boy who is waiting for news of his mother. A social-realist drama, Boxes is a story about regret, relationships, and the widespread existence of small tragedies.
위험을 감지하는 능력을 제외하곤 평범한 16세 소녀 ‘로라’. 전학생 ‘소렌슨’에게 끌리지만 어린 남동생 ‘잭코’를 돌보느라 마음의 여유가 없다. 언제부턴가 수상한 노인 ‘브라크’가 나타나 로라 남매의 주변을 맴돌고, 골동품으로 가득한 그의 컨테이너에 다녀온 후 잭코가 심하게 앓기 시작한다. 로라는 마녀 가문의 혈통으로 영능력을 지닌 소렌슨을 통해 아이들의 생명을 빼앗는 브라크의 정체를 알게 되고 동생을 구하기 위해, 자신의 목숨을 걸고 마녀가 되는 ‘체인지오버’를 결심하게 되는데…