Laura Birn

Laura Birn

Nacimiento : 1981-04-25, Helsinki, Finland


Laura Eveliina Birn (born April 25, 1981) is a Finnish film actress. Birn was born in Helsinki, Finland. She is most famous for her appearances in the 2003 film Helmiä ja sikoja alongside Mikko Leppilampi and most notably in her role in the 2005 film Lupaus.


Laura Birn
Laura Birn
Laura Birn
Laura Birn


The Crow
Un año después de que él y su prometida fueran asesinados, un cuervo místico devuelve a Eric a la vida para que pueda clamar su venganza.
The Last Ones
Tundra de Laponia, Finlandia. Rupi, un joven que llena sus días trapicheando y bebiendo, trabaja en una mina esperando reunir suficiente dinero para escapar de la desolada aldea donde vive.
Any Day Now
Bahman, Mahtab, Ramin and Donya Mehdipour are enjoying a perfect summer in a small Finnish town. Their routines are fractured by a negative decision on their application for asylum by the Finnish Immigration Service. But life must go on and the 13-year-old Ramin is about to enter an entirely new school, junior high. The Mehdipours use their last chance to appeal but continue their everyday lives, fuelled by their exceptionally positive outlook and attitude.
En el verano de sus vidas, tres adolescentes finlandeses se debatiran entre Jesús y los primeros amores en el debut de la directora Ulla Heikkilä, que traza un sutil y revelador retrato de los caminos de la fe y la liberación sexual en la volatil etapa vital que es la adolescencia. Cada verano, los adolescentes finlandeses que practican el catolicismo se preparan para ir al campamento donde se confirmarán ante los ojos de Dios, y la iglesia. En este particular verano, conoceremos a cuatro de ellos, todos divididos entre su identidad religiosa, la independencia y el cosquilleo del primer amor.
Games People Play
Un grupo de viejos amigos se reúne en una villa de verano para celebrar una fiesta sorpresa de cumpleaños para Mitzi, quien es el punto focal dramático del grupo. El fin de semana comienza inquietantemente cuando Mitzi no responde bien a la fiesta sorpresa. Resulta que Mitzi acaba de solicitar el divorcio y ha estado esperando un fin de semana tranquilo. La tensa situación da un nuevo giro cuando la mejor amiga de Mitzi trae de visita a su nuevo novio, que resulta ser una estrella de cine sueca. Los entornos familiares y los viejos rituales llegan al núcleo del grupo y les hacen olvidar su edad adulta. Las revelaciones, que no pretenden dañar el equilibrio, les hacen reevaluar tanto su pasado como su presente.
Kill Anneli
Black drama-comedy about elementary school teacher Kaisa who has lost control of her life.
Helene Schjerfbeck
Año 1915. Helene Schjerfbeck vive como artista olvidada con su anciana madre en el campo. Han pasado años desde la última exhibición, y Helene continúa pintando solo por su pasión. Todo cambia cuando un marchante de arte encuentra a Helen y sus 159 maravillosas pinturas, y quiere organizar una gran exposición privada. Sin embargo, el punto de inflexión de Helen llega solo cuando le presentan a Einar Reuter. El joven Einar es un forestal, un entusiasta del arte y un apasionado admirador del trabajo de Helene. Se convierte en el amante y de confianza de Helen.
El cazador de pájaros
Noruega, 1942, durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Después de ser separada de su familia, Esther, una joven judía de Trondheim, llega a una granja aislada donde debe asumir una nueva identidad para sobrevivir a la persecución nazi.
Two Bodies on a Beach
A woman wakes up on a beach tied in a plastic press wearing only underwear and high heels. “Not again”, she sighs and decides to track down the enemy and strike back. She gets a companion from an older woman, who has been pushed to the borders of society. During their journey through classical cinematic landscapes these nameless women from different generations struggle to connect and understand each other’s perspectives while their passion for men and male attention gets in away.
