Kevin M. Graves


Cuando, inexplicablemente, cierran una solitaria autopista, cinco estudiantes que comparten viaje hacia una fiesta en el desierto se encuentran atrapados en una cafetería recientemente abandonada. Negándose a que las nuevas circunstancias interfieran en su diversión, se preparan para pasar la noche; pero son interrumpidos por extrañas y fascinantes visiones de viajeros brutalmente mutilados. Esas horribles visiones quizás expliquen el abandono repentino del motel y del café, pero la aparición de un extraño hombre, cuya mujer ha desaparecido, confirma sus peores miedos. Él también ha visto a las personas moribundas: víctimas de un asesino, el que probablemente se ha llevado a su esposa; un asesino que arrastra una oscura fuerza de decadencia y putrefacción...
100 Visions
Assistant Editor
In 1995, 60 American theatre and TV students traveled to Russia - in a Fine Arts exchange with 40 Russian theatre and film students. Over thirty emotional days, they shattered stereotypes thru the very media that created them.
100 Visions
Camera Operator
In 1995, 60 American theatre and TV students traveled to Russia - in a Fine Arts exchange with 40 Russian theatre and film students. Over thirty emotional days, they shattered stereotypes thru the very media that created them.
100 Visions
In 1995, 60 American theatre and TV students traveled to Russia - in a Fine Arts exchange with 40 Russian theatre and film students. Over thirty emotional days, they shattered stereotypes thru the very media that created them.
100 Visions
In 1995, 60 American theatre and TV students traveled to Russia - in a Fine Arts exchange with 40 Russian theatre and film students. Over thirty emotional days, they shattered stereotypes thru the very media that created them.