Miloslav Holub
Nacimiento : 1915-02-27, Praha, Austria-Hungary [now Praha, Czech Republic]
Muerte : 1994-03-12
Uncle Rudolf
Sunday in September 1977, a celebration of the Miners Day. The old Hepnar is sitting at the cemetery and is recalling events from ten years ago. That time the representative of the ministry Barvír announced at the miners meeting that mining in the mines would decrease. He reasoned this decision by the fact the deposits of coal are almost used up. The boss of the mine and most of the miners protested. Barvír did not take their critical objections into account. He announced at the communist district meeting the closure of the business as the mine according to new economic principles did not prosper.
The teenage Jirka (J. Procházka) likes to spend time with his aunt (Š. Ranošová) in a secluded village. He does not feel comfortable at home. His mother (J. Vaňková) and stepfather Ivan (P. Pelzer) scrape together every penny to save up for an expensive kitchen set and a Persian carpet. His mother is not very fond of his aunt and does not like Jirka's visits. On her next visit, the aunt gives Jirka her husband's carpentry tools. Jirka meets Jakub (M. Holub), an old carpenter, who helps him repair an old kitchen sideboard. Jakub shows the boy how precious wood the sideboard is made of. The two become friends. However, their mother is about to throw the sideboard away
Jan Zika is the legendary hero of the communist resistance movement during World War II and leading functionary of the second underground Central Committee of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia.
Czech nobleman Petr Vok of Rozmberk (Milos Kopecký) is no longer so young, but his amatory adventures continue to arouse the envy of men and the indignation of respectable ladies. In his "female retinue" at the chateau in Bechyne he has twelve comely girls, but he still manages to seduce the miller's wife and the maid. Lord Vok is in great financial difficulties. His elder brother Vilém advises him to marry a rich woman. Petr surprises him by announcing his intention to marry the very young Katerina of Ludanice.
Un cometa pasa muy cerca de la tierra, arrastrando con él una pequeña parte del norte de África y llevándose a un montón de gente. Entre ellos, Angélica, que acaba de escapar del barco de un despiadado traficante de armas, y a sus dos hermanos, que la están buscando. Luego hay un grupo de nativos que planea una rebelión contra los colonos franceses. Todos estos conflictos se vuelven secundarios cuando la gente finalmente se da cuenta de que están condenados a vivir juntos en un planeta alienígena. Sin embargo, este tiempo de paz y felicidad mundial no durará mucho tiempo.... Adaptación de la novela "Hector Servadac", de Julio Verne.
Ludvik, miembro del partido comunista, vuelve a casa tras haber descubierto que varios de sus compañeros ya no están en su puesto. Una vez en casa descubre que está siendo escuchado por el partido y que un grupo de hombres le esperan fuera de su casa, por lo que teme ser el siguiente en ser "relegado" de sus funciones...
Door-keeper (voice)
A day in the life of Arnošt, a soldier staying in Josefov. A sense of desperation permeates the environment as well as the mind of the protagonist. It is sunday, and saturday left just a hangover. Days go by, nothing changes. A metaphor for the political situation in the Czech lands at a time where depicting a soldier as a drunk was considered out of place to say the least.
kapitán VB Malíček
Thieves Svarc and Cihák are interrupted in their robbery of a jeweler's store. In order to disappear as quickly as possible, they jump into the nearest car and leave, finding on the way that a little boy named Jirka, son of the car's owner, is with them. They take him to a cottage where Cihák's eighteen-year old daughter Milena attends to him. Jirka first treats Milena with hostility, but as days pass, the "prisoner" and the "guard" become close. Milena cooks for the boy and takes care of him, but nothing can intimidate the dauntless Jirka and he seeks for the first opportunity to escape.
Two young boys, play hooky from school in order to explore an ultramodern world's fair. They take in the many marvelous scientific and industrial exhibits, obtain literature, eat food, and generally run amok.