Two Bodies on a Beach
Younger woman
A woman wakes up on a beach tied in a plastic press wearing only underwear and high heels. “Not again”, she sighs and decides to track down the enemy and strike back. She gets a companion from an older woman, who has been pushed to the borders of society. During their journey through classical cinematic landscapes these nameless women from different generations struggle to connect and understand each other’s perspectives while their passion for men and male attention gets in away.
Miguel “Bayoneta” Galíndez is a retired boxer from Tijuana who finds himself living in a cramped flat in Finland. As his future begins to look up, a desire for redemption draws him back into the ring.
Eero’s career as an author is spiraling down: he just can’t get started with his new novel. The ambitious actor Pihla is about to get her international break. Neither of them is willing to sacrifice their career even though their relationship is doing worse than ever. Void is a comedy-drama about the price of success and the agony of failure, and about situations where your partner just doesn’t get it.
Pihla Sucksdorff
Eero’s career as an author is spiraling down: he just can’t get started with his new novel. The ambitious actor Pihla is about to get her international break. Neither of them is willing to sacrifice their career even though their relationship is doing worse than ever. Void is a comedy-drama about the price of success and the agony of failure, and about situations where your partner just doesn’t get it.
East of Sweden
Three men meet on a night train on the border of Finland and Sweden. All three are concealing something, and a sudden confrontation amongst them leads to disastrous consequences, with two of them being forced to make a joint decision.
Set in the final weekend of the year 1995 Ice Hockey World Championships, 95 tells through overlapping stories why Finland became a ice hockey world champion and how it affected the whole nation.
Love and Fury
In 1980's Helsinki, a city about to burst with young energy and rebellion, two young writers determined to conquer the world fall madly in love. For Inka, the love affair puts everything in motion: she finds her own voice, publishes her first novel - and becomes a sensation. The intensity of their relationship has a different affect on Juhana, who starts to lose his grip on writing and, finally, life. At the height of the love affair Inka starts to suspect that their mad love might actually be real madness.
Alma de Sant Pere
Alma is a young ambitious woman working in her own small company in Barcelona. She is happy in life but constantly dreams of a bigger project that she could work on together with her friends. A project that would bring in their first million. The opportunity finally arises and they buy an old building with a plan to renovate it into luxury apartments. But how to get rid of old tenants without hurting their feelings and without losing your own morals? Furthermore, how to survive from a free fall when you lose all you have? Alma de Sant Pere is a film about dreams, friendships and human values.
En compañía de extraños
En Londres, Kate y Justin forman una exitosa pareja que esperan su primer hijo. Kate está llena de temores sobre su maternidad. Un día, otro matrimonio, Theresa y Jon, se mudan al apartamento de abajo. También esperan un bebé, pero a diferencia de Kate, Theresa lleva su maternidad con alegría. La diferente forma de ser de ambas parejas comenzará a tejer una red de sospechas y obsesiones.
Reina Cristina
Countess Erika Erksein
Coronada en 1633, a los seis años, la Reina Cristina de Suecia fue una joven dirigente, enigmática y brillante, que combatió a las fuerzas conservadoras para revolucionar Suecia al tiempo que experimentaba el amor y exploraba su incipiente sexualidad. Huérfana de padre, rechazada por su madre y criada en una corte luterana dominada por hombres que pensaban que no tenía otra opción que casarse para tener un heredero, Cristina se vio envuelta entre la pasión y la razón. Revolucionaria, estudiosa de las artes y las ciencias, amiga de Descartes, librepensadora, precursora del movimiento feminista. Cristina era al mismo tiempo confusa, inquieta, excéntrica, solitaria, y en la corte todos subestimaban tanto su mente brillante como el despertar de la atracción que sentía por la condesa Ebba Sparre. Dividida por el conflicto que le planteaban sus aspiraciones políticas y sus deseos personales, Cristina tomaría una de las decisiones más controvertidas de la historia.
