Lediee is a character created by a brilliant programmer girl who lives in a metaverse where no language, race, age matters. Lediee, who visited the metaverse for a joint performance with her favourite Korean DJ Hyeon-soo, is in chaos by a program error.... In the end, the error has been replaced and finally, returned to reality. Unfortunately, she prepares to say goodbye to her father, who has been waiting for her.
Dragon Inn takes a case of a missing girl. She had no reason to run away from home, which makes the situation quite suspicious. While investigating her case, they find out that a pseudo religion is implicated. Trying to find more information of the girl, Seung-jin makes a mistake and their location and identities are exposed. Will they be able to defeat the cult and save the girl from them?
‘Dragon Inn’ looks like an ordinary Chinese restaurant but in fact, it’s a safe house of an organization that executes revenge for people who are in difficulties. The five members, Cheol-min, Ji-hye, Seung-jin, Yong-tae and the Boss are gathered for their own different reasons. One day, a murder case related to an infamous entrepreneur happens. Even worse, the victim turns out to be a friend of one of the members of Dragon Inn…
Seong-joon, the heir of Tae-baek martial arts, leaves his life of seclusion in search of Jin-su, a senior member of his discipline. On the way, he meets Bo-mi, the love of his life and realizes martial arts is useless to live, renouncing the ways of the martial arts. Instead, he opens an acupuncture clinic using the knowledge accumulated from his training.
Seis estudiantes de secundaria, que han terminado sus exámenes de ingreso a la universidad, descubren accidentalmente una casa encantada con rumores espeluznantes. Allí, los estudiantes comienzan a escuchar los susurros de la muerte y se desvanecen uno por uno, mientras el terror extremo e imparable los envuelve.