Inspirada en distintos cuentos de Julio Verne, la película combina actuación en vivo, animación, trucos escenográficos y efectos ópticos variados.
An anti-war black comedy set during the Thirty Years' War. The film combines live action with animation to suggest the artistic style of the engraver Matthäus Merian.
španělský generál, velitel nepřátelského vojska
El astronauta Toni aterriza en la Luna y tras desmayarse cae en una profunda ensoñación. En su particular alucinación, el viajero estelar se encuentra con míticos visitantes de la Luna como Cyrano de Bergerac, Nicholas, Barbican, Michael Ardan y el barón Münchhausen. Se toman unas copas y el barón, tomando a Toni por habitante lunar, decide llevarlo a la Tierra para que conozca cómo viven los seres humanos. Aterrizan en Constantinopla, donde Blanca, una princesa del harén, se fija en Toni, a quien le pide que la libere. El barón le ayuda entonces a raptarla mediante sutiles métodos como pasarse por la espada a medio ejército aprovechando un apagón. Entonces huyen a caballo y se embarcan en un velero que se ve inmerso en una emboscada de la inmensa armada turca. De nuevo, el ingenio del barón los saca del atolladero y huyen en botes, pero son tragados por una ballena en la cual recorren medio mundo...
Inz. Hurka
A young Czech boy is freed from a concentration camp and now is working for the army against the Germans.
A movie about Czechoslovak border guards trying to arrest the famous escapee called "King of the Sumava".
Dispatcher Bartoš
The bridegroom Jan Kaspar is an officer in the Klement Gottwald's Nová Hut rolling-mill. After bidding farewell to his freedom, he accidentally takes a sip from the bottle of tetrachlore which he stores at home. He disregards the dizziness, but the next day, he faints in the factory and has a brain concussion. During her regular tests, doctor Dudková is shocked by a high percentage of residual nitrogen found in Kaspar's blood. Doctor Bohácek, with whom Dudková consults, thinks that it is a liver disease and informs the head physician Filip. The doctors know nothing about tetrachlore and are in the dark about the case. Despite that, they immediately start to fight for Kaspar's life and their struggle consequently affects their personal lives.
Count Artigas
Un malvado millonario llamado Artigas planea utilizar un artefacto explosivo para doblegar a las naciones libres, operando desde un submarino pirata, donde mantiene como prisionero al inventor del explosivo. En uno de sus raids hunde un buque que llevaba a la bella Jana, la hija del profesor, la cual es rescatada y llevada al cuartel general de Artigas, bajo un enorme volcán. Este filme está basado en la novela 'Face au Drapeau', que Jules Verne escribió en 1896. Combinando collage, animación fotograma a fotograma, falsas perspectivas, decorados, miniaturas y sobreimpresiones, Zeman construyó planos de un barroquismo hipnótico que, en una película como Una invención diabólica, dotaron de vida los aguafuertes elaborados por Benette y Riou para los libros de Julio Verne editados por Pierre-Jules Hetzel.
Stage Director
The second part of the revolutionary Hussite trilogy takes place in the years 1419-1420.
La 1ª brigada blindada de carros checoslovaca, lucha junto a las fuerzas soviéticas, combatiendo cerca de la frontera checoslovaca, y participando en la batalla del paso de Dukla. La película representa la lucha por Eslovaquia y la exitosa liberación de Ostrava en el norte de Moravia. Representa la batalla para el puente de Miloše Sýkory en la ciudad de Ostrava, donde se ve el puente real.
agent Ervín Šimáček, Prokop's assistant
Based on a true story
Film shows the struggle of the Czechoslovak armed forces against groups of Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) under command Burlak, who tried to pass through the territory of Slovakia.
chief engineer Kotrna
Czech drama film.
The Trap (Czech: Past) is a 1950 Czech drama film directed by Martin Frič. It was entered into the 1951 Cannes Film Festival.
Cold War Spy FIlm
Czech film tells the story of a border town in World War II. Family members and friends become enemies.