Hertta Kuusinen (voice)
A documentary film about Martta Koskinen, the last executed woman in Finland during the war in 1943. Martta was a Seamstress who lived in Helsinki during the Second World War. She was one of the post-civil war (in 1918) generation for whom the war had meant a disappointment in the system and failure in unity of the Finnish nation. The legacy of the civil war had left systems of persecution in place for those with socialist ideals. Martta and her fellow revolutionaries were determined to continue the resistance movement although they knew that at worst it could cost their lives. Martta was imprisoned twice before she was shot. She was an idealist, whose seemingly harmless, naive beliefs in peace and justice were the most dangerous traits a person could have at the time.
Esimies lentoasemalla
Distraído por la vida, el Sr. Makkonen extraña por décadas su fiesta de compromiso. De la cuna a la tumba, la vida sigue interrumpiendo, no sólo a él, sino a una madre cansada, un superhéroe condenado y el resto de los compañeros en este mundo incontrolable. La mezcla de comedia y fantasía con historias oscuras…
Armi Alive
Armi Ratia es la mujer detrás de la empresa legendaria de diseño “Marimekko” y una celebridad en todo el mundo. Una compañía de teatro tiene la tarea de tratar de retratar la vida y obra de esta persona compleja. Armi es una empresaria de tomar riesgos, valiente y su pasión por su empresa toma en repetidas ocasiones su peaje en sus empleados, las finanzas y la familia. La empresa crece, mientras que la vida personal de Armi es sacudida por intentos de turbulencia y suicidio…
Henkesi Edestä (Absolution)
Lauri conduce a toda velocidad por una carretera rural oscura, ansiosos por llegar al hospital, pues su mujer Kiia se ha puesto de parto prematuro. Entonces su coche golpea con algo. Lauri va a echar un vistazo, y le dice a su esposa que no vio nada. Llegan al hospital, donde Kiia da a luz. Durante su estancia en el hospital, Kiia conoce a Hanna, una mujer cuyo marido, que se encuentra en estado de coma, ha sido víctima de un conductor que huyó. Kiia se hace amigo de Hanna y trata desesperadamente de ayudarla, sin revelar su papel en el accidente.
Caminando entre las tumbas
Leila Alvarez
Matt Scudder, un expolicía de Nueva York, trabaja como detective privado a pesar de que no tiene licencia. Cuando accede a regañadientes a ayudar a un traficante de heroína a cazar a los hombres que secuestraron y asesinaron brutalmente a su esposa, descubre que no es la primera vez que esos hombres han cometido este tipo de crímenes. Entonces decide recorrer las calles de Nueva York para detener a los asesinos antes de que vuelvan a matar.
Corazón de León
El líder de una banda de skinheads racistas encuentra que sus prejuicios y lealtades están enfrentados a su deseo de amor y conformar una familia, cuando se enamora de una camarera cuyo hijo es de ascendencia africana.
August Fools
Kaarina Suo
An comedy set in 1960s Helsinki. The story revolves around Elsa, a resolute hatmaker who is in complete control of her life. Besides running her shop, she sometimes doubles as a fortune teller. When Jan, a Czechoslovakian jazz musician and Elsa's old lover comes to town to perform at a "peace and friendship festival", her well-organised life is jolted out of balance.
Must Have Been Love
A Finnish-Norwegian love story with an unexpected shape and development. Shot in Oslo, Helsinki, Istanbul and Berlin. The film focuses on showing the actual moments that lead to getting to know one another, building a relationship and to breaking up. The film takes part in Kaisa’s attempt of getting involved with two different men that look almost exactly the same, questioning where the thin line is between someone potentially being the love of your life or not. Shooting the film with the approach of a workshop and closely involving the actors allows the film to take shape as a unique, unpredictable cinematic expression touching the basis and complexity of human behavior.
Aliide Truu (Young)
Puhdistus nos introduce en la historia de dos mujeres en dos épocas diferentes, unidas por situaciones de engaño, desesperación y miedo. Aliide ha experimentado los horrores de la era de Stalin y la deportación de los estonios a Siberia, pero tiene que hacer frente a su culpa de oportunismo e incluso homicidio. Una noche de 1992 se encuentra con una joven en el patio de su casa. Zara acaba de escapar de las garras de la mafia rusa que la mantuvo como esclava sexual. Aliide, más tarde, descubre que la chica está relacionada con ella y su pasado. Sobrevivientes ambas, Aliide y Zara se involucran en una aritmética compleja de sospecha y revelación. Poco a poco, va surgiendo un drama familiar trágico de rivalidad, lujuria y pérdidas que se desarrolló durante los peores años de la ocupación soviética a Estonia. (FILMAFFINITY)
Situada en un barrio del mismo nombre, "Vuosaari" es una realización hecha en distintos episodios sobre la Finlandia de hoy. Vuosaari es la última parada de la línea de metro, el principio y el final de un viaje. Historias entrelazadas sobre familias e individuos, niños y adultos (familias monoparentales, drogadicción, la influencia de la televisión y la copia de patrones televisivos en la cotidianidad juvenil). Todos necesitamos ser amados y tocados.
A Finnish TV movie.
Rally On!
This rollicking sports comedy from Finnish director Markku Polonen follows the exploits of Seppo 'Sladi' Pesonen, an ex-top-tiered race car driver now reduced to instructing students at a driving school. To relieve the monotony of this undesired career, Pesonen builds "Team Susan," a road rally team based at Pekkarinen's Garage in the Finnish countryside. Soon, Sladi's nephew Luumu arrives from Helsinki and learns of the team, his enthusiasm skyrockets and he hops on board with the assist of mechanic Suko. Yet the men encounter Machiavellian sabotage at the hands of the vile Torppo, the owner of the lot that contains Pekkarinen's Garage, who is determined to interfere with the plans of Team Susan.
Inner Trial
Noa is a young slacker who prefers to spend his days smoking weed. Together with his friends, he meets an old hippie, who is interested in rekindling his past passion of psychedelic trips and mind expansion.
8 Days to Premiere
8 Days to Premiere is a love story set in the world of theater. Romeo and Juliet is to be the season´s grand premiere. Noora, the female lead in the play, breaks her leg at the kickoff party, and Laura, an actress who due to her debilitating stage fright has ended up as the prompter for the play, gets a chance of a lifetime. There are 8 days to the premiere.
La leyenda de Santa Claus
Una historia navideña sobre la ilusión, generosidad y amistad que se ha convertido en la película más taquillera de la historia de Finlandia.
Rock'n Roll Never Dies
Mother at young
Finnish rocker movie
Mona Moisio
The film tells about members of Finnish women's Lotta Service during the Second World War through the eyes of three young women.
Pearls and Pigs
When their bootlegging father ends up in jail, four twenty-something brothers need money to pay his debts to local crooks. Next, their 9-year-old half-sister is dumped on their doorstep by her prostitute mother. A karaoke set helps reveal that the little girl is quite a singer, just as a talent contest for children is coming up on national television offering more than enough money to the winner.
Kaupan kassa
About photographer Inka and her loved ones on a journey to the fountains of love. Inka leaves her betrothed Jonah at the dinner table and leaves their shared home in a bang, not knowing why yet.
Timpan ystävä
Middle-aged Late is building a fence in his family home for a summer break, but he falls in love with his daughter's new friend, 16-year old flirtatious Saija.
Little Hearts
The Finnish short film is a tragic tale of a young boy who falls in love with a dangerous older girl.
Light Light Light
In the spring of 1986, the Chernobyl nuclear power plant explodes in the Soviet Union and a girl named Mimi arrives in a small village in the Tavastia region of the Southern Finland, filling 15-year-old Mariia's life with light for a moment. After twenty years, facing a dead end in her own life, a grown-up Mariia visits her childhood home and recalls the summer of her youth and the tragic autumn that followed. In a flood of memories, Mariia is forced to confront her past. Returning to the summer of her first love in the 80's, Mariia must let go of the guilt that swallows up all the light and forgive other people as well as herself.